Reviews from

in the past

Wirkt auf den ersten Blick simpel, aber bietet einiges an Tiefgang und Taktik.
Konnte mich trotzdem noch nicht so wirklich packen, bin aber auch nicht der größte Strategie-Fan

UPDATE: Habe nun die advanced Version auf Android gespielt und bin jetzt komplett süchtig nach Into the Breach! Es eignet sich einfach super als Handyspiel, welches man hin und wieder für ein paar Minuten spielen möchte. Wahrscheinlich eins der komplexesten Spiele auf dem Mobile Games Markt. Dazu kommt noch mehr Vielfalt durch die neuen Mechs und Gegner der Advanced Edition.

Es gibt für mich nichts mehr an diesem Spiel auszusetzen und es liefert meiner Meinung nach die beste Handyspiel Erfahrung.

Gameplay: Great
Story: OK
Controls: Great
Graphics: Good for what it is.
Length: Great
Replayability: High

Throw a bug in a lake! This is somehow simultaneously the best strategy game and best puzzle game ever. It strips strategy games down to their bare essentials, yet miraculously is never as dry or boring as that sounds. The variety in mech squads, stages and enemies is consistently clever and imaginative, and the random elements that are present were perfectly crafted to keep the game feeling fresh to me over 100 hours later. It was a stroke of genius to realize that creating the best strategy game experience is not about eliminating luck entirely, but about directing luck in the right way. One thing I really like about this game is that it feels timeless, like it could have been released in 1996, 2005, or 2020. This game probably could've been released on SNES and it would be just as much of an all time classic.

ok sta roba crea una grande dipendenza soprattutto se hai una qualche tendenza per roba strategica a turni, lo trovo incredibilmente godibile pure a difficoltà semplice e questo dimostra quanto sia perfettamente concepito. Forse oltre al gameplay non ha nient'altro da offrire ed ovviamente questa cosa non è manco lontanamente un problema

An interesting follow up from Subset Games. The Kaiju themed 3-piece chess match with waves of enemies and environmental mechanics, combined with individual stage-specific challenges makes for a fun and varied experience. The different mecha teams, each of which have their own tactical approach and offer different action combos adds to that.

Replayability is at the core of the game, but the formula gets fairly repetitive fast. The different islands have their unique gimmicks, but in an already challenging game it tends to feel like the mechanics get overwhelming in short order.

I never found the pilot system particularly engaging, especially since I rarely feel like I have that much control over who lives or dies when everything goes wrong. Equally I don't feel like I get to experiment with the shop very much. Maybe I just tend towards playing it safer, but even then I've not completed the game, only reached the 5th island at which point the complexity ramps up a bit too much and I get overwhelmed.

That said it's a very solidly designed game, with a unique theme, cool concept, and interesting gameplay. It's a tightly wound but compact clock that is fun to go back to once in a while, but I rarely ever feel compelled to endure long enough to unpack all of what it has to offer.

Chess, but for killing monsters with awesome robots.

Probably the most returned to game I've ever played. It is fun, accessible but challenging, and keeps you wanting to complete every achievement – completing specific wins and unlocking bonus squads.

The design is beautiful, the soundtrack is perfect. Such a great game.

Never actually finished this before (due to difficulty and I'm WEAK) but had another crack tonight and managed to get the credits rolling! I'm a huge Advance Wars fan so this scratched that itch while also mixing things up quite a bit to keep it fresh. Love the visual style. I think about this game SO much. Amazing modern turn based puzzle strategy!

Super enjoyable and rewarding grid-based SRPG/roguelite. The game's biggest strength is how it allows you to problem-solve your way out of seemingly impossible situations. Those moments where you pull off a crazy strat and get away with no building damage are too godlike. Top that off with another dope OST from Ben Prunty, rougelite mechanics of earning random pilots and weapons throughout a run, and a slew of achievements worth going for, it all makes another super solid game from Subset Games.

Unfortunately, the variety doesn't seem to hold up as much as other rougelites so I can't place this anywhere near FTL or Enter the Gungeon. Certain pilots are clearly better than others, but ultimately, it comes down to the random skills they acquire along the way. +1 Mech Reactor is universally desired (and kinda ruins the Post-Mission shops IMO), and +3 Grid Defense is conversely a death sentence to any pilot and grounds for selling them for Rep. Basically, its the same loop everytime since Mech Reactors are so useful and everything else is either situational or outright bad. The final mission is also a letdown. You can damn near faceroll the 2nd half if you come in w/ enough Grid points.

I’m really excited to get back into this soon, but I’m also really scared because I don’t want my main duder patuter to die, man!

Excellent tactics game. The ending isn't as big of a difficulty spike as in FTL and the achievement system adds a lot of replayability.

Me ha encantado. Tras superar las cuatro islas y completar una run, he de decir que es un juego profundo, con una aleatoriedad muy bien conseguida y con una amplia variedad de opciones que hacen que cada turno sea un mundo. Se puede pasar en poco tiempo pero está lleno de mecas, equipos y pilotos para intentar conseguir cada vez mejores y mejores resultados.

I just have to give this game a 10/10 out of respect.

Started playing and liked a bit, but the more i play it the more i respect the work in every mech to make cool, diverse and interesting gameplay styles that all seem fair and fit the game so well. The achievement system is great and pushed me to continue playing even after i would normally dropped any rogue-like or rogue-lite.

Already played all the mechs (aside from the secret ones) and had fun with all of the Squads, even the ones i didn't think i would like as much.

Overall, great strategy game, with so much synergy between all its mechanics it really makes you think of a lot of ways to use them with each other. The presentations is great too, a nice art style and great graphics to match, a lot of polish, nice menus, easy to use and understand, and not AMAZING, but definitely good enough soundtrack that matches well with the feel of the game.

I'm trying to understand why I didn't enjoy this one. I'm a chess nerd, so I thought this would appeal to me. Then I thought about FTL, the previous game from these devs, and I realized that i felt more in control over my winning and losing in that game than i do in this one. Into the Breach masquerades as if it has a huge learning curve, flaunting in your face how, if you're smart enough, you can do things like redirect the enemies' attacks against themselves and block them from spawning, but in practice it's almost completely random if these strategies are open to you. Since your characters can do so little every turn, it feels like the battle has already been decided and all you're doing is mildly suggesting the battle go one way or the other.
The first time I realized that my best move was actually to cut my losses and sacrifice a mech or move an enemy out of the way instead of attacking it, I thought it was cool. I thought "wow, this game just made me make an interesting decision. Nice". But now, after playing it for a bit I learned that when I'm forced to do that, I've already lost. Into the Breach has a really bad death spiral problem, where either you're easily winning or limping yourself over the finish line, knowing that you can't handle the next fight.
In summary, the moment to moment combat calls itself robot chess but its not. Chess is fun because both players have a lot of options and the point of the game is closing off those options little by little. In Into the Breach you begin with very few options, and when those options stop working, everything goes to shit. It's still fun and works as advertised I guess, but it just doesn't feel satisfying to play.

Прикольна тактична гра, котра як раз ідеально підходить під мобілки. Геймплей цікавий і не занадто важкий, коли розумієш як тут все працює і думаєш наперед. Грати можна довго, але це повторення одного і того самого з невеликою загальною прогресією, а перший цикл можна пройти менше ніж за дві години.

Я собі на телефоні залишу, може буде якось настрій ще пару разів пройти граючи за інших мехів, але відкривати всіх бажання нема.

this game is simply FANTASTIC. i never thought turn based strategic rpg and roguelike would go so well together but this game really does it. it's challenging & fun and motivates you to try again and again and again.

the easy difficulty was already really challenging for me, but i intend to go back to it someday and try to finish on medium bc the replayability is amazing.

into the breach is better than ftl and i'm tired of pretending it's not

The more I play this, the more I love it. An elegant little game with exactly the right scope for a tactics game to make it near endlessly enjoyable. It has become my go-to game when I've got a few minutes (see: what I do during every Webex meeting I have to sit through in a work day).

Would call this a perfect game except there is something about the randomness of the first turn that drives me a little crazy. Just for instance: playing the train maps, especially on the later islands, feels almost like a crap shoot as to whether I will have any chance of saving the train. Four or five enemies and they all either target the train or post up in its path on the first turn? Oh well! This doesn't happen in the majority of instances, but it's really frustrating when it does.

Flaws in tactics games are uniquely frustrating, as doomed combats tick towards an hour or mechanical layers are obfuscated in menus. A sleek, punchy SRPG is a pipe dream. Into the Breach is the only game to achieve this. It compares more easily to Chess than to its contemporaries, combats more like puzzles where you can Queen's Gambit your mechs on the ceiling. There is always a solution, if you think hard enough. This is an astonishing feat of balance. In their GDC talk, a developer describes how they reworked the story layer repeatedly before stripping it out almost entirely. A game that understands itself this deeply is the result of creativity tempered to be unbreakable. That design is the heartbeat of Into the Breach, on high and low levels, the looping turns inside combats inside campaigns. It could beat forever.

breach is so good. every level is a tiny nugget of turn based strategy brilliance where the game locks you in this seemingly impossible scenario, and you have to think way outside of the box in order to have a hope of surviving

Simples e divertidinho, apesar de um tanto repetitivo

very fun, it's the perfect game to play on your phone

Um dos melhores jogos táticos que tem por aí. Muita mecânica interessante e com um baita game design pra acompanhar, aulas. Não achei o fator replay tão interessante, preferiria mais fases, mas tudo o que é bom dura pouco.

A really tense tactical rogue-like that forces you to make tough decisions. You will often have to sacrifice one thing to save or prolong the lifespan of another. The game can be played fairly quickly, however. The fact that you can carry a unit over from a failed play through to continue leveling them is a really neat and rewarding Idea. This is a game that forces you to make tough decisions, the essence of a good tactics game! Love the progression between runs as well.The different squads you can begin runs with all have very unique ways of dispatching enemies. The HIGH difficulty and repetitive dialogue wear me down, however.

Maybe the best tactical strategy game ever. The narrative/flavor isn't necessary and yet the writers still killed it. You could put hundreds of hours into the game and not even gain a full mastery of easy.

Genuinely one of the most engaging and well made turn based combat systems.

Almost more of a puzzle game than a strategy game. It seems like there's always a way out of a situation, and if there isn't, then it becomes a balance of strategic sacrifice and compromise. It's seriously well-tuned. I wish the core campaign was longer and didn't demand so much repetition. You can beat all 4 islands and the boss ending in just an hour or two, and subsequent playthroughs aren't that drastically different, though each squad offers a different play style

Easily one of my favorite "roguelikes". While it is technically a roguelike, it mostly takes a back seat to compliment one of the best strategy/puzzle games I've ever played. Every squad is unique in their playstyle and strategy and each turn is a series of chess-like thinking. The "aha" moments when you figure out a perfect solution for a seemingly impossible puzzle make this game a treat to play, alongside the great soundtrack by my boy Ben Prunty.

The free and newly-added "Advanced Edition" content make this game even better, adding a bunch of new squads, mission types, objectives, and more. The Bombermechs are insanely fun and well-designed, and if you haven't played this game in a while, give them a try!