Reviews from

in the past

some bitches will ask you to play a game and literally install this

konami's horror magnum opus

Pure cheesy bullshit bliss. Runs like shit, plays like shit, barely fun, worth a play

I tried so hard and got so far…and in the end it didn’t even matter….

Saw The Video Game is certainly a unique game. Being a fan of the movies I really adored this game when it came out during the initial run of said movies. I remember liking this game to the max with my brand new PlayStation 3. I felt like I was on top of the word. What took me months to beat as a teenager nearly took me about 5 hours coming back to it and wow, my rose tinted glasses certainly felt cracked lol. This game is not bad per se but it’s also not a good one either. It’s decent for what it is, I really enjoyed the first part of the game but after a while it really becomes repetitive and you really feel like you just want it to end. The enemy A.I is so laughable, I never felt once threatened by them and even the “big enforcers” that look intimidating. I felt more scared of the shotgun trip wire traps than the enemies honestly. I probably died to them just as much as the enemies lol. The Jank of this game is certainly at the forefront it doesn’t stop especially with its combat system. Sometimes I felt stun locked because of my character taking so damn long to swing like wtf!!! Puzzles on the other hand are quite repetitive as there are like 4 generic types and the special ones where I have to actually think are only unique when you are saving a unique person pertaining to the plot.

Atmosphere on the other hand 10/10, they nail the saw atmosphere so well and actually makes you feel like you are in the world of the movies. The immersion on the cutscenes I was really admiring a lot since Tobin Bell reprised his role as Jigsaw. Music isn’t really that memorable honestly and from my play through they didn’t even bother using Hello Zepp which is really head scratching as this is probably the most iconic music in all of SAW, but I’m sure there was probably some studio interferences as they later used it in its video game sequel SAW II: Flesh and Blood.

Overall, if you are a fan of the SAW franchise. I would say give it a shot. It certainly scratches that itch of an interactive SAW experience. As a non SAW fan, very very hard to recommend. You will probably not like it one bit and not knowing the little Easter eggs the game throws or the characters pertaining to plot elements in the movies will only cause confusion. I managed to platinum this game fairly easily so trophy hunters, this game is for you as it sits at a 30%, an uncommon platinum for sure lol. It’s a messy game for sure but I didn’t hate it.

the year is 2014. angry game reviewer wakes up in a cold sweat on an apartment's bathroom floor with amateur looking blood splatters and shit splatters on the tile.

a familiar mask appears on a nearby crt sitting precariously above the bathtub.

jigsaw: "game reviewer. you have played so many games and yet you hate them all, even the nintendo ones you say you love so much. you do not appreciate life enough. for this you must now play through a video game. a fun one. you know the one."

angry game reviewer: "NO nononono, no nope no. never! i promised myself i'd never play that game you tricycle riding assclown."

jigsaw: "oh but i'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter, game reviewer. and you've seen the reviews. 6 out of 10... it's a passing grade. maybe you'll like this one."

angry game reviewer: "jigsaw you fuck! anything but that! this is even worse than sonic 06. even worse than the latest cod! even worse than other m... i said i'd never touch it!"

a disc floats ominously in front of the game reviewer, who gets up despite having his ankle shackled to what one would assume was the bathtub. he grabs it as the saw theme fades in in the background. the front of the disc cannot be seen.

jigsaw: "you wanna play a little game????"

the reviewer looks at the disc in horror and lets out a comical scream in response to jigsaw. the camera switches to in front of the disc and the music swells unnecessarily loudly as the camera zooms into the title, which takes a second to properly come into focus but is unmistakably 'saw'.

the camera goes shaky and random visual filters flicker on screen to illustrate the angry game reviewer's inner turmoil.


Surprisingly decent gameplay and janky in an entertaining way, but unfortunately starts to drag on and repeats the same few puzzles too many times.

Silent Hill Lite but you can set traps. Not good not fun but has enough interesting ideas to keep it going and I'm slightly Saw obsessed rn so the oddities that made this game unique kept it afloat for the 4 hours it runs, shame that the game runs out of new puzzle types after the first area and the story doesn't tie into the movies at all

One of my favorite fucking games ever holy shit everything about this game is phenomenal. I actually played this game before watching the SAW movies and became so hyperfixated on SAW from playing this game, and binged all of the SAW movies afterwards with my family (it was fucking amazing and I’d do anything to re experience the movies for the very first time again). I will always fucking love the SAW series and Billy the puppet.

It's fine. If you're a fan of the movies (which I am), this is as good of a video game adaptation as you could ask for, really. The trap sequences are pretty memorable with puzzles that aren't completely copy-pasted, and the environments and sound design are pretty well done. The combat sucks but you can skip most of it by just stunlocking enemies with your fists, anyways. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's also nothing incredible, either (unlike the movies).

Probably one of my favourite guilty pleasures, not good, not bad either, just somewhere in between. As someone who enjoys the garbage incoherent, gory, nonsensical silly series that is the Saw franchise. Konami/Zombie studios managed to make a "good" game for any fans of the movies who were ever curious about this game.

Played this with a homie and we conpleted 3 out of 7 chapters. We liked the game as Saw fans and also we appreciated a lot of its mechanics and ideas believe it or not. The trap system, the solve-or-die situations, the atmosphere... There was a lot of effort put into this.

However, you can tell that either because of budgetary or time constraints, the game starts repeating the same notes again and again early on. The same type of QTEs and mini puzzles specially hurt.

When it comes to the core game, this is way better than I expected, even with some jank. The problem is that it seems they failed to iterate or expand on in.

As a diehard saw fan this game is fine, it's cool playing as tapp (despite barely looking like him) and having tobin bell voice jigsaw again.

And the melee can be fun when you have an op weapon like the gun or baseball bat, and the graphics are decent most of the time.

But the main problem is the repeated traps and their overuse, especially the gears and lights, which overstay their welcome bigtime.

So overall the game is ok, but unless your a saw fan like me, it's okay to pass on.

ruim pra caralho, combate que parece que vc ta depilando um cu doque jogando, injusto, sem logica, ultiliza a franquia bem em algumas partes mas nada demais

Funniest game with bros. Cutscenes look like it's a gta sa machinima
Got softlocked. I can't physically do that GAS GAS GGGGAS puzzle because I don't have any syringes and I just die before I can do anything

Not a great survival horror, but, for what it is, better than most of the Saw movies.

I’d rather find myself in an actual saw trap than find myself playing this game again. At least that way I would have a chance of dying and not have to play this again.

𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧
#𝟏𝟏 𝐒𝐚𝐰

I like the Saw movies for the garbage WWE tier plot line they haphazardly intertwined through all the awful sequels, what I don’t like is the gratuitous amounts of gore, the cheap looking visuals, the nauseating editing style, and the god awful character writing. Unfortunately all the stuff I love from the Saw movies are nowhere to be seen here and instead we have all the crap I hate heightened thanks to it being an interactive experience.
I’d go into more detail about the game’s issues but I can think of ten more games I’d like writing about more than this one so I’m just leaving it here.

Spoiler alert but the last puzzle is Jigsaw moving around 3 cups and you gotta find which one has the bullet so you can kill yourself after you beat the game

Saw: This sucks. Some okay puzzles spaced between ugly gameplay segments. If you're a HUGE fan of the “Saw” movies (which... come on, dude), you may like the world here as it's very similar to the films, including the obnoxious editing style. If you're anyone else, prepare for pain.

The jokes of “Playing this is like one of Jigsaw's games!” write themselves as this game is plenty torturous. I got through the first chapter and decided I'd had enough of this. Some of the puzzles were decent: I thought the “board balance-walk” stuff with the mouse was well done, the lockpicking system was unique, and the “finale” with the poison machine was a good way to cap it off.

The problem is everything else.

It's pretty ugly (though there's an easy argument for “A game in the Saw universe is supposed to be ugly", I guess) and plays like an iPhone game. I got to engage in the combat only once and that felt like a blessing. There's glass for you to walk in and slowly lose health, but it's not much health and you immediately slow down so you can walk right out of it, barely suffering at all. It just feels like a minor contrivance that doesn't even make sense: you pass so many dead bodies yet none of them have Detective Tapp's shoe size? Tapp must wear size 19s.

I experienced a ton of stuttering and I don't know why as there are Tetris games more graphically demanding than Saw. The controls are terrible and can interrupt your enjoyment of the mediocre puzzles.

If there was a way to just press a key (I guess it would have to be a number key, those are used for everything, here) that would skip all of the shitty gameplay and get me right into the next bomb-filled puzzle room, I'd have played that game. This is just painful stuff as is and I don't need to ever come back.

Again, unless you're a huge Saw fan, this game is not for you.


i like puzzles.. but they just repeat the puzzles... you literally do the same puzzles for the first 2 chapters.. the whole time.. :\ & combat is awful. speaking of combat.. why does tapp kill more people than jigsaw? the combat is so out of place.. it was really good for a laugh though. can't believe konami didn't keep this as a series.... along with.. silent hill..... :)

did you know Konami not only wanted this game to be a much larger series but also be the new silent hill?

This review contains spoilers

This game was made for Saw fans and I they are the only people that might like this. The Story is that David Tapp survived the first movie and it put in an Asylum and has to help others with their traps and overcome his obsession of catching Jigsaw, this isn't a bad idea, it is possible that John Kramer could have saved someone shot in the chest and I am ok of seeing where it goes. The Characters are bad actually except for Jigsaw and Amanda's alright, but Tapp looks and sounds nothing like he did in the movie, Jennings is a selfish asshole who killed someone with his car and framed an innocent man, and acts like a douche around others, even Tapp after he saved him, Melissa hates Tapp more than any likeable person should and neglects her son and blames Tapp for that as well, Oswald is a nothing to talk about character, Obi is nothing like he was in Saw 2, and Jeff is an idiot who calls Tapp crazy despite all the effort he put into his job. The Graphics and bad, the models look cheap and generic, not many opportunities for personality, and objects look placed on, like their separately placed everywhere without finishing the textures, and the gore look fake, despite the fact that the blood and objects it's on are both CG. The Gameplay has you complete puzzles to continue, there are too many to name, and they are everywhere throughout the game, this might annoy you depending on who you are, but if you don't mind that, then you might enjoy them. There are also obstacles to slow your progress like broken glass that will cut your bare feet, small wire traps near the ground that will cause you to get shot, shotgun triggered doors, people trying to kill you to get a key they need out of your chest and a shotgun collar that will shoot you if you can't get away from other people wearing them, you can reuse the wire traps to kill your opponents though and that's nice. The combat is broken, you aim and attack, but the time it takes to swing a weapon is so slow your better off using your own fists, even though that's not instant either, also if they hit you, you can't hit them back right away before they hit you again, and the combat of hitting people has a really stiff feeling. The 6 trials go like this, the first trial has Tapp join Amanda in a game where you have match knock the antidote and toxins to the right place, this game was fine outside of the fact Tapp joined in, the others are all just solve a puzzle you already did a lot of to free them, except the third one that's new, it was annoying how most people were mean to you after saving them, no satisfying gratitude at all, also the 2nd and 5th trials don't make sense cause the trials the people are there for have nothing to do with Tapp's Test, Jigsaw would not put random ones there just to pad out the game for, if they were put there for game length , then they could have added more new ones like with Melissa, and the 6th trial is broken because you can type the combination to the door in starting from 000 to 999 in around 20 minutes meaning 1/7 of the game can be skipped. The Freedom Ending is disappointing cause after everything you did, Tapp just shoots himself, and the Truth Ending doesn't make sense since Tapp was supposed to be scarred by Melissa's death or there nothing to make him regret that choice and Melissa only died because she didn't notice the wire. The Music average for the scenario you're in, nothing to call good, nothing to call a failure. Saw the videogame can be fun for fans of the films, but it's still not well done for a saw game, and non-fans will not care for this at all.

This is almost really good.
I was a bit worried about the story of this game taking place in between the first and second films since the gap between those two was easily the biggest stumble in the series' footing, but this game sticks to horror more than goofy, over the top action and it mostly works. I mean, it is absolutely ridiculous to believe that Jigsaw and Dr. Gordon alone set up this ENTIRE asylum with well over 50+ people in it, but since the atmosphere is so foreboding and the story itself takes place in the very horror-soaked beginnings of the series I can sorta look passed that. The story offers two endings that do not retcon or shake up the series at its core, and the way you save and interact with certain people add to their characters in Saw II.

Conceptually, this game absolutely shines. I find it pretty easy to separate myself from the happenings on screen of the film but adding a layer to actually PLAYING Jigsaw's game is a great premise in and of itself. Your character has a key sewn inside of them that the others trapped in this building want, so these people mercilessly attack you in order to gain their freedom in the same way you are. There's a constant reminder of urging the player to find a new perspective that is played with interestingly in many visual puzzles, and this theme is carried throughout each story-ending choice this game offers. The game does a good job making you care about your actions through attempting to reconcile trauma inflicted on innocent others through the destructive pursuit of Jigsaw with many audio logs, TV cutscenes, and generally frantic tone. Jigsaw is constantly watching you, so the way this game offers "tips" is through the sarcastic, know-it-all tone of the man himself (ex. "be careful to watch your footing, detective!" as the game hides a million shotgun traps around corners you need to be careful not to set off).

Mechanically is where this game falls apart though. I very much like the idea of a Saw game being mainly puzzles, but I don't very much like solving the same recycled puzzle 25+ times each in order to achieve my goal. I liked some of the final zones where you save people related to you with unique traps, but nothing was really thematic or entirely fresh the entire playthrough. Luckily these puzzles required a bit of thinking even after you've solved them so many times, but seeing the same circuit board and pipe puzzle over and over got a bit frustrating. I like the idea of using multiple different weapons and light sources to traverse my way through the crumbling asylum, but the starting lighter is by far the best light source in the game and absolutely nothing beats stun-locking enemies to death with the standard fist attacks, I even beat the final Pig boss in one grab cycle just like this. I don't mind the brevity of this game at all either, even if it would've felt much more impactful with an array of many puzzles instead of scaling about 3 unique ones over and over.

Overall, as a Saw fan, I do like this game and think it offers something unique to the series by simply existing and trying something novel. As a budding fan of third-person survival horror games, I can easily recognize how much it drops the ball with many underdeveloped, glitchy mechanics and a severe lack of variety when it comes to its gameplay. Even still, I had a fun time shuffling my way through several dozen traps and saving others through puzzle solving skills, always having a looming sense of danger around every corner due to some effective atmosphere that captured the spirit of the film's editing perfectly.

The lore papers didn't make much sense to me though. Jigsaw a victim of not only Reaganite politics that defunded healthcare but also of MKULTRA? This is super awesome and has late-stage Saw film energy but for essentially a Saw 1.5, what????

Actually very cool. It's a very unique game. What other horror franchise has a video game this dedicated? Dedicated to the tone, and the aesthetic, and the world frankly.

I love how it kind of leaves you to figure shit out on your own. It makes it much more anxious and stressful.

But the combat is absolutely horrid. Which I guess adds to the feeling of helplessness and anxiety over the chance of dying as soon as you see another human being, but it really is absolutely horrid.

I like the concept of the different people trapped, like the wife of Detective Sing, and the guy who coined the Jigsaw name, and a guy who wants to be tested by Jigsaw. I wish they were a bit closer together, though, and I sort of wish you could lose.

And I really like the puzzles.

I absolutely love the ending.

As a graduate of Saw's School of Murder and Torture I feel like I connect to this game on a super personal level since also I'm am empath

Full video review:

Saw is one of my favorite film franchises, it wasn't always perfect but it always kept me engaged. The game misses the mark in various ways, in it's combat, it's puzzle variety and enemy AI, among other things. It captures the atmosphere of Saw, but falls short in every other possible way. I'd only recommend this to the most diehard fans.

Não é um jogo ruim, acerta em vários pontos: atmosfera, a história, as reviravoltas finais. A questão é que tinha potencial pra ser muito mais, o combate e alguns puzzles são muito repetitivos e alguns são muito entediantes. Em alguns pontos os controles tem um delay de resposta que te custam muito caro.

Eu gostei de jogar porque fui com a expectativa bem baixa, cheguei a platinar também (provavelmente a platina mais fácil que eu já vi), mas fiquei com a sensação de que poderia ser mais.

This game is a hidden and mediocre gem. This really only seems appealing to if youre a fan of the movies and i think it does an okay job at that. The combat is very repetitive and the enemy ai is pretty piss poor, i do think some of the puzzles were pretty clever and i did like the return of the characters from the movies. Considering this games price tag will run you up to $50+ due to it being delisted i dont think its worth it unless youre a collector or a big fan of the series.

Honestly, it succeeds at adapting Saw into a video game. It's very silly and edgy. Played this for a charity stream.

As a big fan of the movies, I do quite like the story. It serves as a good conclusion to Detective Tapp's story arc from the first movie. Gameplay wise.... the combat sucks, the enemy ai is laughable, the puzzles are either too easy or too complex for the short amount of time given, the lack of direction makes it somewhat easy to get lost, the amount of times things will just kill you for no reason is ridiculous, and for a Saw game, personally not having the option to have some of the traps be failed never to be attempted again honestly is I think a missed opportunity, other than that it's fine. I like the environment even if it feels too much like I'm playing Outlast with a Saw coat of paint. Reasoning for enemies being there game play lore wise honestly makes no sense, however that's just getting nitpicky. There's some other criticisms I have, but it's more in the case of something I wish would've happened, but then at that point, I should just watch the movies again. Let's just say that this isn't exactly the Saw game I would've wanted it to be.