Extremely good. One of those games where I play the first hour and think "this is alright I guess". But I'm drawn back and then after a 3 hour straight play session I go to bed wanting nothing more than to go back to that spider ball spot in the Magmoor caverns that I forgot to check before switching the game off. Amazed at how well the Metroid formula transfers to first person. Am now excited for Prime 4.

One criticism: when you're designing a game where you rely on the map so heavily, let me see EXACTLY where elevators take me. "Tallon Overworld East" - cool, how about when I push A on the elevator symbol on the map, you just show me the room I'm about to go to - is that okay? No? Okay I'll just go fuck myself then

I thought I preferred the remake over the original but it now feels like whichever one that I've played more recently is going to be my favourite. This playthrough reeducated me on why this is in my top 5

Lost myself in this game for a solid week or two. Horrendously engrossing and just gorgeous to look at. Terrifying at times, but gorgeous nonetheless. Going to take a good long break before diving into Below Zero at some point.

What a pleasant surprise this game was. I had less than zero desire to play it but borrowed it from my brother when he was done just to see what the craic was. And the craic was good! This is a very good game! It does get extremely repetitive but like... it's still super good! The story is surprisingly charming, the world is neat, and fuck what the internet says I actually really like the art style and don't have a problem with the stylised trees. Pokemon Company can you just.... can you just make a 100% good pokemon game please? You're so close. I'll settle for 95%, take it or leave it.

I really wish more people had played this game, it's just a delight. I will say that I kind of had to force myself through for the first few hours, felt a bit of a pull for the next few hours and then BAM! Absolutely hooked and couldn't put it down. That early grind might put some people off but I hope you can find the pure enjoyment like I did

Took me something like 10 hours to beat Farewell on my first attempt. Stoked I did it though.

A rare game that's just as fun to play as it is to watch people online master the mechanics and make a fool out of the game. What's not as fun is thinking you can do what they're doing and getting shut down within the first 5 seconds of attempting it.

Unquestionably the best party game ever made. The only issue is the impossible task of getting 3-5 friends together who want to sit and play TowerFall in the same place at the same time. God dammit I'm old

Came for the sp00ky looking elements, stayed for the genuinely engaging story. But the spooky elements really do the heavy lifting. The vibes put out by this game are just immaculate. And you know it's a good one when you finish and immediately start another run to get the best ending

Extremely interesting game! I really enjoyed my time with it but I made 1 playthrough with each character and left it there. I don't really feel the draw to go back and engage with the Roguelike elements of the story to be honest. But I appreciate that they're there and I'm sure others have reeeeeally got their value out of this one.

This game is excellent, I just wish I had connected to it more. Maybe I was trying to compare it to Slay The Spire too much which isn't fair, really. But as it stands it'll remain in the "wish I liked more than I do" bin

Speaking of games I've played a lot of, this bad boy has been a mainstay on my phone with a DS Emulator for like... 5 years now? Whenever I'm bored: bam, quick play. Whenever I'm going to be bored for a weekend: sure, why not play the whole campaign again. I shudder to think of the amount of time I've spent playing this.

I adore this game. I bought the remaster the day it came out in the hopes that my single purchase would inspire a sequel. I'm still holding onto that hope, never say die.

No jokes, this might be the game I've spent the most time playing in my whole life.

I lived with the same group of 3 guys for 2 years while we were finishing our degrees. And pretty much every night for those 2 years the phrase "Beach Buggy???" would pop up and we'd race to see who'd move up our made up rankings.

Amazing memories, miss you Joseph, Sam, and Jip.

Is this game a somewhat-objectively inferior Mario Kart clone? Yeah, absolutely. But have I put hundreds, maybe thousands of hours into Mario Kart? Actually I probably did when I got hooked on Mario Kart Wii online. But that's not the point, this is the best game ever made and you'll never convince me otherwise, thank you for reading

A really really really cool core concept which had me hooked for a while. It desperately needed some more enemy types though. I kept playing expecting a big new boss fight or something but it never happened and then the story ended with a wet thud.

I REALLY think this game is worth playing but I just wish it had stuck the landing better

Still amazing. Also the first time I've been able to do more than 5 damage at a time to the last boss, that's neat. To anyone reading: elemental affinity matters way more than type affinity, heard it here first

First hour: I don't really get this, the setting is cool though I guess.

Next 3-4 hours: oh I'm done and it has been an entire day, woops.

When it gets it's hooks in ya, it really gets it's hooks in ya, y'know?