if you haven't played this game submit yourself to a psych ward

new updates made this game a lot better but still im not a rogue-like guy so will never be perfect

i am generationally ass at this game but one time i did beat my melee inclined friend with a Pichu in a hotel room although he will pretend this never happened

i beat the first area and then was immediately confused about what i was supposed to do next

and people think funky + flamerunner is overpowered lol

okay, yes, i did only buy this to homebrew my 3DS. But its still worth playing. not as great as the original, but thats purely because of nostalgia

super duper good Mario-esque clone.

fixes the issues of every COD game before it. This is the only COD game I had ever achieved 300 kills in a game lol

"good multiplayer" if you enjoy grenade launchers and dual wield shotguns up your ass around every corner then yes its the best multiplayer

emerald copy and paste but for Kanto. Was still fun, but nothing revolutionary after playing Emerald.

this is a 4 star on a normal console but i was relegated to playing this on the Wii

SLOW but the story is phenomenal and this is the generation that got me into competitive.

I can't believe they tried to make a competitive scene out of a video game that literally had the most egregious aim assist of all time

If I pretend that Nintendo added storage on purpose this is a 5 star game but we all know they meant for the game to be as tedious as possible

i beat it and then had to refund it because i couldn't stand the game lecturing me on some pseudo intellectual shit