I think I missed something because my criticisms and praises seem to be opposite to general population. I hated the owl telling me where to go - shutup, I just got a new item, I can work it out. I loved the item quest. I thought the dungeons, puzzles and bosses were......... fine? They really didn't stick with me. Which is a shame because I'm a slut for a good 2D Zelda but this one just didn't quite hit

I think I'd still call this my favourite indie game of all time. Something about the combination of Darren Korb's soundtrack and Logan Cunningham's voice acting with the deceptively simple gameplay really spoke to me and continues to do so (though I'll acknowledge my rose tinted nostalgia glasses).

I can see how people now don't connect to this as much with the absolute bangers that Supergiant have gone on to release since but this is still the one for me

Still installed on my phone and I'm unsure I'll ever uninstall it. Jeez, what a way to completely lose yourself for half an hour. Simple and addictive and just a delight to see an epileptic nightmare of a screen with thousands of enemies exploding every second.

Really blown away by how inventive this game is. Ridiculously simple premise, ridiculously addictive hook. Don't know if I'll go back but I don't think I need to, I still think about how much fun I had with this game occasionally

Slay the Spire would be 5 stars if I wasn't so damn bad at it. I managed to beat the Heart and that's me done. I dipped into Ascensions and like... so I watch streamers play and they go "take this, this, this, okay now get this and my build is done" and they win EVERY TIME. And I try to learn from them but I just... my stupid dumb brain can't get any further.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that this is a near perfect game and everyone should give it a go


What more can be said really? Will I someday attempt a 32 heat run? Watch this space

I thought this game was fine until I got to the end and it absolutely blew me away. Well worth playing, one of the better mobile games out there

Love love love the Netflix port of this game. Got proper hooked for a good wee while and can see myself returning in future.

The tactics are magnificent and every time you lose, it feels like it was your own fault. And it always is.

I don't think this game would have the staying power it has if there weren't so many team options to play with - they're all so interesting and (mostly) equally fun to play as. Shoutout to the one with the giant laser though, all-time MVP

My first roguelike, my goodness what a baby I was. Yeah, I quite like this. I connected a lot more to Gungeon but that doesn't erase the 200 hours I put into this game when I was meant to be studying at law school. Thanks for all the bad grades Isaac

I still enjoy going back to this one. Something about the progression and range of excellent weapons really speaks to me. I should really play the first one though huh?

I really didn't connect with this. Nearly dropped it to 2 stars because the final string of bosses is fucking BRUTAL until all of a sudden you get it and beat them in 5 seconds. But not in a fun Dark Souls way. Could I have watched a guide? Sure. Is it a skill issue? Absolutely. But anyway the game is fine but quite esoteric at times and this is coming from someone who has finished Metroid 2. Thankfully Metroid Prime so far is meeting expectations, onwards and upwards. Please let Super Metroid live up to the hype

Into The Aether boys - I'll never forgive you for highlighting this game, it really has taken away my life. 11 seasons through now so I'm comfortable reviewing it. I can see myself exhausting this soon but man, what a time. I could also just end up playing it for the rest of my life which would be chill.

*edit: just finished season 21 and still going

Oh man, I really didn't have fun playing this. Do I need to give it more time? Do I need to play it with a friend? Based on positive reviews I must be missing something right? I'm a massive Scott Pilgrim fan, this can't be right

Hot take: my all time favourite Zelda game and knocking on the door of my top 5. I love the art style, I love the exploration, I love the items and progression. It can be a little esoteric in some moments but this really is my comfort game and I refuse to take off my rose tinted glasses

I have extremely fond memories of Heavy Rain but it's firmly in the 'keep your fond memories and never play it again' category.

Shoutout to the time I was doing the challenge where you need to chop off a finger and some friends came round. Mum made me do a chore and when I came back they were actively trying to get my dude killed and I raged hard. Good times