-the writing is top-notch but some puzzles are so nonsensical that it takes from the experience
- didn't know that I wanted devs commentaries in a game but I do now
- one of the best sequels and remakes out there
- monkey and waterfall of course that's a thing
- there was a single monkey on a single island, yeah title checks out

Played Max Payne 3 after playing the originals without taking any break between them and this one and all I can say is it wasn't a good idea.

First of all, when I've found out that Remedy weren't the developers for this entry I wasn't too thrilled about it but I thought that it's early 2010s Rockstar so how bad can it be?

Well I'll start with the positives I guess. The gameplay is good, pretty fluid most of the time. The quality of life improvements like the auto heal if you die when you have some painkillers to spare or the cover mechanic (even though it's weird in a Max Payne game to have it) were nice additions overall. The graphics look great for 2012 and even today they hold pretty ok but besides Max and a few other characters, everything looks meh. The story was fine, not good not bad, it's just there. It tried to do a twist but it was too predictable.

Now for the negatives. Why is the game full of seizure-inducing visual effects all the fucking time? Starting from cutscenes to each time you take painkillers. I mean I understand the reason but if you do it too much it's shitty. The gameplay sections are stopped too much by cutscenes or points where a cutscene is supposed to be triggered and Max moves at a snail's pace till you reach the said point. Even though the gameplay received an improvement overall, they took the ability to hold more than 3 weapons for a reason (4 if you count the dual wielding as an additional weapon). And the "heavy weapon" needs to be dropped each time you want to dual wield pistols, why ? I mean this is not really a negative but a nitpick of mine but if you look closely at Max without beard, he looks too similar to Michael from Gta V. I won't even bother to complain about the Rockstar Game Launcher/Social Club.
The game felt like a 7 hours long B tier action movie with Bruce Willis.

Max Payne 3 is really just a modern Rockstar game with a Max Payne skin slapped on it and it doesn't really bother to live up to the legacy of its predecessors.

-imagine being so horny that you forget about your dead family and commit another killing spree
- the melodramatic slow motion reload pirouette was the best new feature
- the bad ending is perfect for Max the edgelord Payne

> Be Max Payne
> Find wife and child dead
> Start committing genocide with the biggest smile in your life for the whole game
> having a nostalgia boner is soooo good
> bullet time exists .... anyway I started blasting


-Ip Man and Oldboy had a baby and this is the result.
- beating the crap out of people with a hot chick that till the end of the game becomes a granny is so satisfying
- snappy gameplay, perfect difficulty but the camera is sometimes kinda shitty
- fuck the club level