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Something I often read about Crysis is that this game is merely graphic eye-candy, which impressed in 2007 but lacks gameplay depth. However, this does a disservice to the game because Crysis is much more than a simple first-person shooter. And Crysis knows (most of the time) exactly what it is.
Unlike in Call of Duty, you don't follow linear paths here. Unlike in "modern" Far Cry games, Crysis doesn't use its open world to guide you from quest marker to quest marker. Instead, Crysis offers players open areas where the goal is fixed, but how you achieve it is entirely up to you. You can sneak through the jungle, swim or dive in the sea, or you can engage in open combat. The game allows you to decide how you want to play, and there's no "one right way". With this approach, Crysis created a gameplay structure that wouldn't be revisited with the same level of quality until a decade later in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
This gameplay style isn't just enabled by the game world. The Nanosuit is brilliantly implemented and gives players the choice to rely on stealth functions or switch to armor mode to engage in open combat. In terms of gameplay, you can see some parallels to Crytek's earlier work, Far Cry. Crysis builds upon the gameplay strengths of its predecessor and expands them in the way already mentioned. Both games were groundbreaking in terms of technology and share some visual similarities.
However, Crysis has something that Far Cry lacked: Art direction. It shows that Crysis knows exactly what it is. In 2007, it wasn't just graphically impressive; it also consolidated all the visual elements into a highly focused visual style that organically blends all the then-new graphical effects.
For these reasons, Crysis is more than just graphic eye-candy. The game set benchmarks in technology, art direction, and player freedom in 2007 that remain largely unmatched today.
However, this game is not perfect. Thus, I have to address the part of the game that is most frequently criticized: the final third of the game. I mentioned earlier that Crysis MOSTLY knows what it is. Unfortunately, the missions in the last third of the game do not build upon the established gameplay strengths. The very linear sections in the final third strip away the freedoms that made the game great in the first place. While Crysis's gunplay isn't bad by any means, it's not the game's standout feature that sets it apart from other games in the genre. As a result, the last third of the game is, visually stunning as it is, gameplay-wise, nothing special.

But all of this criticism doesn't change the fact that Crysis was a genre-defining game, providing players with a remarkable degree of freedom within its missions even by today's standards. Only the final third of the game keeps this masterful game from being an absolute masterpiece.

É um jogo bacana, meio divertido, meio frustrante, com um enredo fraco (apesar do universo da franquia ser interessante), com uma parte técnica foda (na versão original) e com uma história foda desde a sua produção até hoje.

Esse jogo foi produzido pela Crytek, desenvolvedora mais reconhecida (depois de ter criado Crysis) por ter criado o primeiro Far Cry, em parceria com a Ubisoft.

Esse jogo (Crysis) foi lançado em 2007, e ele foi um marco na indústria dos jogos por conta de sua tecnologia nunca antes vista, principalmente seus gráficos e engine, que eram o ápice da tecnologia que se tinha na época. Na verdade, até os dias de hoje, o jogo original tem gráficos melhores que vários jogos atuais, o que é um mérito em tanto.

O jogo foi tão aclamado pela crítica e público (por conta da parte técnica), que uma expressão foi difundida entre os PC gamers, que até hoje (principalmente na gringa) é usada: 'Seu PC roda Crysis?' .

Apesar disso, o primeiro jogo nunca foi realmente um sucesso gigante em vendas, tendo vendido 1 milhão de cópias na época, e cerca de 3 milhões de cópias foram vendidas até 2010 (somando o jogo original com sua DLC 'Warhead').

Claro, esse número de vendas é alto, ainda mais levando em conta que é um jogo de uma franquia nova e desenvolvido por um estúdio pequeno na época. Porém, levando em conta que o jogo era de considerável investimento e foi distribuído pela EA (que como todos sabem, é uma das empresas mais gananciosas e sujam do mundo), esse número de cópias vendidas foi bem abaixo do que se gostaria.

Uma das questões que causaram as baixas vendas foi a de que o jogo foi um dos mais pirateados da época, o que desapontou ainda mais os desenvolvedores.

Isso é meio estranho, já que poucos PCs rodavam Crysis decentemente na época, então muita gente que se submeteu a jogar o jogo de maneira pirata não conseguiu de fato rodar o jogo de maneira minimamente aceitável.

Anos depois, a Crytek desenvolveu versões para o Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3. Porém, obviamente, jogar nos consoles não seria a mesma coisa que jogar no PC. Não estou falando do fato de que jogar no console implica em jogar apenas com controle, mas sim porque obviamente os consoles da época não rodariam o jogo da mesma maneira que ele rodaria no PC.

Assim, toda a parte técnica do jogo no geral teve que ser adaptada para a realidade dos consoles, além de que alguns outros conteúdos, como o modo multiplayer, tiveram de ser cortados das versões dos consoles.

Mesmo com tudo isso, o jogo gerou duas continuações, que não obtiveram o mesmo prestígio que o primeiro jogo, e inclusive vieram com partes técnicas inferiores ao jogo original, principalmente comparando as versões de consoles do 1° com os demais, o que chega a ser curioso.

É inegável que esse jogo tem uma importância pra história dos games. Mesmo com um enredo fraco (já que o objetivo era produzir uma parte técnica de ponta, e não um roteiro emocionante), o jogo conseguiu cativar milhões de jogadores de FPS, e é bacana que, com esse remaster, a franquia consiga atrair a atenção de mais pessoas que não puderam jogá-los na época, mas que podem agora.

Inclusive, um quarto jogo foi anunciado há algum tempo pela Crytek, mas sem data de lançamento. Muito bacana.

good remaster, fried my pc like the original, recommend

I struggle to see how this was considered one of the greatest shooters. For it's time, I can see it being a decent FPS, but of all time?

oynadığım ilk crysis oyunu, gereksiz remasterd olmuş. ayarlarda full hd seçeneği bile mevcut değil. tüm başarımlarıyla oyunu tamamlamak 9 saat sürdü. görüntü kalitesi dışında keyifli zaman geçirdim.

Man the spaceship mission is so bad….

Review in progress:
Crysis is an underwhelming FPS. The open-ended portion at the beginning is enjoyable, but the second half is comprised of dull and linear set piece levels that could've been ripped straight out of a bad COD campaign.

I'm glad this was a sweet tech demo, because the shooting mechanics did literally nothing for me when I tried to play it.

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Crysis is an open-ended first-person shooter that I really enjoyed until the second half. The nanosuit abilities were cool and different enough to keep gunfights engaging for the most part. That was until the number of enemy vehicles skyrocketed and the game became unbearable. The tanks were fine to maneuver around, but the constant onslaught of HELICOPTERS was infuriating. This was around chapter 5, and the game went further downhill from there. I’ve never experienced motion sickness from anything, but chapter 7 made me so sick I had to stop and lay in the floor until my head stopped spinning. The alien enemies were just plain weird to fight against and the look of horror on my face when I learned that they had HELICOPTERS too was probably a sight to see. Flying the VTOL in chapter 10 was slow, tremendously clunky, and straight up not fun. The final boss was equally annoying, because I knew exactly what to do, but couldn’t seem to make it happen. I did the same thing like 5 times and for whatever reason, it worked the last time.

All this being said, I’m not going to let the back half of this game ruin the opening hours. The core gunplay and ability management was awesome, and I hope the sequels capitalize on these aspects! The story was cool, but nothing groundbreaking.

De ambientación selvática mezclada con elementos futuristas y de ciencia ficción, un FPS de recorrido lineal y cumplidor en general, aunque con un ritmo irregular al principio y una jugabilidad que mezcla pura acción con un sigilo que termina siendo anecdótico y de sensaciones frías.

Platinum trophy. Delta Difficulty

This game is effectively a stealth shooter. I expect and prefer to play this game as an open-world over-the-top supersoldier type shooter but Crysis isn't that. It's a very slow open forward moving tactical shooter with a lot of the same mechanics you'll find in those types of shooters.

However, a high point in this game is at the end of Chapter Relic. You come up to a landing zone deep in the night of the jungle, but there are enemies around and you don't know it. These enemies have the same capabilities as you, they're 4 Korean soldiers with nanosuits too. You don't know this yet because they aren't showing up on your radar until they turn off stealth mode or start shooting. At this point, I had this very predator-style back and forth where I was sneaking slowly while they were sneaking slowly and I kept baiting them by throwing grenades in open areas and then resuming stealth mode so they would think I was in that position, and they would attack there, allowing me to ambush them.

There's a huge bug in the mission Awakening where you can't see through the sniper scope or the visor when you reach the part where you fight the Koreans in nanosuits.

The final few missions where you fight the aliens are so shit that they completely change the pacing of the game and this game probably has the worst final boss in FPS history. In essence, there are only two alien types - the smaller ones and the bigger ones. They're both airborne-only enemies, and the missions where you encounter them tend to have much smaller maps like the aircraft carrier, and the enemies are bullet sponges that don't have any hit reactions so you're expected to use the stronger weapons such as missile launcher, gauss rifles, and miniguns. It's too bad that these encounters are shit compared to the sandbox nature of all the previous missions. The small aliens can only bum rush or shoot you while the bigger aliens just fly through the air shooting you from blind spots. They're such an aggravating enemy group to fight in comparison to the human + nanosuit soldiers that could do so much more such as flank you, throw grenades, enter stealth mode, use vehicles, etc.

The game has two real boss fights: the Korean general and the massive alien platform. Both are shit. The Korean general is a nanosuit soldier who isn't wearing a helmet but is a massive bullet sponge. Before the fight, you're knocked out and lose all ammunition so you have to use the pistol + SMG in the small room while the general has a minigun. He just eats everything while you scavenge for ammo.
The giant alien at the end of the game is the worst final boss of a shooter in recent memory. It's divided into 4+ different stages. First is an alien walker that you need to shoot with about 12 missile launcher shots, yet it has no hit reactions or health bar to tell you if you're doing anything to it. Then the real boss starts and you have to take down parts in stages while fighting waves of the aforementioned big flying aliens. Crysis is not frenetic nor fast enough of a game to constantly deal with that many enemies on the screen at once while being shot by a massive alien using a freeze ray and big explosions.

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Love how open the map is and how it allows you to approach encounters from whatever angle you want. Unfortunately that's ruined by a combination of bad design choices so despite the massive freedom pre-encounter, every encounter plays out very similarly. The AI's tracking is ridiculous, even on Normal Difficulty, so you're effectively forced into an approach that boils down to: Stealth in, kill a guy or two, run out to regen, rinse and repeat. The movement feels very stiff, too, especially in regards to jump momentum. If you don't get a running start to a jump, you barely move forward.
The ending sequence, starting from the dive into the abyss, was a clusterfuck. I liked the atmosphere and the visuals, but the extremely unfair feeling deaths(fish guys dealing 75% of your health with a charge, freeze rays being able to stunlock you in certain circumstances, etc) spoil it. Another thing that was a huge bummer was the crashes, mostly right before the very end of the flying level.
Overall I was disappointed in how Crysis turned out, after a strong start the latter half let me down. I played the game across two big sessions, and the enjoyment different between the first and the second was quite large.

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Es la remasterización de uno de los juegos que definió lo que era tener una buena computadora, es un FPS con gráficos tremendos, su historia me pareció la clásica historia de Aliens invasores//durmientes pero acá tiene sentido que vos los puedas hacer cagar porque tener el supertraje nanoepico, después en la cuestión de los niveles, la gran mayoría son abiertos en donde podes afrontar una situación de muchísimas formas, en una donde me tenia que meter en un laboratorio en vez de ir de frente y matar a 30 soldados fui por un costado y me ahorre un montón de tiroteo, y así supongo que debe haber algunas mas de las que hice, después las misiones secundarias me parecieron totalmente useless, algunas si tienen recompensas y otras en cambio no te dan nada. Después de jugar muchísimos "Cover Shooters" jugar un shooter normal se me hacia raro no poder cubrirme en si pero no es para nada culpa de Crysis sino de como intente afrontarlo al principio hasta que me acostumbré, es muy abusable el sistema de invisibilidad pero creo que esta hecho apropósito para darte una sensación de que sos dios. Es un juego corto me llevo unas 7hs, habrá que jugar las siguientes entregas para ver como termina

Played a bit of it then forgot about it so I will probably go complete it in the near future. I liked the combat and the suit powers from what I remember

feels incredibly dated, especially for a game that came out in a post Half-Life 2 world.

The most 3/5 game ever made.

Crysis is at it's best when you have freedom in how you approach an encounter. Too bad only a select few levels here even allow that. Also, the stealth is completely busted. Kind of a deal breaker when you have an invisibility button.

The last third of the game turns into an alien shooting gallery. It's not great. I still had fun overall but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they're curious about this weirdly culturally important game from 2007.

crazy how good this game still looks with just a few modern additions
i played it pre-patched ascension mission and i have no desire to go back and play that

all kinds of technical issues on PC really make this a rough sell (keys not rebinding this many years after launch). the fact that object destruction/physics and some really cool features from the original release were not ported make this a let down.

coupled with the very-early 2000s dialogue and "ooorah marines" run-of-the-mill story, it's pretty forgettable. but a <10-hour game means you can finish it before it gets reallllyyyyy tiring.

boss fights are comically bad, which means the end of the game loses a lot of the goodwill the first half had earned by feeling "wide-linear" (linear objectives within a constrained space, but multiple options to approach). i like the different guns don't get me wrong, but ultimately you put a silencer and a long-range scope on everything meaning customization feels superfluous. it's more about movement/environmental awareness than a DOOM game where you use certain weapons for certain encounters.

even so with all of those complaints, it's still a remaster of a historic piece of gaming, updated for modern systems (which has its benefits than trying to run back-compat Windows Vista), and is a part of FPS-gaming history. I enjoyed some of my time playing it, so if you get a chance, sure go for it.

Suit modları ile gizli ve normal aksiyonda çeşitlilik yaratıyor.Türkçe seslendirme ve altyazılar ile seslendirme kalitesi film havası katmış.Bilim kurguyu işlediği kısımlar biraz sıksa da sonu güzel bitiyor. Ek : Başarımları %100 tamamladım ve oyun süreme 10 saat daha eklemiş oldu.

Demora cerca de 1 hr e meia pra engrenar, depois disso fica muito divertido, aí chega na parte dos aliens e se torna extremamente chato e linear no extremo, paia.

çıkışı olaylıydı şuan toparlanmış gibi oynanır

Pretty boring. Didn't really need a remaster, because it just highlights the problems of the original. Bored after 2-3 trophies. I may pick it up later, but slim chances.

Barely a game. Some of its effects and visuals are enduringly charming, but this is empty calories. In the harsh light of day 'can it run Crysis?' was a meme that obscured how even the "good" parts of this game are tedious and awkward.