there is not a single person who played the original assassin creeds and played this with any amount of satisfaction

what if we took out all of the fun killing parts and made a monotonous combat system

would love for curtis to play this

i am SO awful at this game but it CONSUMES all of your attention as soon as you open it

will come back to this when i remember to

they made the characters so ugly looking after the update lol

also unplayable if you live in a shit city but im still level 30 somehow

this doesn't satisfy my itches exactly but the graphics are so well done

framerate lock, terrible audio dialogue options (why is the mumble mode so awful), and just ruined what made lego games lego for me.

story is actually much better done compared to the original

this game was fun but the community is lowkey awful

fun but need to play it with friends. it struggles a lot otherwise

the intro and dialogue is so fucking miserably long but the competitive scene FLOURISHED from this game so whatever

they took the mechanics of CS and they made them stupider, let's not even get into the GIMP gradient graphics they used for the flashbangs. who the fuck greenlighted those

relying on your friends to burst your bubble..............................