Reviews from

in the past

This is a really well made shmup, for newbies and pros alike. It might not be as flashy as the classic arcade bullet hells but it's still worth it if you're an avid shmup player. Pretty nice music and it has some little references to battle garegga which I am a huge fan of

bom mas não reinventa a roda, trilha sonora boa

Love the pixel artstyle and soundtrack

Bullet visibility was an issue for me more often than is forgivable (they're easily lost among falling medals and explosions), but that's literally the only problem with this game. Otherwise, it's a perfect shmup--packed with replayability, scoring depth, great music and visuals, and all the QoL elements you could want.

I don't know what I supposed to say about this game I hate it and I like it I don't play so much shmup anything else in this game is f** Good man the music it's fantastic the art style it's fantastic too but the difficulty is super end fair you going to dying in start over OK you can't buy some upgrade to continue playing AFTER DYING but that after dyeing 100 million time to get the money to buy it if you shmup fun I think you're going to like this game but if you like me you going to hate this game but I recommend listening to the music it's super good w(゚Д゚)w

Hyper 1CC All-Clear, Mae-Follow-Laser, 57,025,930 Pts

Really really adored Blue Revolver. Had a blast learning all the stages and bosses, and the intensity throughout is just fantastic. Stage 4 is a pristine jewel especially, and stage 5 is great boss rush with a KILLER last fight. Drop-dead gorgeous to look at of course. I loved the alternate soundtracks so I could change things up while learning the 1CC.

I've heard folks say this game's as good as ZeroRanger and I think that's honestly really fair. It doesn't have the big flashy structure or storytelling moments of ZeroRanger, but in exchange for that you get tighter, more intense pacing. It's just a really stellar gorgeously produced action game.

Only rub for me was that Power seemed very underpowered compared to Follow. With Power I felt forced to rely on the special weapon just to get through regular enemies; Follow let me chew through enemies faster and honestly just felt way better to me. Basically the game felt a little off to me for the first few hours while playing with Power, then felt perfect after switching to Follow.

Quero começar evidenciando o fato de que eu não sou muito crítico com shmups, porque eu comecei a jogar eles recentemente e ainda não sou um deus dos STGs. Até conseguir reivindicar esse posto, eu sou apenas um mero apreciador do gênero. Se um desses jogos consegue me divertir, então pra mim já tá de bom tamanho. Blue Revolver claramente aposta suas fichas na dificuldade pra tentar fazer o jogador se divertir. Ele é quase um Batsugun nas dificuldades mais baixas, um proto-danmaku, ficando no limiar do que é ou não é um bullet hell. A interatividade com os cenários é nula e seu único objetivo é derrotar os seus inimigos. Na dificuldade "normal", que é a mais fácil, o jogo pressupõe que você não tem muito conhecimento sobre o gênero e cria uma das experiências mais desprazerosas que eu já tive com shmups. Mesmo aumentando a dificuldade e claramente ficando um jogo mais difícil, ele ainda fica muito preso em ser uma experiência básica pro gênero e nunca faz nada além de técnicas já feitas em exaustão nos jogos da Cave só que aplicadas de maneira bem cafona. O conjunto da equação de Blue Revolver nunca parece fazer mais que o mínimo, tem um visual interessante mas que não se mantém engajante o suficiente no jogo inteiro, não tem setpieces épicas e lendárias, a trilha sonora não faz teu coração bater mais forte enquanto você atira em um chefe; sua alma fica presa ao controle, ao teclado, e não aos céus infinitos que esperam ser desbravados em jogos desse gênero. E me dói dizer isso, porque shmups são uma das coisas que eu mais tenho prazer em jogar, e por mais que eu saiba que Blue Revolver não é um jogo ruim, ele não apetece minha alma faminta que espera poder voar mais uma vez livremente no espaço. Foi um jogo que infelizmente me decepcionou, mas eu ainda digo pra qualquer um dar uma chance, principalmente por se tratar de um tipo de jogo que não demanda tanto tempo pra apenas experimentar.

Это был трудный шмап, но я его наконец осилил.
В целом, тут есть всё то, за что люди и играют в такие игры: Ураганный геймплей, музыка, реиграбельность и визуал.
Если нравится жанр, то грех будет пройти мимо.

This was my first experience with the bullet hell genre, and what an experience it was! Who knew dodging an ungodly amount of shit while doing a little blasting could be so fun. The gameplay in conjunction with nice visuals and a banger soundtrack makes for a great experience, although not a perfect one. I don't think the tutorials were as good as they could have been, especially in reference to break and the scoring system. In addition, I wish it was a little clearer what my ship's hurtbox is. Fortunately those are my only real issues with the game, and the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives, and the bonus art and experimental weapons are cool extras. I definitely want to come back to this after I get more experience with the genre and am more up to the challenge.

Full disclosure - the guy who did the art for this game also drew my avatar (@woofycakes). I commissioned it, I promise I'm not corrupt.
A very "complete" feeling indie shmup, which is a lot rarer than I'd like to admit. Focused and wonderfully designed to the point of hitting CAVE marks, right down to rewarding you for using bombs strategically.

"This game is fucking impossible!" I say to myself as I die repeatedly in infinite-lives mode on the hardest difficulty, pretending I know anything at all about shmups except that they look pretty and "bullet hell" is a phrase that people say sometimes.

Cool game. Great soundtrack.

Year of the Rabbit #1: Recommended by... uh...I'll just say Cold_Comfort...

Yuletide givings often make way for me to put a game to the forefront, if I don't at least try my gift I'll feel like a terrible friend! Oh, shame on me for leaving it on my steam wishlist since the day it came out, the poor thing sitting out on my doorstep for years, waiting for me to open the door. It's going to catch a cold! You can rest with comfort now little one, warm yourself by the fire and have as many cookies as you like for my apology, I'm on a diet anyway.

Science girl who wishes to be cyber rabbit, what will they think of next? Are they trying to copy me, or did I copy them? Bullets brush past me as I cling to my bombs and lives by the skin of my teeth, hardcore electronic dance music goes crazy with the appearance of the fourth mini-boss. Vee in real life kicks their legs in an effort to go "NGAAAAAAAH" as they desperately weave between the not-actually-that-big bullets with their cute little hitbox. I say to myself "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" as I unleash the giant unholy laser beam of armageddon on my enemies, big giant shiny objects of interest manifest from the carcasses of my defeated enemies attempting to distract my draconic gaze upon the screen.

I. Must. Collect. All. I. Must. Destroy. All.

Is this what it feels like to be a dragon?

Weird, a rabbit-dragon? That's stupid Vee.

Oh so bright graphics, this isn't a GBA game is it? Oh thank goodness! The music is really good! I'm listening as we speak~. A splendid little welcome mat for those only beginning their adventure into maniacal shooting, with fun QoL and a stage select to practice the final boss over and over again. I think I just like the music for that part...was it the perfect gift?

Sadly, all references lost upon me aside from perhaps tidbits of allusions to Esp Ra.De. thanks to my Freeza day playthrough. Maybe I should go back to that now, maybe I'll enjoy it more after my training in Bloo Revolver. A new interest perhaps? A treasure trove awaits me if so, I might even try those touhous people go on about. What the hell's a raymoo?

Battle Garegga this, Ketsui that. Fine then... I'll play your little games... one day...

Very solid and unique visuals, the scoring system is good enough for someone like me that doesn't do scoring to have fun trying to get all extends. There's a lot of cool shots you can use even though I mostly did everything with Mae and her gigantic beam. Just an overall really fun time to Hyper 1cc and if you think that's too difficult for you the game has a lower difficulty.

Noob-friendly shmup with a nice dificulty curve and lots of options and customizations for your ship. Godd Bosses and an impecable OST.

Bonus points for a robust training mode and missions to help players learn the fundamentals.

J'ai pris Blue Revolver et c'est vraiment cool ! J'accroche bien plus que Mushihimesama, malgré quelques problèmes de lisibilité par moment (je ne sais pas pourquoi mon cerveau est persuadé que cette boulette bleue n'est pas un missile mais bien un bonus à ramasser...)

Je trouve ça cool qu'il ne soit pas possible d'utiliser les Continue au départ, ça force à jouer réellement au jeu et empêche de bourrer les crédits.

Autre truc cool il y a plein de missions annexes, ça rajoute de la variété.

Enfin les musiques tabassent, j'adore l'ost de ce jeu.

Very solid shmup, not perfect (some things were hard to see or lacked clear audio cues resulting in some unfair deaths in spots) but it's a fun little romp with great music.

Normal is what I played on because I'm a Touhou babby who also gets his kicks playing for Survival rather than Score, and it took a few hours to figure out, even if things became a lot easier when I did, and I beat almost all the final boss's attacks without bombing (it was the second attack I failed if you were curious) using Val and the wideshot+LASER for good fun.

Will I come back to this? idk maybe some day, it was enjoyable, after all.

First shmup i've ever 1CC'd, and i think it's a really solid one.
The music's awesome (twice, because there's an alt version for every song in the game!), the game looks pretty good too, and i think the game does a really good way at easing shmup newcomers like myself into it. On normal mode, if you get hit while holding bombs, you will autobomb which is really really useful because that means even if you still struggle with timing your bombs to escape death, the game got you covered. You also need to try the game for a while to unlock continues, which i think is really smart, because that means you actually have to try the game before being able to simply use infinite credits to get to the end.

The scoring system is also pretty neat, forcing you to use your subweapon and be pretty aggressive to get more points (and, by extension, more lives), which imo also is good for a newcomer, at least having to be aggressive with the subweapon resonated with me.

On top of that you can try missions to familiarize yourself with the stages, or even play in stage select mode starting from the mini bosses or even bosses to learn their patterns, etc...

All those elements make the game a really good one to start shmups imo, and from what i heard even for shmup veterans the game is really solid on higher difficulties

Primeira vez que eu jogo um shmup e não gosto, sério, eu não gosto muito de falar mal de um jogo, principalmente um indie, e do meu gênero favorito. Mas esse aqui eu sinceramente achei muito sem sal, as naves, os padrões eu não curti muito, música não muito emocionante. Falar que a única coisa que eu gostei foi a Pixel Art. Acredito que poderia ter sido um jogo melhor se tivesse investido mais em gameplay, ele é explicitamente inspirado nos jogos da Cave, então acho que poderia ter feito mais parecido. Tem outras coisas que poderiam melhorar, com certeza, entretanto, só uma melhora na gameplay faria uma diferença sinistra.

Blue Revolver tem todas as partes de algo que eu curtiria: navezinha, estética de anime, música legal. Mas se tem tudo isso, por que não gostei?

Basicamente, sinto que não oferece nada de novo: as fases não tem restrições de movimentos, sendo todas muito parecidas. Você não sente diferença entre elas, já que só o que muda é o png que roda no background.

As special weapons são bem hit or miss também, algumas são legais, mas outras são horríveis e parecem inúteis. O aspect ratio na vertical também nunca me agradou (prefiro muito mais algo na vibe de radiant silvergun, ou até gradius), então também perde uns pontinhos por conta disso.

No geral, é um jogo que não tenta muita coisa nova, só está lá, e não vejo motivos pra jogar tendo tanta outra coisa similar por aí. Não me sinto compelido a treinar e tentar zerar sem free play pois não me prendeu.

tl;dr: daddy has some serious skill issue

Dodonpachi chaining with Donpachi and Garegga scoring elements may just be my favorite scoring method I've found in a shmup, you combine that with a huge mission mode and multiple modes of play and you've got yourself a winner.

Not shy about its DoDonPachi influence. I had some issues with visibility - medals can cover up bullets and even besides that there's a whole lot of blue bullets on blue background, which can at times be completely heinous - but otherwise this is a pretty impressive package for an indie shmup. Good scoring mechanics that are satisfying to hit, a lot of variety in weapon choice, a surprising amount of extra content in the form of the challenge missions, etc - it's good! Can't say I'm overly keen on the actual visuals but the soundtrack is pretty sweet. Had to turn on Free Play by stage 3 in Hyper mode as well - shameful. Just shameful.

Não provoca reação. Não causa tesão. As papilas gustativas: nada excitadas. Para mim, apenas existe. Eu no meu canto e ele no dele.

So, I'm pretty well clueless on what makes a good shmup tick, but I do want to highlight the brilliance of locking away continues for a while. It forced me to fully learn the game and it's mechanics to where, on my first run with them unlocked, I had reached the final boss before needing to use one. (Yes it was on the easiest difficulty, no I don't care it felt good)

That level of understanding my place, where I was so tantalizingly close to beating the game on it's own terms immediately forced the game's hooks into my psyche.

Good time.

"These bitches gay"
- Repetitive and obvious
- Spoils the normal ending
- Pushes casuals away from the game

"If you 1cc they kiss I think..."
- Creative and unexpected
- Gives a possible hint of what's to come from the true ending
- Incentivize casuals to attempt a 1cc