Reviews from

in the past

a pretty average SF2 clone that's entirely saved by the tomboy karate girl who has a 33% health somersault pile driver command grab

This a fighting game alright

The children are left in shambles as they learn Karnov, The One True Character, is not playable in this.

Knock off version of Street Figthter II. I've just finished this game using Ryoko in less than 40 minutes. A rehash but fun after all.

Fun SF2 Ripoff where (almost) everyone's a shoto.

Masatorius is a fucking asshole

I barely know anything about Street Fighter and within seconds I could tell this was a whole ripoff of it.

Nice Try, Data East. But I not that stupid. Unless I'm wrong but I don't think so...

Game kinda fun tho, so I'm interested in trying out the older Street Fighter games.

I like this game a lot. The hits feel meaty and satisfying as per usual in an old fighter. Despite not knowing most of the moves (no training mode or move list in game) I still have a lot of fun playing this with my wife

We have Street Fighter II at home.

Jokes aside it's not bad, a little easy but controls feel good. You think you've seen everything this game has and then you fight the knife clown so there's that incredibly redeeming factor.

"Capitalism breeds innovation" is such a damning lie that it has effectively become a meme in the early 2020s, but it remains true in the past as well. Despite what any pro capitalist will tell you, companies want to make money fast and cheap because business school's don't know how to teach about investment because not caring is just easier to understand. So when Street Fighter II rose to popularity, many companies scrambled to get their pathetic clone out of the same game so they could also make "bank". Fighter's History is literally just a cheap knock off to capitalize on the fighting genre's growing player based in the mid '90s.

Understand that not everything about this game is just a generic Coca-Cola brand knock off, but that personality is few and far in between of what basically amounts to 90% water downed design. There is something to absolutely be said about the various backgrounds that you get to look at, and see just how dynamic there are. As well, a few of the boss characters feel entirely original, and honestly a bit out there. Kefka was not the first clown to bring a knife into the gaming world, but he certainly did it better. Even the story endings feel a little bit different from their Street Fighter II shadows, so there is legitimately some love put into this game to help differ it from it's predecessor.

Sadly tho, the truth of the matter is Fighter's History was and always will be a knock off made on the cheap to sell and capitalize on the growing fighting game community. A lot of the characters feel initially made to look like Street Fighter II's characters so that various grandmas and parents would buy it for their kids birthdays. Add on the fact that Fighter's History just feels playable combat wise is perhaps the worst part about it. There isn't anything intuitive or fun with the combat as a lot of the moves simply aren't balanced along with a lot of the characters. So largely a lot of the fighting comes down to picking your favorite move and spamming it enough to win any given match. Combine that with a lackluster soundtrack that feels like a parody of Street Fighter II's makes for a rather mediocre time if you know any better.

A broke street fighter but it's still not a bad game by any means. I like how the reviews don't mention why the game is bad and that's cause it isn't. The roster is bland and the game has no identity but it plays fine and can be fun if not taken seriously as it is a kusoge game.

The most notorious Street Fighter II clone, mainly due to being the game Capcom decided was close enough for a lawsuit. This game's innovation is its weak point system; hit a guy in a certain spot multiple times, and they lose an accessory with a boing sound and a guaranteed dizzy. Other than that, it's basically Street Fighter II with a cast that just isn't as iconic outside of the final boss being none other than the fire-breathing, inflatable Data East mascot known as Karnov.

Out of all the fighting games on Nintendo Switch Online, this is the best one outside of the Japan-only Joy Mech Fight. This is more telling of the quality of NSO's fighting game selection, as its only competition is the also okay Tuff E Nuff and the utterly abysmal Doomsday Warrior. The sequel on the Neo Geo, Fighter's History Dynamite/Karnov's Revenge, makes a lot of improvements on this game.

Another fighting game that is just bland to me. Typical terrible SNES fighter that no one remembers at all.

Mizoguchi, the main character of the game, have some really interesting named special inputs that add a lot to his character. Moves like Hakkaku Souhiken (air mantis slash), Chou Yama Arashi (super mountain storm) and Ashi Nage (underground throw), give us a further insight about his humble personality and intense training.

With that said, his super is called Tiger Bazooka.

I think there might be a game from around the same time that this was inspired by but I can't quite put my finger on it, the inspiration must be really subtle

So I said I wasn’t gonna write reviews for a bit but this one ain’t gonna be nothing big.

I already don’t like fighting games but this one takes the cake for just completely riffing from Street Fighter completely down to the UI and the literal Chun-Li design ripoff. It is hilarious how dull this game is to play, as most of the characters don’t pop out and the ones with interesting designs like Clown or Zarlov are unplayable.

I played as Jean for this and all I have to say is that the French Revolution was kind of based.

Esse é um clone de SF2 tão mas tão clone que a Data East chegou a ser processada pela Capcom por plágio, mas conseguiu se sair bem na justiça para não ser efetivado o processo.

O que a gente tem aqui? Para todos os fins, é a formula básica de SF2, com os personagens caricatos, 6 botões, movimentos especiais, etc. Porém, o jogo tem um gameplay incrivelmente fluido e tranquilo, sem ser tão janky assim, tendo um lado responsivo muito bom.

Os personagens são meio sem graça, exceto um e outro (o Mizoguichi é inegavelmente muito fera). Os gráficos são bem OK, considerando que é um jogo já de 1993 para 1994 mas tem um feeling geral de algo tipo começo dos anos 90 mesmo, e não metade. Cenários também na média, trilha sonora bem legalzinha... é isso.

Um joguinho de luta mediano pra bom, que dá pra tirar uns contras, mas não é realmente nada de mais.

SF2 clone alright. Not nearly as funny.

i legitimately cannot believe how well this game plays, even in comparison to the other releases in the series (that i've played). ray is my boy. fighter's history may have single handedly convinced me that snes fighters are worth my time, and not just inferior ports of arcade titles.

This game is the definition of "We have Street Fighter 2 at home"

Solid Fighting Game but nothing special either. I like Makoto's Command Grab where she slides to the guys leg to throw him. I always yell "LET ME SWOOCE RIGHT IN" when I do it like in that one Scooby Doo YTP

Edit I meant: Ryoko

The low-rent Street Fighter 2. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! I like it. Fuck off <3

if u ignore the homophobia in clown's backstory the game's pretty good

Mastarius is more overpowered than the pirate from brawlhalla

like, a really fun kusoge, but still a kusoge

I want to start this out by saying, I enjoyed my time with this game lol. For an SNES-era fighter, it holds up pretty well visually and mechanically, it's a fair and balanced experience! So what's the problem? Well the single player mode is entirely too easy in my opinion and the game, while fairly good, did as much as it good to make itself try to look like Street Fighter, which makes it hard for it to stand on its own and forces comparison. And compared to the Street Fighters of this game's time... It doesn't hold up quite so well in that perspective.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 3: Data East Collection 1

For as blatant of a Street Fighter II copy and paste as it is, its a perfectly serviceable enough fighting game without any real negatives to it... But its also not really got anything going for it either, the designs are all on the bland side, the stages are 'fine' and everything plays 'ok. Its very much the definition of McDonalds at home.

Tried out the NSO port. Lost to Matlok. Thought of Abe Simpson.