got me into PC gaming in the first place

horny game but the song at the end was pretty cool

driving and shooting in this game is borderline miserable

the most out of control you will ever feel playing a competitive game maybe ever

good. endgame leveling gets a bit rough and is difficult for new comers

I have about 1000 hours in this game, so really it should be a higher rating, but watching the game leads continuously shit on the PC community for the entire lifespan of the game was fucking miserable

didn't play the multiplayer, so take the review with a grain of salt but singleplayer is W + shift + left click

there's literally like 32 bosses in this, almost all of them you could beat blindfolded and then 3 of them are like sitting your bare ass on a cutting board of freshly mashed jalapenos

i only played the multiplayer, would never touch singleplayer games like this where combat is press one button and some guy yaps in your face for 30 hours

anime girl zombies with hitler witch and terry crews old spice tank mods

7 year olds suck at video games

fond memories of playing this in my grandmother's spare bedroom, literally dying to W2 over and over again cause I was tragically awful

inherently frustrating mechanics as a child, but coming back as an adult, the game is super intriguing and fun

got 150 hours in this, so it did consume a lot of my time. but once you get everything, its either you put it down or study design and city planning, and I am not going to do that

I have fond memories of my cousin speedrunning this in front of me when I was like 6