I have fond memories of my cousin speedrunning this in front of me when I was like 6

quite frequently explodes on PC and the saving mechanic is really just out of the way for no reason other than to inconvenience you

removed fire hopping because skill gaps are bad i guess

playing this game with my friend became more of a "who can do a more offensive british accent" challenge rather than some puzzle game

every day there was a new update, which means every day i had to log on to recomplete my 100% status. games that add achievements post release stink me up so taking off some points for that

was fun. will come back to it at some point.

maybe ill come back to it. too much dialogue, and bosses weren't really that difficult.

i would literally never play this by myself, but with other people to play with it does become a 4 star game.

how'd they make this and then with a billion dollars in resourcing make breath of the wild

pretty good. the first game where i don't mind the streamlined EVs and IVs. graphics are stinky but the game was done so well that it didn't even really matter to me. i hope while they continue to make games like this in the future, that they still keep making games with competitive IV and EV systems

comedic timing unlike any other

so stupidly fun. even on my 4080 it runs like piss, and getting the game to look nice is difficult so -1 star

still an elite game that somehow incorporated motion controls well

this game is only difficult because these assholes plotted out the most confusing overworld of literally all time. bosses while baby mode are still some of the coolest in the series