Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo que tem potencial, porem ficou meio repetitivo depois de umas 2 horas jogando e eu perdi o interesse.

O game é um roguelike e a ideia principal é que vc pode mover as plataformas do chão. É uma ideia interessante, mas também é só isso, de resto são inimigos bem repetitivos e vai ficando sem graça.

So fellas, when are we going to say we've had enough of these bland ass pixelshit games attempting to be bargain bin Dark Souls? Admittedly the mechanic of moving around platforms in water as a means of getting around the map is actually very interesting, but that is the only nugget of originality this game has.

6.45 - Até que é legal, visualmente é bonito e a gameplay é funcional, tenho um sentimento de amor e ódio por roguelites, odeio morrer e ter que voltar tudo, mas é bem legal ir evoluindo o personagem.
A variedade de armaduras, armas e modificadores são bem legais e incentivam ir fazer varias runs para conseguir equipamentos melhores.

Só acho que poderiam aumentar um pouquinho mais o jogo, talvez colocar mais uma fase com mais um chefe e outros inimigos, senti que no geral ficou curto, poderiam desenvolver bem mais as coisas, uma pena, mas foi divertido jogar.

Well I liked the river part of the game which is something I see great potential, but am I crazy or what, 'cause I'm not seeing any rogue-like loot that's supposed to buff my character? Why are they dropping boring weapons that has got the same dps as my starting gears?

En el mercado actual de indies, nos encontramos con una inmensidad de títulos roguelike, pues atienden a la necesidad de muchos respecto a los tiempos/jornadas de juegos acotadas, entre otros factores.

La forma de innovar en este género suele ser muy variada, y el aporte que hace Loot River no es menor, pues se trabaja sobre un sincretismo pulido entre un juego de acción, puzzles y aventura isométrica, con una dificultad digna de combates meticulosos (y casi darksoulescos).

Este videojuego nos presenta un apartado artístico pixelart muy bien trabajado, dentro de una estética violenta y oscura, acompañado de un OST que no se queda atrás.

En cuanto a gameplay, nos encontramos con inmensidad de armas y builds customizables, además de su sello propio: mover baldosas. El personaje lo controlamos con nuestro stick izquierdo, mientras que el derecho funcionará para mover nuestra superficie (generalmente similar a una pieza de un rompecabezas), la cual iremos encajando a otras para así lograr progresar y explorar la inmensa aventura que nos propone este videojuego. Dicha mecánica no contempla solo movimiento y traslado, pues también tiene su apartado estratégico; las superficies pueden ser quemadas y manipuladas a voluntad, lo que permite utilizar técnicas de combate avanzadas dispuestas a la creatividad del jugador.

Loot River no es un juego que pase desapercibido, es una de aquellas obras que no ha recibido el cariño que se merece, y que nos dará horas y horas de desafío con sus infinitas posibilidades, sus escenarios proceduralmente generados, sus retador sistema de combate con parry y rolls, y su progreso desbloqueable tan satisfactorio e icónico en el mundo de los roguelike, por más mínimo que sea.

Game call "Loot River" but the Loot kind of sucks. The River is actually good tho.
I was not expecting isometric roguelike Dark Souls but thats what it ended up being (I guess I dont know what I expected it to be).

- The most prominent thought on my mind while I played this game was: this shit is fucking janky. As a roguelike, and as a soulslike, being able to reliably perform actions and being able to reliably read enemies is everything. There will be times where you scuff a run solely because something just didnt... work. The game also has some situations that demand quite a bit of you and dropped inputs, missing hitboxes, and wonky damage calculations are not conducive to those expectations.

- Following that, the River gimmick does feel pretty novel - but more than that I think it also confers some really nice benefits.
>1. This obscures the procedural generation by having the blocks of generation "rideable" and "alterable". You care less that everything is generic somehow (quite an accomplishment in a genre that usually struggles to avoid feeling random). Its like flotsam on a.... river. Very smart (or accidental) synergy.
>2. Your explicit control of the platforms allows you to abuse them to exploit the pathing of enemies. This is one of your main ways of combating and offsetting the jank.

- Something that is a negative upfront is the games lore. It just.... dumps it on you. Relics, First Citys, The Keep, a Cult? Its just sort of.... offputting how much it expects you to care with no groundwork. Over time I was able grow to appreciate it a bit more but game devs should not do this. Its not charming, its suffocating. Let the game be normal, give normal incentives in those early hours. Giving everything a new Proper Noun is one of those things that makes everyone hate Dark Souls contribution to video games.

- I did a couple "normal runs" and visited the various "side areas" in the game. Its easy to see that the "true ending" requires that you weave through all the various areas and defeat all the bosses in one single run - but Im not enjoying the game enough to do that. There are 5 bosses but really any boss with a sword is the same boss and the jank is severely not worth the squeeze.

- Game looks good.

Le faltan como tres ciclos y medio de desarrollo, depuración de bugs que no te jodan una run y que el diseño no sea la giña más roñosa del mundo a veces

This game is the clear image of what happens when you have a cool idea such as mixing a Souls like with Klotski but your development team is too small to bug test it properly on launch so you end up burning the players that bought it on launch only for them to come back a year later when the game is mostly fixed and plays differently...

The pixel art is neat.

grafikleri falan güzel, mekanik te akıcı aslında da
o kadar uzun sürüyor ki kalıcı bir gelişim elde etmek oyunda sıkıldım sildim

Charming pixel graphics and a very interesting way of giving the players the freedom to carve their own path. While I don't mind roguelikes, I'm not a big fan of them so this game didn't do it for me.

A awesome concept with a tertris roguelite and topdown action game that doesn't quite work or hit the mark. i walked away from this game with a mixed opinion and some things were done well but some things just didn't ever click and I was wishing it just dropped the Tetris raft block aspect.

Foda que o jogo era pra ser bom, tem uma ideia legal e um ar old-school bem dahora.
Mas Jesus, acho que fizeram o jogo em uma semana. É gráfico explodindo o tempo inteiro, é bug no combate (principalmente na esquiva), é bug de tudo o tempo todo. E falta conteúdo

A very nice-looking soulsy puzzly roguelike, but they forgot to make the combat satisfying, and they forgot to put in actual puzzles, and it's a roguelike.

Cool concept with the controllable terrain in the form of tetris-like blocks. Unfortunately, I feel that almost everything surrounding that doesn't do much to elevate the concept.

You can utilize the system to do some cool tricks in combat but it never feels quite right. The feel of movement and combat is decent but once again the game feel isn't quite there.

I love the visuals, from the pixel art and environments to the UI. Characters and world are a combination of dark and silly that works for me.

What is stopping me from coming back is that it lacks the gripping replayability that roguelikes desperately need. I hope to see this game get a sequel or for another developer to take the general idea and further it in another project in the future.

Love the moving platforms and how they affect combat, but run variety felt really limited and unlocking more weapon/hat options was too big of a grind for me. If it comes back to Gamepass at any point I might give it another shot!

What an awesome game! I am not the biggest fan of roguelites, but Loot River converted me. The sliding puzzle level design and fast combat with awesome gothic plague pixel art style and some cool ambient music made this a great title.

The achievements are simple and pretty much walk you through the entire game with only a few secrets for the true ending. I died A LOT in the game and over 17 hours of gameplay finally finished my first escape.

One of those, “but why?” games.

Interessante graficamente, com um sistema de locomoção interessante e único, mas design de combate fraco e pouco balanceado. Algumas armas são bem mais fáceis de usar. Ataques inimigos são difíceis de ver ou estranhos, então é dificil evitar tomar dano. Como o jogo é basicamente melee, isso é um problema. Joguei um pouco e quis continuar, mas as mecânicas do jogo me fizeram parar.

Enjoyed this quite a bit at first, but I get really bored of rogue likes without any sort of checkpoint system. Very annoying to have to play the same levels and bosses over and over again

smdh at everyone comparing this game to tetris. you lot never see a klotski puzzle before? sad

And now, for my debut indie game that's totally going to be a super original roguelike, It's going to be inspired by Dark Souls and...

throws dart without looking in a target with numerous random videogames written


Çerezlik, hoş bir rogue-like. Ama fazlası değil.

Boring execution of an interesting idea.

Ich lehne mich hier vermutlich etwas aus dem Fenster.. aber sollte man bei einem Spiel mit dem Namen Loot River nicht geilen Loot erwarten dürfen?

Alles was man in dem Spiel findet ist Mist.

Geld spielt keine Rolle, blaue "Erinnerungen" bringen keine Verbesserungen, sondern sorgen dafür, dass man in zukünftigen Runs andere Waffen finden kann.

Erfahrungslevel werden nach dem Run auf 0 gesetzt.. ja .. auf 0.

Das bedeutet, dass man sich im Run entscheiden muss, ob nun Stärke oder Geschicklichkeit skillt (funktioniert ähnlich wie bei DS)
.. jetzt findet man im Run ständig Waffen, die einfach nicht passen.

..warum nennen sie das Spiel Loot River?...

dazu kommt extrem unpräzise Steuerung und ein derart mieses Design.
Mal kann man über Eck auf andere Plattformen, mal bleibt man in der Luft kleben, ständig bleibt man an Ecken hängen.. und selbst Gegner bleiben überall hängen.

Hier ist wirklich alles grauenvoll.

There is just enough off with the game play of this game that makes it a pain to play through. A part puzzle game, part rouge-like, Loot River's two ideas are interesting in concept but the execution is not good.

The rogue-like action is alright, with just two issues that stood out. First, the controls feeling just slightly off. Parrying feels off in a way that didn't feel like missed parrying opportunities are a skill issue but just a problem with the detection. As if I have to adjust things on my end to make up for technical issues and not having to adjust to patterns or just missing the window in a obvious and natural manner. Combat is okay but just nowhere near as satisfying as you'd like for a game like this. These two combinations, along with the difficulty, just makes it not worth pushing through since again, it's just not very satisfying.

The puzzle factor too is just there and at times, more tedious than its worth.

Overall, I could see Loot River be a game people really do enjoy. For me though, the lack of interesting puzzles out the gate along with combat that's just not satisfying or tight enough makes the difficulty to push through simply not worth the time and effort.

Abandonado sobre las tres horas. No me ha sabido interesar en ningún momento. Es bonito y es desafiante, pero no interesante.

El gimmick que lo distingue es que la exploración sucede en balsas que se mueven y encajan unas con otras y sobre las que tienes control de mover y acomodar como piezas de Tetris.

En teoría eso debería hacer una exploración expresiva, donde te las arregles para resolver acertijos de ordenamiento, o te sientas como un campeón por conseguir, reacomodando piezas, llegar a un área en la que no parezca que debieras poder estar. En la práctica, el uso es muy poco imaginativo y básicamente consiste en acertijos deslizantes a lo «juego del 15» en los que intervienen dos o tres piezas. En el combate la estructura tampoco termina de presentar una diferencia estratégica que valga la pena reseñar.

En fin, me voy con la idea de que el juego no sabe qué desea ser ni de que se quiere tratar, y sin profundizar en ninguna de las dos cosas que mezcla, parece más una idea que a priori estaba bien pero luego no supieron qué hacer con ella y tampoco supieron rechazar a medio desarrollo.

Was really looking forward to this game but sadly didn't live up to my expectations. Still feels unpolished and unfinished despite looking nice. Hopefully the rough parts continue to get patched out, and once enough updates come through I'll give this another try.

An okay one of these. The timing on the parry seems really weird, and not just on the enemies with intentionally vague animations.