Reviews from

in the past

jogo muito divertido, cumpre sua proposta porém tem as piores boss fights que eu já vi

I played this game for Richard Horvitz. I am happy with that. I like a lot of the alien tropes and the destruction makes me all giddy like a child, but I feel that it can wear thin pretty easily.

A perfect visual uplift of the original. While the gameplay turns me off, if this is your jam go have some fun.

Good remake/remaster. Have no complaints about it other than the fact you can really only play it for a couple hours at a time before getting bored. But those couple hours are quite fun.


Fun game to play. Cool remake/remaster of the game. Problem was that it was too short. Can't wait to play the sequel remake.

Honestly this is one of the best remakes I think I've ever played ever. It's literally the PS2 game untouched with all of the old stuff except it feels better, with SEVERAL quality of life improvements to the gameplay to make it feel more fast paced and fair. For example: You can shoot your death ray straight down this time, draining lets you shoot and drain at the same time if that wasn't in the original, you can not only dodge but you can just do straight up hoverboarding, and there's more I can't account for. Now again I love the original but it's been years since I touched the original game on PS2, so if I'm wrong about anything then feel free to discard that. But at the same time it again keeps the original cast, keeps everything that made it special but it even added content cut from the original (mainly one mission called "The Mutant Menace"). And the amount more extra detail they put into each of the levels is astounding! The only things I could say that maybe could mess with people is the art style? That's subjective for me because I think the art style lends to the whole 50's parody aesthetic, though I think having everyone not look like warped cartoonish versions of themselves would've been ok too.

Also holy s h i t that final boss fight in the remake feels WAY harder than the one in the original. Other than that I don't know, I can't really say too much except I hope these guys remake the second and ESPECIALLY the third then continue on with the franchise from there.

Pretty much everything is back but better
Updated environment
Added extra content

It's subjective but some have been mixed on the art style? I don't get it
Still feels like the old ps2 game in some degrees

Overall fantastic 15 hour experience I say anyone who is fans of the original should DEFINITELY try out

From Steam Reviews:

Destroy All Humans

For me this was a childhood classic. something i loved playing growing up and also on Ps now just a few months ago. After that, this remake was announced and i won't lie, i threw my wallet at my screen.

So if you've played the original you'll know what a fantastic game it was, there was so much fun to be had, but if you're playing this for the first time, you're in for a fun ride.


So let's get straight into the gameplay, so much has been improved on by Black Forest Games, for one, it's a tonne smoother, gliding through the air on your jetpack whilst shooting puny humans and blowing up everything in sight has never been easier and felt so smooth. Controls are very simple, easy to access which gun you want to use, using the jetpack, PK abilities, holobob and more!
The missions are near exact to the originals with some slight tweaks here or there with added cutscenes to improve an already brilliant game.
During the Rockwell mission, you holobob the mayor and answer questions to keep the crowd happy, there was also more of this introduced in later missions which were very welcome.
The ufo is very easy to control, just glide around as you'd expect, smoothly and turning just as well, you get all the weapons in the original but to Crypto and the saucer, there are so many more upgrades to get making popping people's heads even more worth it!

So graphically this game imo is beautiful, compare it to the original and you can easily see the level of detail has been put into the graphics to really make this game blast forward into 2020. Now, is it the best graphical game of this generation? probably not but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's a beautiful game with great lighting, textures, ray tracing and overall fantastic detail.
As most games, it's not without it's bugs, i came across a few cars casually driving in mid air up the street and a random person morphing with a building but nothing more since. In the original, when destroying building they would simply just collapse and weren't as destructive as you'd expect BUT in this remake, blowing building up, hearing the explosions and seeing it crumble to bits really makes you feel like the terror has just begun.

We obviously return with Crypto and the classic Pox in this remake, these two miscreants still have their entertaining banter and witty remarks they throw at eachother which makes them a treat to watch during cutscenes and even during the missions. The npc's have also been recreated from the ground up with a more cartoonish look but the style and design is unique and fits perfectly rather than realistic people.
There are still the main characters from the game such as the general, president and more (no spoilers)

Thankfully, even the levels are near exact the same as the original, as expected, some tweaks here or there for great improvements but the layouts are exactly the same with greater details. Turnipseed Farm, Rockwell, Santa Modesta, Area 42, Union Town, Capitol City

The sound in Destroy All Humans Remake, has been greatly improved on. In some instances you will hear original audio from the original game but with a greater quality and no recaptured which i find to be a really nice touch. Other improvements are levels such as Turnipseed farm, you can hear birds chirping very nicely in such a rural environment, obviously busier towns take away a little bit from this and focus more on the surroundings such as more people talking, the Rockwell fair and even the squeaking of cars where people.....well you know the rest.
The weapon sounds have also been greatly improved with the Zap-o-matic sounding alot more like a big Taser and not a faulty plug hanging off the wall, shooting fireballs has never felt so good as it sounds as you'd expect, like a ball of fire being shot although i'm not sure how we'd really expect that to sound lol
This goes for the weapons on the saucer aswell, Shooting the death ray sounds like you could very well shoot through the building and leave a smoldering crater in the earth and don't even get me started on how much i love the quantum de-constructer.
Overall the sound quality in this has been greatly improved and really adds to the gameplay and enjoyment.

In conclusion, after playing this as a youngster i am extremely happy with this remake, it takes me back to being a 13 year old that purely wanted to destroy the human race or use the PK ability to hold someone in mid air and drop them onto a car to hear the thud....i was a sick kid
Gameplay for me is brilliant, fun to play, easy to use and i could just sit around demolishing the cities all day, not to mention the probe collectables you can get on every level!
There is plenty to do, missions are very fun, optional mission objectives makes the missions even more fun and there is challenges to complete on each town which get more difficult as you go on
Very fun, Very Smooth, sounds great and an experience for everyone to enjoy!

THQ Nordic is set on warmastering, re-Mars-tering, rehydrating, and re-reckoning a whole host of games from annals of yesteryear. But instead of touching up classics like Final Fantasy 7, Resident Evil 2, and Crash Team Racing, the publisher has been revisiting fondly remembered titles with less cultural cache. Destroy All Humans symbolizes that initiative and has thus gotten its own 2020 remake. Its probing gear has gathered some rust in the ensuing 15 years, but the probing process itself isn’t as uncomfortable as that gap implies.

Read the full review here:,1990,6241,Destroy-All-Humans-Review,.html

Mein kurzes Intermezzo mit Destroy All Humans! hat genau das für mich getan, wovon ich ausgegangen bin. Ein wenig Nostalgie, befeuert mit schicker Grafik und liebevollem Herumblödeln im freien Modus. Die Steuerung geht wirklich leicht von der Hand, der ständig mies gelaunte Crypto versprüht unfreiwillig humoristischen Charme und die Gesellschaftskritik an den USA im 50er-Jahre Stil ist heute noch genauso aussagekräftig, wie zum Release des Originals.

Wer mehr von einem solchen Titel erwartet, wird aber enttäuscht. Das Design mit den einzelnen Missionen in kleinen Arealen ist einfach nicht mehr zeitgemäß, tut jedoch seinen Zweck. So bleiben die Aufgaben knackig und langeweilen einen nicht. Und das freie Erkunden ist auch nach Abschluss der Story noch einen Blick wert. Wer als komplett aufgerüstetes Alien die armselige Erdbevölkerung unterjocht, kommt sich mächtig stark vor.

Destroy All Humans é uma sátira total aos Estados Unidos, que brinca com o clássico nacionalismo americano e o medo do comunismo que todo estudante de história conhece.
No jogo você controla Krypto, um alien que invade o planeta terra para domina-lo e criar um império alienígena sobre sua ruína.
Para completar essa tarefa, você precisa destruir cidades, bases militares e até mesmo o governo americano! E para tanta destruicão, você tem um arsenal técnlógico alíenigena que inclui desde lança raios até leitor de mentes e um ovni para destruir qualquer resquício de humanidade naquela área.
Tudo isso implica diretamente no level design, que é propositalmente repetitivo para explorar ao máximo cada mecânica das armas e habilidades, considerando que elas evoluem conforme você progride na campanha. Com isso o jogo fica muito divertido e demora para enjoar.
Aliás, o jogo não se estende muito. Eu demorei 6 horas para completar todas as suas 20 missões, um ritmo bem legal que não deixa o jogo maçante.
Lembrando que o jogo é um remake, e como não joguei o original, não garanto que é melhor ou pior. Porém garanto que o jogo se adaptou muito bem à nossa época, tanto em gráficos como em jogabilidade.

Conclusão: Destroy All Humans! é um ótimo jogo para quem busca uma experiência curta, humorada e divertida, com uma história clichê e descontraída.

Un juego simple pero entretenido, un buen remake a pesar de haber experimentado poco el original, un humor algo tonto pero efectivo.

Das Spiel wäre 50% besser wenn es nicht jede 3 Minuten eine Cutszene hätte die überhaupt nicht witzig sind.

I've gotta rescue me - him - he's gotta rescue me - I mean we gotta - I gotta - brains, man - WHEN DO I GET TO BLOW THINGS UP?!

Great and faithful remaster of a nostalgic game. The gameplay loop itself doesn't quite hold up today though.

Played this for a few hours cause I was bored and it was free on Playstation Plus. Truly feels out of the PS2 generation mission based third person shooter and I don't mean that as a bad thing. It was decent fun. I really dislike the main alien dude's voice doesn't seem right to me. Didn't feel like a must play or anything but I might come back to it in a slower month. Not sure but I dig the concept.

A very fun and faithful remake. Pretty straightforward, but still very fun all the way through. The new devs even added some new weapons and even put back in a once deleted mission which was fun to play through. Optional challenges in the mainline missions are fun mini challenges you can participate in while causing mayhem, and the 4 different level challenges in each world are fun are fun enough, but can get really irritating if you aren't upgraded properly. If you're looking for some dirty and quick fun, you could probably get through the main story within a day or two. It's also available on GamePass and PSPlus Premium on top of constantly being on sale.

Changes and QOL updates make the game live up to todays standards

A great remake of a PS2 cult classic, maintaining both the charm of the original while also bringing something new to the table in it's long awaited comeback to the current gen.

It was very fun revisiting a game I played quite a bit in my childhood and having the opportunity to actually complete it. The humour is some of the best in a video game (akin to Grand Theft Auto) with very serious themes hidden beneath the surface of seemingly harmless jokes. The plot isn't too much to look at, but it's a nice backdrop for a game with some interesting gameplay mechanics and sense of replayability.

I'd wager this is one of the best remakes to date and one of the best cult classic PS2 titles as well, up there with the likes of Spyro, Ratchet & Clank and Crash Bandicoot. An often overlooked classic that deserves recognition and now has it's opportunity to do so.

Don't be a fool like I was and be absolute certain you can run the default settings. It was slightly too much for my desktop. 4.5/5 It was 100% worth getting Destroyed.

I always wanted to play this game as a child after playing a demo of it back on the PS2 but was never able to. I think this holds up, its good old fun.

I don't get the point of this crap.

Para mim que nunca jogou o original, achei um ótimo jogo. Fica evidente que o remake/remastered foi especialmente e talvez unicamente nos gráficos, pois a jogabilidade é claramente da sexta geração de consoles. No fim, é um jogo divertido e com limitações que não incomodam na maior parte do tempo.

A Boss final pareceu até meio desnivelada em dificuldade com o resto do jogo, nunca joguei o clássico (só em vagas memórias) e curti demais, mais pra frente vou pro 2.

Aside from a frustrating boss fight near the end of the game, I had fun with this. I never played the original game so this was a good way to finally see how the series started.

English | Español

The aliens invade us: the videogame, well they invade the United States during the Cold War to be precise and in the process, they make fun of every possible cliche. It's quite fun and last short enough to avoid being tiresome.

Los aliens nos invaden: el videojuego, bueno más concretamente invaden los Estados Unidos de la Guerra Fría y en el proceso se mofan de todos los clichés que pueden. Está bastante entretenido y dura lo suficientemente poco como para que no se haga pesado.

It's just mindless fun. I played the original when I was a kid and was pretty excited when they announced this remake. It's faithful to the original. It's the same plot (with the same voice actors too). The game controls well, Crypto doesn't feel awkward at all. It's nice to have a game come out that doesn't take itself so seriously. It's just so silly. Sure, the jokes can be hit or miss, but the game is so bizarre it won't bother you. The art style does fit this game (Crypto looks fantastic), however, it needs to be tuned just a bit. A lot of the human models just don't look that good. I noticed at one point an American flag was waving at about three frames per second. Also, there was a pop-in problem with some of the cutscenes. And during one of the cutscenes, a car drove through two people. That stuff is annoying, but it doesn't affect the overall gameplay. If you're looking for some dumb fun, this is the game for you.