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in the past

I have to replay THE ENTIRE THING every time I die?? nah uh

Edit: thanks for the feedback, except the insulting part. I just want to clarify what I meant, each stage seems kinda long and having to replay each one feels more like a time wasting activity than a fun one.
I think the game would benefit from giving the option to select the stage prior to a run, but anyway, I don't enjoy roguelikes/lites very much.

Um roguelike bastante punitivo.
Pq os recursos sao bem poucos e o fato de no maximo vc ter 150 de vida e os bosses tiraram quase metade disso com 1 hit é foda,mas o fato de cada cabeça ter habilidades diferentes é bem legal.
Alem do fato de q vc pode dar upgrade nas cabeças.
As bossfights sao legais e bem dificeis.
A arte do jogo é muito bonita.
Ps: o jogo tem uma bruxa gasosa.

Very fun sometimes, a lot of different gameplay possibilities

Very interesting roguelike, but unfortunately you don't feel any progress in game, besides going further on levels.
You can only boost up your base stats, and unlock new items.
That's all what progress in this game has to offer.
Levels are almost 1:1 with some minor changes.
Only first boss is changing every run the rest is still the same.
Game starts to get so repetitive that I couldn't get myself to scrape through.

My favourite roguelike for some reason ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

yaklaşık 25 saatin sonunda (4 saat idle olabilir hatırlamıyorum) oyunu daha fazla oynamama ve bırakma kararı aldım. yoksa sinir krizi ve can sıkıntısından bayılacaktım. oyun öncellikle çok güzel başlayıp sonradan acayip tekrara biniyor. run da ilerleyebilmeniz için doğru itemlerı alıp doğru build ı yapmanız gerekiyor. bunun için ise mağazada spawnlancak itemler etraftan düşcek itemler ın istediğiniz iyi itemler olması gerekiyor bunun için şans faktörü devreye giriyor. oyunun sonlarına geldiğinizde bir run dan elde ettiğiniz dark quartz lar ile bir tane upgrade yapıyorsunuz ve o da hiç efektiv hissettirmiyor. hiç güçlenmiş hissetmiyorsunuz ve iş yine run içerisindeki şansınıza kalıyor.
neyse müziklere gelelim bok gibi. oyunun sanat tasarımı hiç fena değil iyi. bir de oyunun sonlarında karşılaştığınız sonradan base inize kalıcı olarak gelen bir oç npc var. repair upgrade sex felan diyor. 1500 dark quartz istiyor. zaten götümü siktirerek aldığım dark quartz larımı işe yarar diye ibneye verdim oç hiç fark edemeyeceğim oyun içerisinde sikko bir yerlerin tasarımını felan değiştirmiş. gameplay e etkisi olmayan tamamen visual bir değişiklik yaptı. ulan desene uyarsana hiç öyle anlaşılmıyor sanki yeni bir gameplay mekaniği felan açcak diye umarak vermiştşim ben ağğhhh. hay neyse sikicem sinir krizi geçiriyorum. halbuki oyun çok güzel başlamıştı 4 puan felan verebilirim diyordum. şu işe bak adeta TTEN SEX

güzel şeyler denemişler tam bir dead cells severin seveceği şey olan bolca silah çeşitliliği ile beni bayağı kendinde tuttu ama bi noktada silah çeşitliliği bitince tekrar hissi çok yükseliyor, öyle olunca da oyunun sonunu bile göremedim
çeşitlilik artınca döneceğim bi ara

Solides Rogue-lite.

Pro run kann man bis zu 9 Ausrüstungsgegenstände ausrüsten. Diese haben eine einzigartige Fähigkeit und 2 "Gruppenfähigkeiten", die besser werden, je mehr Gegenstände eben diese beiden Fähigkeiten haben.
Das klingt gut, die Idee ist wirklich nett.

Aber! Es gibt wirklich VIELE Gruppenfähigkeiten.
Paare von den Fähigkeiten zu finden, die man ausbauen möchte ist daher extrem glücksabhängig und es wirkt immer so, als wären 9 Gegenstände einfach zu wenig. So bleibt das Spiel anspruchsvoll, aber man hat selten das Gefühl, man könne die Gegner einfach überrennen.
Man entscheidet sich sehr früh, ob man auf Magie oder Attacke gehen möchte. Beides macht keinen Sinn, da man ja nur 9 Plätze hat.
Jeder Gegenstand, der also in die andere Richtung geht, ist absolut nutzlos. Und das passiert ständig. Das ist leider oft frustrierend.

Im Run findet man Geld um eben diese Gegenstände für ausschließlich diesen Run kaufen zu können, Heilung zu kaufen oder Essenzen, die eine starke Fähigkeit mit langer Abklingzeit sind.

All diese Dinge verfallen nach dem Tod.

Was bleibt sind Juwelen, mit denen man vor dem Run dauerhafte Verbesserungen kaufen kann.

Diese hat man realtiv schnell so verbessert, dass nicht mehr viel geht. Und dann bleibt nur noch Gegner auswendig lernen und Glück bei der Ausrüstung haben.

Und genau hier ist mein Problem mit dem Spiel.
Man kann es wirklich auf viele verschiedene Arten spielen.
Als Magier, als Bogenschütze, als starker bulliger Krieger, als schneller Kämpfer, der Gift oder Verbrennungen für sich nutzt.
Es kommt eben immer darauf an, was einem für Ausrüstung über den Weg läuft. Man hat im Shop leichten Einfluss drauf, da man für Geld 4 neue Items im Shop spawnen lassen kann.
Aber wenn 5-7 Gegenstände hat, gibt es eben nur noch eine Handvoll Gegenstände die Sinn machen. Bei locker 50 Gegenständen kommen die meist nicht.

Das wäre alles nicht so arg schlimm, wenn nicht jeder Run eine Stunde gehen kann, wenn man es denn wirklich bis zu den letzten Bossen schafft.

Denn das Spiel wird sehr schnell, sehr schwer. (zumindest für einen alten Mann wie mich)

Bei meinem letzten Run (ja es war angekündigt, dass ich das Spiel nach diesem Run nicht nochmal anfassen werde)
haben wirklich alle Items zusammen gepasst und nach ca. 1-1,5 Stunden liefen dann nun endlich die Credit.

Wäre ein Run 20 Minuten lang, wäre die Ausdauer länger mit den Builds zu jonglieren, aber nach einer Stunde noch einmal von vorne anfangen.. puh das ist ein bisschen lang, wenn am Ende auch die Juwelen nutzlos sind.

Das ausweichen klappt meist, aber man hat oft das Gefühl, dass man eigentlich nicht hätte getroffen werden sollen.
Das scheint nicht daran zu liegen, dass das Spiel ungenau ist (denn man wird deutlich besser) sondern eher, dass der Zeitraum der Unverwundbarkeit kürzer ist als üblich in solchen Spielen.

Alles in allem ein gutes Spiel und gerade der Anfang ist sehr befriedigend, da man mit den Juwelen Anfangs noch viel anstellen kann.

Aber eben kein Hades, weil nicht alles durchdacht scheint.

The action platforming feels good, but why is this so hard?

Low key one of the best roguelites out there. Circumvents the repetitive grind of most games of its ilk by having totally different gameplay based on what skulls you roll. Has tons of replay value even after having beaten the final boss due to the sheer amount of build variety.

Unpopular opinion: I liked this game significantly more than Hades.

This new update is a banger

it's pretty damn fun, i just hate how i can sorta project how much content this game has and am instantly less compelled to play more. will come back to at least finish one run though.

After coming back to the game and enjoying the DLC I'll say there's a lot more polish in places and after beating the final boss again I actually thoroughly enjoy the story that was added and I've enjoyed so many different playstyles (Except Power skulls but that's just my personal thing).

Original: A good game for an overpopulated genre as of late. For the sidescroller roguelites of the last few years I would probably recommend this one as one of the most fun

Os sprites são lindos, a história parece ser bem bonita mas eu não gosto de como a progressão da run funciona, ainda mais sendo a principal mecânica do jogo a troca de estilos. Acho a movimentação também um pouco rígida demais. Talvez volte pra jogar depois.

I loved the variety in playstyles in this game, between the skulls you can obtain along with the powerups. You'd be hard-pressed to have the same run twice.

The story was fine...not like Hades level or anything, but it was cute. I both saw the plot twist coming and was surprised by it, and I won't go into how that makes any bit of sense but alas.

for a rougelite/like whichever i dont care there is quite literally next to no progression
there's a spot in the shops where you can buy like. 7 things. up in i think the top left and THAT'S what the typical progression is
i thought it was literally just things i already had ""unlocked"" (since you have everything else unlocked) and just hadnt found in other places until i looked it up or something i dont even remember how i found it out
anyways this game is fucking brutally difficult too and it just makes me a bit annoyed since it has a chance to go somewhere better but its really iffy as is

The game is "fun" up to a certain point, but soon after trying and inevitably failing after a few attempts, the game's biggest problem becomes evident. You have a very limited amount of permanent buffs that you purchase with purple crystals. Most of the skulls need to be upgraded throughout the run, and a large part of them doesn't reward the effort and luck of finding skull rooms to obtain bones. Even with strong skulls and a build focused on them, you still struggle in many parts of the journey...

I feel that when I manage to complete a run, it's due to luck, and I wonder when I'll be able to do it again. The good skulls appear very rarely, and the most frustrating thing is the mirror world. It's not just difficult but rather frustrating. Everything seems to rely on luck or something of the sort. The combat also isn't the best. Attacking and dodging, no matter how hard you try, doesn't become a dance like in other games.

But if you want to suffer a bit and spend a few hours trying to see skull variations and attempt to finish the game, it's an acceptable game on sale. I would never recommend buying it at full price.

This game is a fun roguelike. It is challenging, but compared to other roguelikes, it's not too hard. I finished my first run after 20 hours, after which I play in hard mode consistently.

A bit of spoiler here:
After you beat the game the first time, you unlock hard mode and additional content. Now it is not necessary that you play the hard mode, but I can see why people might get angry with it. There is an ending you get when you finish hard mode 10 times. But the hardmode is done very well in my opinion, each time you go up a difficulty, it's not like the game becomes impossible, you will find that more or less the enemies seem same, but new enemies have been added who are hard, but also force you to get good.
If you want to play a small roguelike, give skul a chance.

Sem sexo com caveira rockeira ;(

This is both my cooldown game and "everything about this is bullshit" game

Incrível, a variedade de personagens, golpes e habilidades foi excelente. O jogo estava extremamente difícil mas mesmo depois de morrer inúmeras vezes ainda dava vontade de continuar, e tudo foi melhorando conforme eu ia entendendo os personagens e montando estratégias de equipamentos.
Mas não só isso, o jogo conseguiu, com pequenos trechos narrativos, construir uma baita história envolvente que no final, ao derrotar o último chefe, tudo parecia muito mais emocionante. Adorei!

Great game, engaging gameplay, very emotional story in the end, but damn, what a hard game

Não consegui continuar jogando Skul, não achei ele divertido, pois ele é bem limitado no combate base do seu personagem, não tornando as primeiras Runs engajantes. Quanto aos updates e diferentes caveiras... apesar de algumas delas serem interessantes de fato, não acho que foram bem desenvolvidas a ponto de eu me importar com as caveiras outro fator que queria mencionar são os inimigos... eles simplesmente não valem a pena sair espancando porque eles não são desafiadores, mesmos alguns bosses são desinteressantes e as lutas demoram de mais de acontecer.
No futuro talvez eu possa jogar, mas por agora não gostei de como o jogo se apresentou.

foda, o primeiro boss é mt parecido com um da dlc de dead cells, e o segundo é mt parecido com as irmãs louva-deus lá de hollow knight, eu simplesmente AMO as inspirações desse jogo, e além da pixel arte INCRIVEL do jogo, tem mt coisa pra fazer, e tenho q dizer, é difícil.

Minha única reclamação é q as vezes tem mt coisa na tela/ mt inimigos, tipo, fica ridículo, pq vc tem q matar très caras ao mesmo tempo, então tu foca em um enquanto os outros 2 te macetam, isso é chato, mas de resto mt bom.

Man . i fall in love with this game it has the same vibe with dead cells but in the same time have her unique style i didn't get bored for one second every time i die i change the skul or the power . then upgrade it to see new attacks and ability's . just 5/5

Great game, but hard like a bone.