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in the past

As a game its pretty fun. Kinda just unfortunate it was made by some shitty people but its good that they were exposed.

this was fun as, beat it about a week ago.
however the dev / mod teams have outed themselves as complete bigots and cannot recommend this anymore

The game was pretty fun but the lead developer is transphobic so i’m not going to play this ever again

-_- I done playing fan games , can't trust Fan game creators man

The long and short of it is that it's a pokemon roguelike, if the title didn't give it away. Gameplay is super addicting and the replayability is there with the amount of pokemon and RNG involved. I binged this game over the last 2+ weeks and got to near wave 3000 of endless and completed probably a dozen classic runs.
I'd say play it but consider holding off as so many things need to be implemented still and it's somewhat of a buggy mess. Endless mode becomes a chore after awhile, there needs to be more progression and mechanics to award players for runs and successes, and the devs need to continue their hard work keeping the servers alive (why is this a browser game???) and rolling out more updates and features. I'm a sucker for pokemon so I like this a lot, and I can see myself coming back later on once it's more fleshed out and cleanly implemented.

I think my expectations were to high here. Everyone was going around saying this was better than all the modern Pokemon games but I don't see it personally. I am not saying its bad just not exactly my thing would probably be how I would describe it. I would reccomend it if you are a skilled Pokemon player and if you are a fan of Rougelike games.

Pokerogue is a crazy high quality fan game. It's so simple yet addictive, and I'm sure it will get even better as it continues development. It doesn't have a ton of substance yet, and can sometimes devolve to just mindless A pressing, but the sheer number of Pokemon gives it a ton of replay value and creative potential already. Since it's a free browser game, I think it's perfect for just booting up every now and then for a quick run, and I think I'll make a habit of doing that.


torch song torch song torch song torch song torch song torch song

A fun game that I am absolutely terrible at, and I don't see that changing much. Roguelikes typically have some way to give less experienced players a push in the right direction, like good RNG for helpful items or, more divisively, meta progression. This isn't that kind of game, if you're not a great Pokémon player you won't make it very far at all. Sorry to be the one asking for an easy mode, but I think it would go a long way towards motivating less experienced players to improve. As it stands, I'll leave this one to the pros.

It's a fun take on a series of pokemon battle, but it gets very repetitive, very quickly.

It never actually pushes any fun pokemon tactics, it's more about resource and xp management, and it never feels like you reach a happy equilibrium, you're either struggling or walking through the game.

PokéRogue is, in my opinion, very much too ambitious for its own good. It's an insane endeavor, for a browser game, to do all that it does (and indeed, even just on a mechanical level, a lot of abilities and moves are still not implemented, though obviously that will pass with time), and at a base level, it does it pretty well. Along the way to the final boss, you'll fight a bunch of wild pokemon trainers, gym leaders, E4+Champion and a rival, and after every fight you get a random item. It adapts Pokémon to a roguelite formula fantastically well- the more Pokémon you get, the more eggs you hatch, the more options you unlock. And on the other hand, every run is different, because while you will eventually start with your absolute best aces, you'll have to fill up the rest of the team with whatever else you run into (probably something like a Gyarados and an Ursaluna, if you're like me).

That is all well and good, but where it falls apart is just how much stuff there is. Mainline Pokémon has over 1000 critters now, 900+ moves and 300+ abilities- that is all just way too much for one game to feature. This isn't about Dexit, there's never been a Pokémon game where more than like, 150-200 Pokémon are available to catch before the credits roll, and I might still be highballing that number. And those games are some 20 hours long if you're rushing, PokéRogue is only... well it's like, 3 hours long, but we'll get to the length in a second. My point is, this is just too much. The sheer number of options means they cannot possibly be balanced at all, which paradoxically makes the game feel more repetitive because why the hell would I use most Pokémon when I could use much more versatile and minmaxed equivalents? A Pidgeot is never going to hold a candle to a Staraptor, and why would I ever use a Donphan when I have access to Great Tusk for just a few points more? Worse than that, only a few select strategies are really viable. By the late game every boss 'mon is going to be holding a few Lum Berries, which is going to make status effect-based strategies fare pretty poorly. On the other hand, stat boosts last until you enter a trainer battle, so anything that can do those well is automatically high tier (You can't take those buffs into Gym Leader fights, but you can against boss wild Pokémon. Plus, with the somewhat janky AI, you can definitely find some opportunities to set up a sweep). Also, the final boss and the Rival's ace are always the same, so you'll really want to build around them by the end. Starting with anything other than the "ol' reliables" you'll inevitably get a few of quickly begins to feel like a self-imposed challenge, and with how incredibly fucking long the game is, that's just not appealing.

Length, in fact, is in my opinion PokéRogue's biggest flaw. When I said the game took about three hours to beat, I was not kidding, runs go between 3 and 4 hours which is just nuts for a game that's mostly going to be you clicking the same move on a wild Pokémon 20 levels weaker than yours. It just doesn't need to be like that, too. You can get up to level 200 compared to the official games' cap at 100, but learn-sets still go up to 100 so the latter half of your journey will be a lot more samey (unless you replace some of your Pokémon, but it's not like the new ones will be learning anything new on their own too), and so much of any playthrough is just fighting wild Pokémon that it's really easy to see how a lot of that could be cut off. Make every 10th floor from 10 to 80 be a gym leader fight, 80-90 is the E4 and 90-100 is the finale, and you've cut off the runtime in half and the amount of actual content seen by like, 5%. The difficulty might feel better, too- a lot of the game is trivial, but you're eventually going to hit a brick wall that just sweeps you and have to restart from scratch (or just reload your browser page and start the fight over...). I just don't understand why this free game feels the need to have so much padding, there's even an infinite mode for those who do want the game to go on longer, but at least for me it does ruin a lot of the fun- it's incredibly addictive, so it's common for me to want to start a run, but I know that halfway through I'll be absent-mindedly clicking Waterfall after setting up a few Dragon Dances with my Gyarados, while watching a Youtube video. So I dunno, extremely impressive effort, but I do feel the result is only kind of ok.

I don't really fw with Pokémon battles normally so this is clearly not made for me
looks really well done, you guys have fun

La curva de dificultad es terrible. Cuesta empezar bien una run mientras que todo el midgame (con picos puntuales) se solucionan en un solo movimiento. Además, un roguelite con partidas muy largas para mi gusto. Reconozco haber recargado el navegador en la batalla final una vez porque me negaba a tener que volver a pasar varias horas para volver ahí.

Pero superdivertido, lleno de posibilidades y que te permite jugar con muchas estrategias y obligándote a improvisar. Quizás muy difícil intentar construir las builds que quieres ya que no hay ninguna forma de aumentar las posibilidades de los objetos que quieres, todos están en la misma pool,

its fine, tried it a few times and i can appreciate the characters within it! otherwise theres nothing really going for it unfortunately

changed to unrated what a shit show.
Sam announced his departure from the project

The general chat on the Discord descended into chaos, with many people bashing Sam for his religious beliefs

People started spamming trans rights in the chat, which resulted in some people responding with transphobia

A mod tried to shut it down by targeting the people spamming trans rights, rather than the transphobic comments. They referred to the trans topic as something that makes some people uncomfortable, which pissed off the trans community

The one active mod began shutting down chats, with the community finding a workaround by creating threads. There was a general resentment for the mod due to their comment on trans stuff. The mod continued to double down on his stance before apologising a couple of hours later

Speculation began that the mod team was generally not supportive of trans people. Around this time, someone leaked a chat with Sam showing his negative stance on LGBT+, supporting the speculation

A couple of new mods came online and tried to assure everybody that the issue was being dealt with. One of them (newly appointed community manager) quit within a couple of hours due to in fighting between mods and being told to play PR on the LGBT+ stuff despite being LGBT+ themselves.

Despite calls for the mod team to take a strong ‘no bigotry’ stance, the mod team put out a statement banning all political talk, making it clear they intend to sit on the fence on this issue

Updated review. Have about 120 hours in it now. Still love this game. While this review is going to sound negative, I just wanted to address my faults with it since I feel that's easier than addressing everything the game does right.

My main gripe with the game is it's soooo grindy. Even with how much the game showers you in egg vouchers, the egg grind is immense. There's hundreds of starters and 4 egg moves to unlock for each of them meaning it's going to take hatching the same pokemon at least 4 times in the best case scenario and it's likely to take much more.

If you've never played, these egg moves are often incredibly powerful and can make or break a pokemon. The main issue is that after you hatch that pokemon again, there's a chance you just roll the same egg move again and get nothing. For example, I got a legendary egg and hatched a Terapagos that got Moonblast as an egg move then I got another legendary egg only for it to be another Terapagos that didn't even roll an egg move. This is really frustrating since it can take hundreds of eggs to get another legendary egg and rolling the same pokemon and not even getting a new egg move is basically a wasted egg. The easiest way to fix this would just to make it so you get a new egg move every time you hatch it. This may take away from the grind too much so even just making it for just epics and legendaries would suffice.

Another major grind of the game is the passives. These are powerful second abilities that usually synergize with a pokemon's main ability. They require a large amount of candies to unlock that can be obtained from using the pokemon or catching copies of it. The problem is that you get these candies so slowly, that it will likely take you 2-3 runs with each pokemon just to get its passive. It gets to the point where unlocking all the passives is not a feasible goal. The only fast way to unlock them is by catching shinies in endless. In a deep enough run you can max out shiny charms making shinies pretty common. Each one you catch nets a large amount of candies. However, this is a whole new grind just trying to get a good endless run going. After 120 hours of playing I've only unlocked 3 passives.

The last gripe I have is the runtime. An average classic run takes 4 hours. This is a large time commitment when losing means starting over. You can play perfectly and still lose because of an untimely crit or a crucial attack missing. After a while I just started savescumming because losing a run in the lategame is soul crushing when it means losing out on a large amount of egg vouchers. To be honest I wish classic ended on round 150 or even 100. 200 feels like too much padding.

Overall, I still really enjoy this game, but I wish they'd make changes to help alleviate the grind. It's demotivating how little I've gained in 120 hours.

We got milkshake ducked, this sucks. I can’t consciously endorse a project where the entire team chooses to espouse transphobia as if it is an “opinion.” Also if a pokemon fan game is taking time away from your faith you either have fallen into 1990s televangelism moral panic or have such pisspoor time management that you can’t set like 2 mind aside to pray. This sucks. The community was in love with this game but bigoted creators ruin anything. Fuck a pokemon battle this a long life battle with yourself.

It’s fun, but loses the charm quite quick.

For what it is, try it.

Man, I'm not a huge Pokeguy, but booting this up on my browser and playing it in the background is sooooo great.

changing my review bc we just got milkshake ducked.

One of the best Pokemon games I've played period. Keeps you coming back, excellent difficulty. Super impressive game

A falta de vencer al jefe final, ya he completado casi todo lo que Pokerogue ofrece y he de decir que me fascina lo sencillo que han hecho todo. Tiene un mérito acojonante el haber hecho un juego así, en navegador, con la cantidad de opciones que te ofrece y que sea tan divertido y fácil de jugar. Engancha que da gusto y recompensa al jugador lo justo para que no se venga arriba por haber hecho un par de partidas buenas. Si os mola Pokémon os va a encantar aunque no os gusten los roguelike (dado que a mí no me suelen gustar) y si no os gusta Pokémon... Probadlo, porque al eliminar el factor aventura a lo mejor sois capaces de disfrutarlo y verlo desde otro prisma.


Cool but difficult and annoying, pokemon battles are still flawed imo.

probably the best pokemon game I've played, but even that being said it lost its shine for me after a few weeks. Got some good fun out of it though. It is great for a free browser-based game.

I'm waiting for the DEA to classify this game as a Schedule 1 drug.

This game could do a lot more with it's concept, but as it stands it is a very friendly way to try to get into Pokemon as the game let's you control the difficulty (i.e. It's your choice if you would like to use retries or save scum) and Pokemon has many resources online to help you learn about what's optimal. On the flipside, this game is also a way to test your knowledge if you're more accustomed to the series.

i understand pokémon about as much as my grandma understands computers and since there is no ingame menu to tell me which elements counters which etc. (yeah it's silly) most of the stuff goes over my head

however this fucking rules for a browser game though no?

i wish the game had a little more to differentiate it from "exactly pokemon but roguelite" -- like more interesting relics or something, but as it's currently in development I really can't get enough. great game.