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in the past

Mega Man 9 seemingly came out of nowhere as an excellent addition to the Mega Man series that felt like it would start the ball rolling to not only appease fans of the old games, but also bring in new younger fans. Mega Man 10, in my opinion, put a quick and sturdy stop to the proverbial ball. 

Mega Man 10 is the only game in the series that brings nothing new to the series. Mega Man 1 obviously started it all. Mega Man 2 added more bosses, a password/save system, and E Tanks. Mega Man 3 added Proto Man and Rush as well as sliding, Mega Man 4 added item purchasing, the charge shot, and, for a minute. a new "main villain." Mega Man 5 is by far the closest to Mega Man 10 with really only adding beat, which is a nuke bird so still pretty cool. Mega Man 6 added new rush adapters and energy balancer. Mega Man 7 added bolts to collect to use as money for a shop you can go to between levels, changed the bosses from 8 to two sets of four, ushered in the 16 bit era, and most importantly introdeced Bass and Treble. While I'm not a fan of eight they tried many new things with cutscenes, voice acting,  much improved graphics, and improved sounds. Mega Man 9 is a super polished NES style that introduced playing as Proto Man and time trials. Mega Man 11 came with new graphics and the double gears system.

Mega Man 10 not only added nothing new at all but it followed the polished Mega Man 9 and instead of continuing in its footsteps he ditches the amazing level design and instead sacrifices all level design for set pieces. The doubled down on the bad level design with terribly placed traps and enemies that jump out of holes that will stop you in your tracks so that you fall into a insta kill hole. Let me give you an example of both of these things. The worst level in the history of Mega Man is, in my opinion, Commando Man’s stage. There are several rooms with instakill spikes, insta kill pits, where in most of them are enemies that shoot up out of no where while a sand storm will randomly pops up and blows you forward or backward. Doesn’t sound to bad. Here comes the set piece over level design. When the sandstorm comes you can’t see anything. On top of all this the if you run against the wind you won’t stay in the same spot so you can’t just run in place to fight out the sandstorm. You basically have to guess if you’re in the right spot and if you’re not you will find out immediately because you’ll be dead. It’s maybe the worst level design I’ve ever seen in a competent level game. The game is littered with this nonsense but this level is the most egregious by far.

As big of a fan as I am of the Blue Bomber and as sad as I am to report this I just can’t recommend this game.

My Mega Man Rankings:

My 2024 games ranked:

this is probably the most important game to me.
when i was a little kid, my dads friend had this machine, something i didnt even think possible: he had a wii with a wifi connection. i was fascinated at how he managed to do that, as well as all the little things he had on said wii. one day when my family went over, my dads friend was playing this game on the wii. of course, being the dumb idiot kid i was, i asked if i could play, and he said yes. he started me out on solar mans stage, most likely to bully me a little, and i fucking sucked. i was like 8.
my only thought after i got home was "wow i have got to know everything about this" and did an 8 year olds equivalent of research (look at "mega man" on google images). when i finally learned how to play these games myself on the computer like 2 years later, i was ecstatic, and immediately started with 1. too hard. went to 2. liked it, but wanted more, and really liked 4 as well. when legacy collection came out, i bought it as soon as i heard because it sure as hell beats playing it on a browser emulator. when legacy collection 2 came out, i bought it on my brothers xbox. i didnt really care about 7-9, i just wanted 10. and now that i was actually good enough to beat video games, i loved it. mega man 10 is a genuinely amazing game, and also the one im most nostalgic for. i used to play this game so much i could get all 3 characters down to under an hour. this is the game that made me start doing annual marathons, because i wanted to play all of the classic games because of how much i loved them.

mega man 10 is essentially what made me interested in video games beyond mario.

This same studio proceeded to make Gal Gun btw

Just immensely solid and fun, with quick weapon switching adding a lot to the gameplay in conjunction with a very balanced, fun set of weapons. It took me a bit to settle in to the groove, finding it a bit difficult at first, but once I found my feet, it just clicked.

Fun game, but it kinda falls into the category of just another Mega Man game. Stages and some of the weapons weren't as fun as 9, but being able to play as Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass was a really nice inclusion in a solid entry.

Commando Man's stage can eat a dick

hated this when it came out, don't think I ever finished it

now I think it's pretty cute tbh, it tries a lot of different stuff and while it doesn't hit the same highs as 9 does for me, it's still fun!!

I used to think the OST sucked but honestly it's just a little more experimental and thematic than the other ones and I can get behind that

you can see wily sneezing during the final boss fight if you use the ice weapon that's some love put into it

Most underrated megaman game, its super super fun

This game feels unnecessary after the magnum opus that is MM9. The stages have diversity and the weapons are kinda cool but it feels rather uninspired and rushed out the door. I would absolutely play this game any day as it is classic Mega Man and I love it for still being that. But this game does nothing to stand out above the rest and that is truly a shame. Good gameplay, music, and stage design though.

The hard mode goes hard

Mega Man 10 was honestly a bit of a surprise. I wasn't expecting it to be enjoyable, but here I am, writing this review. Mega Man 10 is another NES-style sequel like with 9, but with fewer bs involved

Let's get the usuals out of the way. The gameplay, the visuals, and the music are all great; no surprise there. Like with 9, Mega Man doesn't have the charge shot or slide but makes up for it with its levels, except way better here than its predecessor. The eight Robot Masters here are fun to fight against, and the weapons themselves are good, not like Mega Man 9 good, but solid as it is. My favorites include the Water Shield and the Commando Bomb.

The story involves all robots getting infected with a disease called Roboenza, and Mega Man has to stop those Robots Masters from going haywire while hopefully finding the cure to this disease. I like the story here, and rarely do I talk about the plot of the classic Mega Man games because they aren't all that interesting for me to talk about. Easily the best story out of the classic series; not that's saying much since every Mega Man game is about Dr. Wily attempting world domination and Mega Man trying to stop him, but I just thought the story was worth mentioning here

After beating Mega Man, you'll unlock extra modes such as Hard Mode and be able to play as Bass. Yes, I know it's not the first time Bass was playable; that was Mega Man & Bass (I haven't played it yet), but it was cool seeing him in 8-bit. I only played a bit of him, but first impressions are solid. I like how he shoots in multiple directions, and I like how we can use his dog companion Treble to fly. I'll come back to this game some time to hopefully continue playing as Bass and get started on Proto Man.

Overall, Mega Man 10 is a pretty good Mega Man game in my eyes. Nothing much I can say about this one since it's like the previous nine games, but it’s easily a must recommendation for fans and newcomers. Out of all the games that were in Legacy Collection 2, this is probably my favorite one

More of the same goodness as Mega Man 9. I think I prefer 9 overall since it was such a surprise, but I could easily see someone preferring 10 - there's a lot more fun with theming here (Strike Man and Sheep Man are silly ideas that the game is quite happy to fully flesh out), the Mega Man Killers are brought back (admittedly I didn't play their stages, but hey), Weapons Archive is a great milestone celebration, etc etc etc. I do feel the main plot, while interesting, is less strong this time around, and the question MM10 sits on is more weird than compelling the way MM9 is; anyway, judging by MM11, it's not a plot point that held the creators' attention.

Seriously why the fuck can’t I slide and charge shot

P.S. Bass is cool

While "Mega Man 10" improves on "Mega Man 9" in almost every aspect, we ponder why Capcom chose to reduce its mascot into an fan game for release on the virtual consoles of its time.
While the game was enjoyable, we can't help but cringe at its attempt to replicate faux 8-bit to cash in on our collective nostalgia. Agreeably, the game used a 4:3 aspect ratio and can be played on CRT for an amateurish illusion of "old-school", yet only at 480i, bummer.

Luckily, the game's excessive amount of features, such as having 3 playable characters, 3 special stages featuring the Mega Man Killers, and its unique "Endless Stage" allows it to stand above some of its NES peers but remains a parody perverted by a long-gone era. To give due credit, both have what we would call the best Mega Man soundtracks of all time.

"Mega Man 10" had the most disappointing set of weapons, with the exception of "Triple Blade", so use that.
Comparatively, "Mega Man 9" had quite a good array of weapons,
including the overly powerful "Black Hole Bomb"

Mega Man 10 is a game that felt like more of a DLC to 9 than its own game. There were some cool things here but an overall downgrade to the quality here in most aspects was a bit too much to ignore.

I think the addition of the DLC characters was a cool concept and gave players an additional playstyle other than the traditional Mega Man but even then I would just rather play as the standard since I felt the game was designed for Mega Man mostly. There was apparently an easy mode here that made the game obscenely easy but it's really recommend you play on normal for the full experience.

I will be comparing it to 9 a bit here since it was made by same developer and in the same style but I will also compare it to the NES titles a bit as well. In comparison to 9, The weapons really felt short here other than the Water Shield and Triple Blade. The soundtrack here was hit or miss for me but I preferred 9's overall soundtrack as it was more consistent but in terms of the other NES games, this soundtrack wasn't actually bad as I'm sure they had more freedom being this game was released in 2010. Level design here was fairly worse than 9 but also seemed to have a reduction from spikes too. I would say this game is only a bit easier than 9 honestly.

All in all, people probably came into this expecting 9-2 and the game had some cool ideas but really didn't live up the quality and fresh ideas the development team here had for 9. With that said, this is still a Mega Man and you can't go wrong with it.

who tf wrote the description for this game lmao

Decent enough. Mega Man 9 has alot more BS, but this game way too forgettable, and while I fucking adore Mega Man 2, I really do think they should've improved on MM8 instead of going back to the series's roots. I'll just repeat my Mega man 5 review here:

This is the mega man game of all time. It was thought of, produced, published then sold. What a game.

Another great mega man game I have always heard mixed and negative reviews about mega man 10 but I enjoyed it and it did not disappoint.

Wow, who knew toning down the difficulty of your game could still make it enjoyable? Anyways I really enjoyed the game, I picked Protoman obviously because he has the abilities they painstakingly took away from Mega Man. Outside of some of the quirks in the design of the game like a couple bottomless pits and spikes it was really well-designed. The sprite animations were also great and the Robot Masters and bosses were generally pretty good too. Overall a huge improvement from 9 and a solid game that proves you don’t need to be mercilessly difficult to have a good time.

Any follow up to Mega Man 9 was going to suffer in its shadow, but this tenth Mega Man game is pretty great! Maybe a step down but most of my problems with this game is the first Wily Stage which has some subpar level design and the boss rematches are uninspired.

As for everything else? The level design is great. I think most of the levels are more difficult than MM9's fare but that's usually thanks to some nasty environmental gimmicks like those sandstorms in Commando Man's stage.

The music is delightful, the boss fights are tricky. I find the fight with Pump Man to be a pain in the metal butt with how little time you have to actually deal damage to him. The weapons were pretty good with most of them finding a lot of use across the stages. I have mixed feelings about the lack of a proper upward weapon but at the same time it was never an actualized problem so with the diversity of weapons there is in the arsenal combined with not going the obvious route of having a weapon that you can fire straight up is Great Game Design.

I think the story is cute and barring my problems with the first Wily Stage, I think the final stage is pretty darn cool and we're ten games into the franchise at this point so wowing me with something like it deserves commendation.

I was playing Proto Man this time around and this guy takes double damage. I had to really master this game to finish it but feels satisfying to be on the other side. Hope Wily recovers.

While Mega Man 10's certainly easy to write off for being another 8-bit entry so soon after 9 played the same nostalgic card, I stand by it being one of the best entries in the entire classic series. Some excellently challenging levels, one of the best weapon lineups in the series, another killer soundtrack, 2 playable characters right from the get go with DLC to boot? It's all here, and amidst the great Mega Man drought of the 2010s, I was almost glad that the series at least got to end off on such a top notch title.

The tenth game on the "classic" Mega Man game series also takes the form seen in Mega Man 9, practically a new-old game that while has some dynamism and it's out of the limitations of the very system it was born in the first place, still strips you of features and gameplay elements that became common in the franchise after the second entry. Good thing is, this one isn't trying to be like that one other game that was successful, but instead it kinda feels like what Mega Man would've felt if the series didn't really evolve that much in the NES days and just kept it very simple and fun.

And that's what this game is: Simple and fun. The classic feel of the run 'n' gun gameplay is a priority here, as there's not many puzzles or parts where you're forcefully stopped (like disappearing cubes and other gimmicky parts), thus making every stage practically a breeze compared to other entries, this coupled with the fact that there's not really any collectibles or anything makes it so your only focus is to beat Robot Master ass, but it feels especially good in this one.

The stages are so good looking, have a lot of varied but really good music and the Robot Masters and their fight are some of the most fun I've had in a while with this series, somehow they managed to even fit a cohesive albeit short story in this one and it's been a while since one of those, it's a truly good game only held back by being in the same vein as the ninth entry.

Mega Man 10 isn't trying to be an old game, it also doesn't try to be a new game, it doesn't really innovate besides the power set, but it sure as hell is a solid Classic Mega Man experience, and I'll have to give it credit for that, it accomplished being really fun.

Um bom jogo de Megaman porém menos inspirado que Megaman 9 no level design e criatividade. É também um pouco menos difícil que o anterior também e com mais abertura para fazer o grind dos parafusos que se usa para comprar itens muito úteis. Um jogo bom do Megaman 8 bits porém começa a dar sinais de cansaço e falta de inspiração, assim como o que aconteceu a partir do Megaman 4 clássico.

On release this felt like, hey it's not Mega Man 9 but then what is? That's still basically true. I sort of thought of 10 as being considered easier than 9 and I'm sure it is for some but the bosses are certainly tougher.

There's an interesting design philosophy difference between 9 and 10. In 9, the weapons each boss are weak to also have some other property that would make them the best choice even if all the weapons had the same DPS. For example, the concrete shot being able to destroy Galaxy Man's black holes. In 10, you need to use the weapons correctly to get the real damage out of them, the easiest example for me being the fact that you do piddling damage if you hit Sword Man with the missile directly, but good damage if you hit him with the explosion. Even with the right weapon, the bosses will still be tough. Of course, the bosses are very much designed around the right weapon being interesting to use, and you can always buster duel.

The music is a bit weirder and less catchy but there's some great tracks, the weapons are not quite as satisfying though they do all feel different. It's just... not really on the same level as the previous game. That's not all bad, though. 10 isn't a "lesser version" of 9, it's a game that was clearly approached with the desire to make something different from 9. It's easy to ignore the differences between entries in this series from a distance when they all look the same, but a game that tries some totally different ideas of how Mega Man can flow and achieves mixed results is just nice to see!

I played as Bass this time which at least lets you cheat some encounters and that's fun. I put the game down for a while and when I picked it back up I forgot he can't double-jump in this one and fell right into a pit so enjoy that.

mega man 10 is pretty good. its level design definitely feels more on par with 9 especially since we still have no charge shot or slide (unless you play as proto man) its nothing incredible but still one of the better games in the classic series

This game was fucking disappointing to play after marathoning the prior games. It feels like I SHOULD want to come back to this considering it has several playable characters on top of the usual replay value of the series, but honestly I don't see myself returning to this for a long, LONG time.

proto man is the only funko poop i own because his coolness counteracts how lame they are

mega man 9, perfected. the dlc is phenomenal too, this is probably the best game he's been playable in and it makes his already fun movement style an absolute joy.

melhor que mega man 9 em todos os niveis, voces nao estão preparados pra essa conversa

Uhh, this game is great. It’s like mega man 9 but easier and with more characters. It’s a very good game and the benchmark of a great mega man game, but there is this feeling of this game just being Mega man 9 but again and slightly not as good. I still recommend it alot, and it’s overall a great game. I do feel as if this game was a little weaker than 9 due to designing the game for 3 different characters though.