This game is a busted hot mess. I love it so much

I'm honestly not 100% sure how much fun this game actually is to play but 1.5 years on and I still play it every single day so.........

An all-timer. Improved on every single part of Borderlands 1 and effectively made it redundant. A pity the series ended here. RIGHT?

Relationship Simulator 2k12 goes brrr

No jokes though, this is my all time favourite Fire Emblem game and almost certainly my favourite 3DS game

Enjoyed this and might still play a few rounds moving forward. But I'm a little sad with the amount of unlocks - I really thought I was going to keep getting more cards forever but they ran out pretty quickly. As is though, fun and easy pick-up-put-down phone distractor

This is sadly going to go down as another puzzle game I just don't have the knack for. I don't find it fun getting frustrated and needing to watch a YouTube video to finish the level and move on just to get stuck and repeat the process. I honestly just can't seem to work out the solutions on my own. Very sad that this isn't for me but don't let that put you off, the game is very charming

I'm probably in the vast minority of people who connected to this game more than Baldur's Gate. It's basically a boss rush: you go from set piece to set piece and then the game ends. And I kind of love it?

I played this when I was very young and couldn't see it past Nashkel but loved it all the same. I was determined this time to finish the game but... ah I got to Baldur's Gate and can't find the inspiration to continue. Which is fine, I've gotten a lot out of this game and who knows: maybe next year I'll start again and actually finish it

I definitely got my money's worth from this game but it is noticeably less compelling than Fallout 3. Can I chalk it all down to the simplification of level-up mechanics and dialogue options? Or is there something deeper that's missing that I'm too inarticulate to find? I guess we'll never know

I have extremely fond memories of this game. 10 years ago I might've given it 5 stars. But man, I just can't seem to go back to this game - I should've let it rest and kept the fond memories but I spoiled it a bit for myself. I'm sure I could still wring fun out if I forced myself to but it hasn't aged as well as Bethesda counterparts like Morrowind or Oblivion (I might be alone in still enjoying Oblivion to be fair)

I was pretty disappointed with this if I'm honest and it probably would've got a lower rating if I didn't get it for free on PS Plus. It's... fine. The biggest issue might be that it was overhyped to me, combined with my deep deep love for Ratchet Gladiator which is just a very different type of Ratchet game to this one. It wasn't quite what I wanted it to be. Don't let my review put you off, it was probably the wrong game at the wrong time for me but I wouldn't be spending money on it. This game is the only reason I still haven't bought A Rift Apart despite its stellar reviews

I spent a looooooooooot of time on this badboy when I got a DS. Pretty sure it's the reason my touch screen ended up borderline unusable tbh. Loved the comedy - some of the games in the toy box that you unlock are amazing. I genuinely spent more time on table tennis than some of the actual minigame playlists. And grandma had me laughing out loud when I first unlocked her. Good memories

A great game that actually makes me quite sad - if I had played this 8ish years ago when I was still in uni I absolutely would have devoured every piece of this game like I did to Gungeon or Isaac. As is though, I finished NG, dabbled in NG+1 and I think I'm done. Still a wonderful game and great experience but I'll always be mildly disappointed that I no longer have the bandwidth to put 300+ hours into a roguelite

Still the greatest soundtrack in video game history. I'll never get Chemical Plant Zone out of my head

I played it, I had fun, I put it away, I never thought about it again (until now). A perfectly fine game