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in the past

after 6 long years in between titles, and arguably now eclipsed by its less serious sibling, forza motorsport feels like more of a step backwards than forwards.

while the physics are now better than ever, especially on wheel, and the revamped multiplayer offers great fun for those seeking a sim-lite experience, the game is riddled with bugs, glitches and issues that bring down the experience a lot.

the graphics and visuals constantly jump from drop dead gorgeous to PS3 era racing game, the paint of some cars has been messed up completely, the game will softlock because it didnt load audio cues, sometimes the entire track will disappear from existence, the track and car list has been shrunken down, some car models will be incredibly inaccurate because they're ported from the Xbox 360, and most importantly, quality of life changes seen in the past horizon games and even the tail end of forza 7's life cycle are not there at launch.

OH and i forgot to mention the new car upgrading system. why would you artificially span the game by making people grind through every single car just to be able to apply the most basic upgrades? at least remove the limits for duplicates or manufacturers. i can't believe they actually thought this was a good decision.

would not recommend paying $70 for this at the moment, try it out on game pass until some of these issues are patched in a few months time.

ai is kinda weird once you passed them they never catch up to you,there's always a gap between first place ai racer and between others. also put your own music

Ok, vamos la...

O jogo que prometia ser um divisor de águas para a franquia, o melhor jogo de corrida e mais realista graficamente ja feito, tudo isso não passou de promessas, pois a versão de PC é porca apenas, esse jogo tem 1000 problemas em sua versão pra pc e mesmo tendo se passado meses desde o lançamento, essa versão ainda continua horrivel, e pensar que na época eu paguei o gamepass pra jogar isso.

Sendo franco, quando eu vi o marketing para esse jogo falar que tudo tinha sido feito do zero, eu fiquei instantaneamente preocupado.
Depois de jogar eu posso dizer que tal como Halo Infinite esse jogo tinha muita coisa para dar certo. Mas mais uma vez a Microsoft e suas tácticas de empregar seus prestadores de serviço por turnos de 18 meses cobra caro.
Sem eventos de Drift? Sem eventos de Drag?
Uma quantidade incontável de features estão ausentes, quebradas, ou sem melhoria. Mesmo aquelas trazidas de jogos recentes como Horizon 4 e 5 ou de FM7.
A maioria dos carros são copiados de Forza Horizon 5, e mesmo assim podem ser encontrados erros na iluminação tanto interna quanto externa dos carros, e não me deixe comentar sobre o som dos veículos, vídeos na internet cobrem melhor do que um texto essa parte.
FM2023 falha como uma continuação de FM7, e falha em honrar seus excelentes antecessores FM3 e 4.
Eu não consigo recomendar esse jogo a uma alma viva. E a Microsoft tem sorte que FM3, 4 e 6 não estão á venda por quê não haveria motivo para comprar esse péssimo jogo se esses títulos ainda estivessem a venda.

Maybe in the future this game becomes playable, but for now... holy crap, worst forza game i ever played in a long time, looks so much poor and worst when i compare this game with FM7, the only good thing in this game for now is the sound work they made in the cars, on PC, this game looks like crap, is to heavy for a circuit game, to much frame drops, what a trash optimization they done in this game

disappointing, and it's sad to tell that

The “Horzion” series has been pulling in front of “MotorSport” for a while now, yet this is the moment when I felt the developers truly consider the original series the also-ran. There’s just not the same attention to detail here. They make great strides with the RPG system, but the lack of tracks works against it, leaving a game that feels like a repetitive grind. The sim style racing is strong. I just wish there was more to it and it carried itself with more personality and confidence.

I've always preferred the Horizon games and this really solidifed why. It's so technical and boring, made worse here by forcing you to work through a bunch of tedious busy-work in the first hour of the game.

Multiplayer sucks too, namely the inability to just drop into matchmaking and quickly race. I ain't got time to hang out for 20 minutes before a race lmao.

Shame as it looks nice and the core racing is solid. A letdown, though.

This game just has no personality. Sure the cars look great, sure the tracks look great. But now that these games are all Game Pass released, Horizon is easily the more entertaining racing game available on Xbox.

Mix in an underwhelming new upgrade system, Forza Motorsport is just not worth it, especially when the competition on both systems is so good.

Because this isn't a Horizon entry, Forza Motorsport features no world "base" of sorts. It's a lot of menus. While Forza may not be alone in going for a more serious sim approach to the racing genre, the menus and UI in this game are incredibly bland and boring. Yep, these are menus. Gran Turismo at least tries to go for a stylish layout and visual presentation. Forza doesn't.

Now look, Forza Motorsport is a good playing game. The cars are gorgeous, the driving is nice, you can get DEEEP into the tuning portion if you are a sim fan. There is a good game here, it's just hard to feel good about this one when it's just so standard.

While the gameplay I can praise, there are issues I have with it and some of the new upgrade systems. First, the game locks certain upgrades. As you level up, the game will unlock upgrade/improvements that you can purchase for your car.

Want to upgrade your flywheel? Gotta level it up. Want to reduce the weight of your car? Gotta grind it out and level up. It's an unnecessary roadblock.

The better you drive, the more experience you receive and of course, the faster you level up. To make matters worse, when you do level up, you are only leveling up that individual car. If you get into a new car, you start back at 1.

On top of this grind, if you want to race (in a racing game?) the game practically forces you to practice before every. single. race.

You cannot on the standard setup menu get around this. You have to pick practice before starting the official race. You can exit out of the practice once you start the practice session but it's once again a completely unnecessary roadblock that just makes this game feel grindy and slow.

I always have high hopes for a Forza game and this one is good but a massive disappointment. If you are a hardcore sim gamer that needs a new sim racing game, go wild with Forza Motorsport 2023. Otherwise, stick to Horizon or Gran Turismo if you are looking for a sim style racing game.

Functionally a good racing game with a lot of content. But Forza Motorsport is lacking a true identity. The career mode has neither a vision nor an interesting spin - it's quite boring and unspectacular for a franchise that wants to celebrate the excitement of motorsport.

The game in the current state feels like a prototype. Even putting aside the performance issues, it feels like they created a system but struggled to create a compelling structure around it.

There is some good though, as with other Forza games driving feels really good, and the Rivals (time trial) mode is a great step up from the Horizon games at least.

The car experience and car point system is not inherently bad in my opinion, but the Builders Cup mode, what is basically the campaign, just doesn't really work with the system. If you start on a fresh car it feels like you don't earn enough levels or points to really build your car, and if you start with a leveled up car, the practice rounds are basically useless. I think they need a big revamp of the system to actually make you feel like you are building the car, and to make practice feel interesting. I would prefer more of a qualifier than the practice and I also dislike the "challenge the grid" system.

I don't care about online multiplayer, but I generally enjoy spending time in Rivals, the Builders Cup is not a great career mode and the game needs some big fixes on PC. I think the game can be OK in a few months, but it will take a lot of effort to make it great.

Alguns meses após o lançamento eu pude perceber q a performance do jogo melhorou, muito, o modo visual era horrível de jogar pq eu sentia q ele era travado dms, eu conseguia sentir frame por frame passando na tela, agora eu sinto q tá muito mais fluido, os gráficos do jogo, pelo q eu consigo perceber, estão bem melhores tbm, eu n sei se o jogo realmente teve uma atualização pra corrigir esse tipo de coisa ou se é eu q tô louco msm 🤡 mas quando eu joguei no lançamento esse jogo tava nojento, o principal problema q eu vejo nesse jogo em relação aos gráficos hoje, são os reflexos q ainda tão ridículos de feio, o reflexo dos retrovisores do carro e os do capô do carro(q vc consegue ver trocando a câmera do jogo) estão num fps menor doq o jogo em si, além de estar tudo pixealizado e fudido, de resto é um jogo bem divertido, mas dps de algumas horas, passei a achar extremamente repetitivo e desisti (pelo menos por enquanto) de terminar o modo carreira.

Bom jogo, mas não é pra mim.

I'm not huge on racing games, but I generally tend to check them out if they let you drive a Foxbody Mustang, which Forza Motorsport (2023) does. The latest release in the Motorsport side of the Forza franchise continues to push the graphical limits in the racing genre, but takes a step back when it comes to the actual gameplay. While there's a solid selection of cars, as usual, the changes brought to upgrading your vehicles does not work well with the Builder Cup career mode. Worth a shot since it's on Game Pass.

Forza Motorsport struggles to develop a sense of style in this reboot, exacerbated by a unremarkable soundtrack and hum-drum presentation (seriously, why is your menu motif GREY). The gameplay itself is hindered by the uneven execution of the game's main draw, the leveling system and car points. While the system does make leveling cars a satisfying process, with feeling how cars improve slowly on a race-by-race basis being a slow burn satisfaction, it feels weirdly gamified in a series usually more focused on simulation. The system itself also forces players to grind on single cars instead of simply earning credits, begetting repetition and boredom at having to do this with every car one wishes to compete in. I'm not one to offer suggestions to game devs, but in this case I truly believe the CP system (and god we have to stop abbreviating things as that acronym in video games) would be better served by being contained to the constructor's cup gamemode rather than expanded across the entire experience.

Esperava MUITO mais de vc, Forza

Vou começar sendo direto e talvez até polemico, mas com esse jogo aqui cada vez mais Forza Motorsport e Gran Turismo continuam simplesmente iguais em competição. Pra mim inclusive o Motorsport deveria aprender mais com seu irmão Horizon, pq lá sim, no full arcade, não existe competição a altura de outro game. É engraçado e curioso pensar nessas rivalidades de jogos e franquias entre plataformas pq muitas vezes os rivais não fazem o menor sentido por serem de gêneros diferentes, mas quando se trata de corrida, não tem como ser diferente do que eu citei acima. É como o Messi x Cristiano Ronaldo no futebol, é lindo de se ver e apreciar.

Mas pera lá, eu não estou aqui necessariamente para falar de rivalidade e nem começar a incitar um console war, mas acontece que é inevitável não comparar os jogos, ainda mais no meu caso, que joguei esse Forza e o último Gran Turismo, joguei o Forza 7 e o Gran Turismo Sport, Forza 6 e 5, sendo o Forza 5 o primeiro jogo que eu comprei pro meu Xbox One lá em 2016. Cada jogo tem a sua proposta e nuances bem distintas umas das outras, mas na essência, com essa tentativa mais simulador do que arcade, ambos são tão parecidos, tão iguais e tão "cansativos" muitas das vezes.

Antes desse título, o último tinha sido o Forza Motorsport 7 lá em 2017. Cinco anos se passaram e, com isso, o desenvolvimento do atual título esteve no forno cozinhando e tudo que eu esperava era que o tempero seria de outro mundo, mas não foi... Eu costumo sempre usar uma frase para designar algumas coisas e ela cada vez mais faz mais sentido pra mim e nesse caso "Forza Motorsport (2023) é como um Big Mac. É gostoso, mas vc sabe que não tem nada de magnifico ali, muito pelo contrário, é um monte de processado que, no final, chega até a fazer mal".

Esse é o atual Forza Motorsport, tem uma jogabilidade bem gostosa, que dá vontade de repetir tal qual um Big Mac, mas esse sentimento é puramente ilusório pq no final das contas vc só está consumindo um monte de processado sem valor. Pra mim, jogo nenhum se sustenta apenas com jogabilidade bem feita, é preciso mais. Um jogo de corrida, sem ter um pano de fundo, uma competição que vc sinta vontade de dar sequência, uma história (que pode ser bem bobinha msm), um sistema onde vc consiga estabelecer rivalidades com personagens da CPU, ser envolvido pela competição e outras coisas, é somente um jogo de corrida vazio. Mesmo com toda a estética de simulação ele se parece tão arcade, pois me faz lembrar dos jogos de corrida antigos onde era só escolher um carro e sair correndo em algumas corridas, pontuar mais que os outros chegando na frente e fé. Esse é o principal modo do novo Forza que não te engaja em nada, mas vai te viciar pela jogabilidade gostosa, então não jogue ele ao msm tempo que come um Big Mac, ou jogue, no fim vc vai entender o que eu to falando.

Para vc ter uma ideia do quanto ele não faz vc se sentir engajado, mas sim cansado, o que é o sistema de corridas onde vc ESCOLHE o lugar onde vc vai largar???? Tipo, antes de ir para a corrida vc precisa fazer voltas de treino que não influenciam em nada de classificação e sim em obter pontos para evoluir o carro. Cara, honestamente quem teve essa ideia? Ela é simplesmente uma bosta. O treino só serve para vc “aprender” o traçado, mas convenhamos que com o pouco de pista que o jogo tem também, rapidamente daria para aprender o traçado. Além disso, os mesmos pontos de evolução do carro que vc obtem em um treino que não impacta na sua posição de largada poderiam ser obtidos com um “qualify”. Cara, era TÃO simples. Isso ia trazer um sentimento de conquista e desafio MUITO superior ao fato de vc escolher a posição que vai largar. Na real, até poderia ser assim, mas também ter a opção de classificação e aí deixasse os jogadores escolherem o método favorito....

Então, além do modo “carreira” que não tem nada demais, o jogo tem o clássico modo livre com alguns estilos de corrida e o modo online que pasmem, tem um modo de qualificação nas corridas..... VAI ENTENDER? Sério, pq tem em um e não no outro modo? É quase descarado a forma como é forçado o online no jogo, mas enfim. Dá pra se divertir aqui mais do que na carreira simplesmente por causa da classificação que dá muito mais realidade ao jogo. Além disso, o modo online e até msm o off-line contam com um novo sistema de penalidade por direção agressiva ou por extrapolar os limites de pista e isso é BEM legal. Se o jogo tivesse uma carreira mais estruturada e o sistema de qualificação ao invés do treino, seria TOP, mas vamos acordar do sonho. Voltando para falar do online, ele é divertido, mas é aquilo, um monte de jogadores que usam volantes e por isso conseguem jogar com a tração desligada e acabam tendo vantagem e de vez em quando os sem noção que não tem noção de espaço ou de competição honesta e tão cagando pra vc na pista. Isso faz com que o modo seja divertido, mas punitivo demais para achar partidas onde vc vai mais se divertir do que se estressar.

Conclusão: Nada espetacular e até certo ponto decepcionante se levarmos em consideração que foi lançado 5 anos após o antecessor e não trouxe nada absolutamente inovador ou contundente para a jogatina. Apesar disso, vale o investimento de tempo, ainda mais se você não for do estilo jogador fanático por simulação e só queira uma experiência menos arcade que os tradicionais Need for speed e até o irmão Horizon. Vc vai, até certo ponto, se divertir no modo off-line e vai se surpreender por um tempo em como a diversão do online é maior e vai pensar “Que legal esse jogo”, mas assim que vc se acostumar vai cansar e querer outra coisa. Só para e pensa em uma coisa, vc aguentaria comer Big Mac por mais de uma hora sem cansar? Não né... Forza Motorsport é isso, um game fast food, pra te saciar durante um tempo rápido e não para vc degustar por mais de uma hora e apreciar cada bocada.

The single player feedback loop is somehow even worse than GT7. I appreciate that you're actually punished for collisions and corner cutting here, but I could do without each event being a minimum of 5 races with a mandatory 10-15 minute segment at the beginning of each race to get a specific lap time, feels like a massive waste of time especially for anyone who's already familiar with the track/car.

Also not a fan of constant level up notifications and gamification of individual track segments and the need to keep using the same car over and over to unlock upgrades - I know FM is more simcade than sim but did the parts they've taken from more arcade like games really don't mesh with the more serious tone here, and can suck the fun out of some multiplayer events for cars you haven't driven too much before.

I’m don’t usually play racing games outside of Mario Kart, so this is a new type of experience for me. I like that this game seemingly makes racing simulation easy for anyone to pick up because I’ve been overwhelmed while trying other racers in the past. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of content here for hardcore racing fans, but there’s enough here to have fun just dropping into a race or two once in a while.

Shelving this until they add more content / fix the progression. Easily the least fun I've had with a Forza title. I love a lot of the ideas (one of the few that thinks car leveling is cool!), but feels like they've put all their effort into how it plays rather than what there is to actually play. I bet multiplayer is great, but I'm just not interested in that right now.

In short: An arcade racer vastly outclassed by its flashier sibling, playing at being a sim without any apparent attempt at improving its core issues.

Something feels off about Forza Motorsport. Somewhere between the inexplicably unruly vehicles and curiously small track selection, is a void that shouldn't exist in a game that's spent the last half decade and change supposedly attempting to find itself, and returned with a branding reset that suggests a fresh start.

Forza Motorsport is a game that has no identity. The cover art featuring Cadillac's Le Mans Hypercar, selection of tracks, and game progression's commitment to upgrades and setups, suggest it wants to be a sim. The swimmy car physics' persistent power slides, inconsistent feedback, and still woeful racing wheel experience suggest the opposite.

The result is a game that feels worse as a sim than its primary competitor, Gran Turismo 7, and fails to match the casual fun or flair of its sibling, Forza Horizon - despite offering blessed freedom from that series' profoundly grating festival shtick. The same over-wrought self-seriousness tempered by GT7's general mechanical competence becomes positively abrasive in a game where even slow cars regularly feel like an unpredictable handful. Absent Horizon's more engaging structure, and menagerie of vehicular monstrosities, every vehicle being as likely to break loose mid corner as wallow off into the trackside mud like a two ton pig transforms from slight annoyance into glaring frustration.

Pair all of this with a game that feels like a yearly sports title's annual refresh, rife with performance issues and lacking any obvious refinement in the execution of its foundational elements beyond fine, if underwhelmingly thin, alterations of its single player offering and you're left with a game that fills no niche.

It doesn't play in the same league, mechanics wise, as Sony's hallmark racer. It's not a good enough racing game, or a fun enough single player experience, to elevate itself above Horizon as a destination casual racing game.

Of the racing games you could play, this is certainly one. Beyond that there's little to say.

Forza Motorsport (2023) is the "sneaking candy into the movie theater" of video games. It asks you to bring your own beverage, and it isn't even a party.

The first thought I had while playing this game was a sort of realization, I think this and Starfield have put into focus for me what the "generational aesthetic" is gonna be for these consoles. I mostly associate the previous generation with the sort of "wet" or "glossy" looking assets you can see in games like Bayonetta 2 (especially in the Gates of Hell level), Mario Odyssey (especially in the city level and the dragon boss fight), the PS4 Fromsoft games, the oddly reflective view-models in a lot of FPS games. Now we have soft images produced by upscaling, reconstruction artifacts, motion blur, and tiny 4K particle effects smearing across the screen, the flat, dry tones of realistic PBR materials, and the fascination with ray-tracing pushing games away from striking contrasts of artistically planned light and shadow; if the Nintendo 64 was "muddy", the AAA 9th Gen. aesthetic will be remembered as something to the effect of "dusty".

The way that the game handles difficulty is interesting; it's detailed enough that it probably serves as an effective tool for setting goals and improving, but it also gives the player too much room to min-max, too much freedom to make the game boring. You can set both the difficulty of the enemy racers, as well as your starting position on the grid. The more you set yourself back, the bigger the payout if you win. The game offers you a projection of where they think you'll place based on past performance, and this projection updates as you change difficulty settings. Personally, I always adjust it to be as hard as possible while still projecting a first place finish, and then check to make sure there isn't a slightly easier combination of options with an equal or greater reward.

The very first race I did outside of the tutorial presented an odd quirk with the AI; there was just one computer-controlled racer that was so fast that in order to place first you would need to lap the rest of the pack. Being evenly matched just isn't fun, the AI is just completely brainless when the cars are crowded together, they'll just ram into each other and at that point there's no reason to care about playing fair. Having such a wide spread of AI difficulty means that after the initial breakaway from the lower 20-ish cars, beating the other 3 will require you to learn the track and carefully pass, but then why have so many racers on the course in the first place? Just to be more like real racing? Just to give the player more opportunities to pass and earn experience points?

For a long time I thought racing games (or more specifically "car games") were subdued fireworks shows for easily excited, unimaginative audiences (i.e. "bro games"). After spending some time recently playing Horizon 5, Gran Turismo's 3, 5, Sport, and 7, Sega GT, and some of the Ridge Racers, I can accept I was wrong. In the best cases, racing games are zen. Forza Motorsport's gamefeel is good enough that it can almost get by, but the structural friction is completely misapplied. The last couple Gran Turismo's keeping the HUD in the center of the screen is the single best UI decision any video game has made in the past decade; Motorsport 2023 shoves everything into the corners, and even then it's not particularly readable. It's minimalist, but somehow neither tasteful or functional, at a glance I regularly mistake my position for my lap count. As I said before the game has no problem letting you guarantee first place for yourself, but it also will automatically pick upgrades for you. The game requires you to complete 3 practice laps before every race, the load times aren't bad but they are noticeable, and the whole thing is punctuated by cinematics of things like your car pulling up. The actual execution of each turn feels like it should be engaging, but everything comes together to make an experience that I genuinely have trouble concentrating on. At least once per race my eyes glaze over for a couple seconds and I veer off-course.

This may not apply a few patches from now, but the game is also pretty buggy. A lot of pop-in, the track disappearing, visible seams in the level geometry. In one race the checkpoints and timers didn't trigger correctly and I got a fair number of un-earned perfect segments.

The lack of music is uncanny.

I think back on my life and there's a few distinct periods in which my musical taste was defined by certain particular sources. As a young child, it was mostly defined by my parents (a lot of CCM radio), as a young adult it was mostly defined by algorithms (Fantano, "youtube-core", Spotify recommendations). In middle and high school, my musical taste was defined primarily by video games, as embarrassing as that might be. Most of the bands I listened to as a teen were just whatever was in Dance Dance Revolution (Fall Out Boy, David Bowie) or Rock Band (AFI, Jimmy Eat World). Forza Horizon 5 was the first game I played in probably over a decade that had the once-trendy Tony Hawk-style soundtrack of just using a bunch of contemporary licensed tracks. Even Gran Turismo, despite its aura of prestige and self-serious fascination with the history of the automobile, has no qualms about blaring King Gizzard during a race, or playing My Chemical Romance during the opening cutscene.

The original Forza Motorsport (2005) was in-your-face enough to lean on corny dad rock hits like Black Sabbath's Iron Man and ZZ Top's LaGrange, a lame choice, but a choice. The next couple games had a bit more variety, a lot more dance music, but the series seems to have stopped incorporating licensed music with the 4th entry, as soon as Horizon became part of the lineup. Funny enough this reminds me of some of some of those bands I used to listen to, bands that used to incorporate different timbres and moods, bands that splintered these sounds into different side projects and solo efforts until no personality was left in the core brand. In recent years I haven't listened to as much music as I used to, and I hate when people play music at work or in public. If I'm just trying to get through my day, I don't want someone else to decide the emotional backdrop. That's the appeal of corporate minimalism, I guess. By having as little apparent identity as possible, you let people project whatever they want onto it. The present has no intentions, play whatever song you want. The classic rock station has started playing Green Day, but the contemporary rock station still plays Nirvana.

Play anything else, play something new.

an improvement over the forza titles (excluding fm2 and fm4) with the change in the physics department and the fact that your wheel can turn more than 90 degrees now, unfortunately even though it feels better there is still the issue of understeer with every single car in the game requiring you to change the tire bias and go ham with every single handling upgrade in the game instead of making top speed adjustments/upgrades early on, not too fond of the artifical "spend more time in the game" upgrade system either, feels like a slog riding around the track for an hour just to get more "upgrade points" and finally unlock racing tires just to feel like i'm driving a car and not a wet noodle on a landscape, freedom of choice is non-existent with the addition of "get to this level to unlock this specific upgrade", what's the point of experimenting then? just give me the cash and let me handle it for fucks sake.

auction house is also gone for some reason, which means no more sniping ae86 from 12 year old kids and getting lovely letters to my family members over Xbox Live in return, sad day for us creditmaxxers

el last of us de los juegos de carrera

Solid game but feels soulless in 2023, especially after playing Gran Turismo 7 at a friend's place.

I like the idea of levelling up cars at first, but it gets kind of annoying later on, at least for me. I'll probably never come back to this one, after I came back to Forza 6 several times.

Or, how to ruin a console car simulator: Exhibit B. What a shame. What a pathetic attempt. I thought that my disappointment with Gran Turismo 7 would be the biggest I would ever have with a beloved racing car series, but there's this game to prove me wrong. First, talking about the PC problems: Why does this look so washed out and uglier than both Horizon 5 and FM7, and run WAY WORSE than both? That aside, the game is uninteresting, with boring tournament designs (all the older Forzas did it better), the visuals lack color, and the structure is just unfun.

I'll never forgive the GaaS gaming model for ruining two of my favorite series ever. But this isn't the only culprit here; the game is bad. With Gran Turismo 7, I was just sad that behind this shitty GaaS model (even worse than in here), the game was at least pretty good. I can't say the same about Forza Motorsport 2023, by far the worst Forza game ever (and it's not even close, sadly).

wish i had more to say about this game than it's one of the most bland and uninspiring racing game which is on brand for forza i guess

Hey, racer! Look at these cars! You like them right? What about the raytracing? Neat right? Yeah, we know. The cars are beautiful. I know. And the weather? Holy shit, right?
You like the tracks, too?


Solid game though.

By far the best Motorsport game, but that's not saying much. It's fun especially with friends but the fun doesn't last too long. As good as it is, prime example of why Horizon will always be clear.

Probably my favorite Forza game since FM4. While is entirely dedicated to circuit racing and missing some of the city tracks, the care put into the driving gameplay is second to none.

Driving in this game while at night or while it's raining is a sublime experience that I was always happy to get to. Obviously, the car leveling doesn't gel that well with the gameplay and I am not a fan of the approach of earning cars slowly compared to the Horizon style. Excited for the future of this game.

24 second penalty for oversteering and touching the grass