The Akira Kurosawa inspired game that was a kinda failed attempt in the gameplay department.
The presentation is top notch but you can make a game interesting through it's visuals for so long because the gameplay is so boring that after the first 2 hours I was playing on autopilot repeating the same combo (stun enemy + execute to replenish any lost hp in the process if there was any) over and over again till the very end.
Masayuki Kato did an ok job as the VA of the main character but Akio Ōtsuka stole the show while portrating the villain and about the other VAs can't say anything just because I didn't find anything noteworthy about them.
The OST was the other thing besides the visuals that kept me interested in finishing the game.
There is a replayability element with the ""choices"" you make in the story and higher difficulties but will not even bother.
I guess I can recommend the game if you're a big Akira Kurosawa nerd but still think that Ghost of Tsushima with the Kurosawa mode enabled beats this game in gameplay, story and sometimes even in visuals.

The jazz album with gorilla violence that no one asked for but everybody needed.
My primate brain was instantly hooked by the music, art style and simple yet addicting gameplay.
Kinda reminds me of Hotline Miami but better.
This game is for you Harambe, now go commit some war crimes my sweet prince.

-chill game about capitalism and existentialism
- this reminded me that every game should have a kick feature
- big radioactive worm that looks like a lime is cute

-Edmund McMillen can't make a better platformer than this and you can't change my mind well maybe Edmund can but that's beside the point.
-Super Meat Boy but for real men.
-"The soundtrack doesn't have to be anything special, we just need a normal video game score".
-The game soundtrack: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Yes, I am a masochist. How did you know ?

-the binding of isaac spin-off that no one asked for
- I mean it's not bad but I prefer Bejeweled as a match by game and Bejeweled is fun to play compared to this
- hihi poop hihi pee hihi boogers hihi
- Bum-bo is a real king and we should appreciate him

-neat compilation of Edmund Mcmillen's early games
- most of them are interesting and the Q&A section is a nice touch to understand the ideas behind the games
- fuck the clicking game
- the Newgrounds logo when you start Meat Boy made me remember that I'm old

-best NFT generator
- the power fantasy of everyone that wants to kill somebody with his finger
- maybe I am the true villain
- some hints are completely .....
- simple and replayable game


-innovative game for its time but has one too many flaws
- Edmund Mcmillen was a good designer since his very first games
- gonna have a blast killing Gish in Binding of Isaac
- imagine 12 pounds of lard having a girlfriend and you being incapable of talking with girls

-the only one mad was me playing this game
- a big mediocre nothing burger: bland gameplay with bland world and bland story
- hihi Scrotus hihi
- how to entice players ? Pretty sure that restricting story progression with car upgrades isn't the right answer

-feel like puking after playing it
-never liked hexagons and at this point in life it's too late to change my opinion
- how to get epilepsy attacks 101


-journey but with a depressed human
- gorgeous art, atmospheric music but the gameplay is kinda eh
- almost the definition of "intellectual" gamer bait
- the statue is hotter than the girl

-something something ball spirit something something wizard
- romanian soy-based game
- the mix between normal and ball platforming is nice
- the golem boss fight shouldn't teleport in the middle of the stage

-the failed reboot that no one asked for
- I will never know the full story of this shit and I don't even mind
- unkillable prince/vagabond cant die even if he wants to because of one magical girl
- don't know why they even added combat in a collectathon platformer
- the girl was cute I guess

-imagine making an entire game just to insert a JoJo reference
- cute and short Zeldaesque indie
- the lore of the game reminds me of Adventure Time
- even vegetables don't want to pay them
- the credits song had no business being that good

-roll that shit up
- literally unplayable on keyboard
- kinda nice to "not kill people by rolling them in a star and send it to space" with happy japanese music in background
- a little repetitive if you play too many levels in a row
- neat interactive end credits