Reviews from

in the past

In Progress
An hour in and already I can see the combat getting stale. I also don't particularly like the way the run upgrades are so limited right out of the gate; I'm already needing to make minute build swap decisions that don't feel very impactful.

The combat and build interplay has clicked a little better for me, and I am enjoying each run quite a bit more now. I think the difficulty curve is still pretty steep within each run, but time will tell if the permanent upgrades that have not been unlocked yet will change that.

The map & game path was confusing. Not sure where I was going or why.

Jogo bem bacana, um visual bonito e trilha sonora muito boa também! Dificuldade média pra difícil, jogabilidade gostosa de jogar e fácil de entender, recomendo

Esse jogo é muito fraco, a estória até que é boa mas a jogabilidade é muito dificil, pelo menos para mim.

Although it begins strongly, it regrettably loses its appeal because half of the forms are not enjoyable to use, there is too much grinding even for rogue-lite standards, and the boss battles lack excitement. The world is intriguing, and I appreciate the idea of playing as the villain to defeat the heroes, but the story itself lacks the charm to keep me engaged.

I didn't find it painful at all, and I actually had some fun with it. However, I couldn't bring myself to complete a run for this one compared to Dead Cells or Hades. It's an okay game.

A ideia e boa mas parece que falta algo acabei enjoando

It's a simple platformer with one-button combat, where, instead of advancing to new levels and finding new enemies, you repeat same few levels and fight same dudes over and over again because it's also a roguelike. It's a roguelike, like too many low budget indie games these days, probably because that's the cheapest way to make a game. I just don't understand the appeal of this kind of product, sorry.

Eu fiquei um mês inteiro da minha vida basicamente só jogando esse jogo (assim como basicamente todo Rougelike q eu já joguei)

A very fun and charming roguelike. I liked the challenge and the skulls offered a variety of playstyles that I enjoyed trying

This game takes a lot of inspiration from Dead Cells as an mixture of action, metroidvania, and roguelike. It has multiple different "weapons" in the form of skulls that give the player different abilities. As is to be expected, some of these skulls were much more powerful than others. I found the skulls to be diverse enough but none of them were sufficiently deep to hold my attention for an extended period.

The items you could equip had some interesting properties. Each item had a one or two modifiers. If you collected enough of the same modifiers, you would receive some sort of buff related to the original modifier. With a limited number of equipment slots, you were forced to make some interesting choices in which items you keep and which you drop.

While I can and did see some interesting interactions between the skulls and equipment, I felt like I was always a little too at the mercy of what items I was offered. Maybe I needed to get better, as Dead Cells demand, to push that comparison further. I just didn't feel like the combat was deep or crisp enough to warrant the time it would take to develop those skills.

Roguelike, challenging, multiple abilities, multiple options, and nice graphics, and somehow I manage to beat it on the first try, so I did not play to try out all those combinations, so I miss some of the content that I beat on the first try is purely luck; it is difficult like the majority of the roguelikes, but it is well polished. The story is okay.

Skul: The Hero Slayer offers an intriguing twist on rogue-like mechanics with its unique skull-switching ability, but falls short due to repetitive gameplay and uneven difficulty, making it a less engaging experience.

Yeah... I've tried a few times now and, while this isn't a bad game by any means, I'm just not really vibing with it at all. The base combat is kinda boring and simplistic, as the diversity and depth is supposed to come from the various skulls you can obtain, but I've only found a few really fun skulls and a bunch of boring ones. Items seem overcomplicated and and pretty boring too, and this is one of those slow dripfeed games where metaprogression takes an eternity because it's +4% this and +6% that. On top of all that, I'm not really feeling the aesthetics and find especially the environment graphics to be quite dull and uninspiring. I will now accept that this game is not for me even though some love it, stop trying to find enjoyment in it and uninstall it once and for all.

I actually liked this game way more then I thought I would wtf😭😭😭

This review contains spoilers

I am thankful that this game was a free monthly game through PlayStation as I had never heard of this game and assuming I had heard of it, I would never have paid money for it. I’m not the biggest roguelike fan so I almost didn’t play this even though it was free. The only roguelike I’ve ever loved was Hades and outside of that I liked Dead Cells and Enter the Gungeon. I needed something to play after finishing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Personal 3 back to back and as much as I absolutely loved those games I needed a game that wouldn’t take me 70-100 hours to beat. So the timing of this being a free game was perfect. I just randomly said “whatever it’s free I’ll try it out” and I’m so glad I did.

This game is more wonderful than I ever dreamed it could have been. The gameplay is simple but the difficulty is demanding making the game addictive and leaving you wanting one more run because you know you can do better. The moment it clicks and you go from a dying scrub to an unstoppable force is so satisfying as you continually get slightly better each run. With around 100 different skulls (playable character types) the game play never gets dull even though it doesn’t massively change between skulls. It’s so fun to try completely different builds once you get comfortable enough with the gameplay loop. You can tell they took a lot of ideas from Dead Cells in the levels and leveling of your character as well as from Hollow Knight in the boss department. You can tell they love video games as there are so many Easter Eggs to other games and pop culture. For instance the warrior skull looks like Kratos, the prisoner/king is Dead Cells main character, Biker is Ghost Rider, Genie is the Genie for Aladdin, one’s boss screams Leeroy Jenkins when charging to attack you, the Nun bosses when healing says Hero’s never die from Overwatch, and there are many more instances of these sorts of things that I appreciated.

The story is surprisingly decent as well though I would hardly call it great. Much like the gameplay I would say it’s at the base level simple, but has layers. The pixel art is pretty good and easy on the eyes. The music has some pretty good tracks throughout the game.

I’m so glad I randomly decided to give this great game a try and I strongly recommend you give it a shot as well. Even after beating it now I just want to compete it with all the skulls. This will be a game I play for a long time.

My 2024 game rankings:

It barely snuck in to my top 100

5/5 talvez seja demais, mas é o único jogo que platinei na vida e quase 200h pra um roguelite tmb é um sinal.
O jogo é um plataformer 2D pixelado com trocentas builds possíveis boa parte por conta do sistema de várias caveiras que cada um atua como um personagem com estilo de jogo totalmente diferente carrega muito a rejogabilidade.
Outros motivo para a nota foi a infinidade de conteúdo que os devs deram de graça (apenas 1 DLC de 10 reais e bem no fim meio que pra fechar o projeto), patch pra caralho melhorando um monte de coisa, reworks, boss adicional, enfim, fiquem de olho neles.

As far as metroid roguelikes go, it isn’t bad at all but there’s just better games out there. Like Dead Cells

Esqueletinho pititico e fofo :3

great art, but i dont rly fw the gameplay loop on this

sans undertale eeee ee eeeee ee eeeeee e

Really fun roguelike with parody weapons of other games and upgrades of weapons, giving access to more abilities.
Really fun gameplay if you are alright with a challenge.

The game is meh, combat isn't that fun and there are not much things to do, the game never explains nothing to you, and feels repetitive.

Not related to my rating of the game but the UI font really doesn't look good, it feels out of place and cheap, but it's probably because the intended language to use was Korean

honestamente rogue legacy é mais original

Skul is one of the best roguelikes I've played. It gives the player a lot of freedom as to how to play and build while still remaining a challenge even after a good 200 hours. The final boss still finds new ways to end runs, which is equal part impressive and bs.
My problems with Skul really boil down to two general complaints. The first is that it feels like hitboxes linger for longer than they should. This is at its worst against a few bosses and a few hard mode enemies, but man does it feel bad to dodge through a move and still get hit by it. The other problem is that, at higher hard mode levels, there is less overall freedom in builds due to enemy stat inflation. This one can be remedied a good bit by playing on lower difficulties, but I still wanted to point it out. You can get away with more wild and less high damage builds on level 8-10 as long as the item/skull synergy is there and you play well.
There are three big positives that I want to touch on here: item balance, skull balance, and hard mode. Item balance is done extremely well in this. There have been plenty of runs where I'd bring a common item or 3 into the final boss because they are still good. A lot of the rare and unique (tier 2 and 3 respectively) items often have stronger but conditional effects to them, meanwhile a lot of common items are stats. Beyond that, the inscriptions are another key factor here. Inscriptions are like set bonuses, and every item comes with 2 of them. It is a solid decision most of the time to keep an item purely for its inscriptions if you can't easily replace them.
Skulls are essentially your class/characters in this game. You can have two of them at a time, and swap them out throughout the run. Like with items, skulls have a rarity assigned to them. Unlike with items, skulls can be upgraded. This makes the game so much more interesting to me, as every skull is viable and sometimes you might want to keep a skull in a lower tier. There's a healthy variety of skulls to choose from, and they each have 4 skills to utilize, altho you only get to use 2 at a time. These skills can sometimes completely change what items you want for your build.
Last and certainly not least is the hard mode, aka the dark mirror. This may be the best implementation of a hard mode I've seen. It upgrades the bosses, adds a new element to the adventurer fights, adds new enemies, and gives the player new advantages for each level you complete. That last part is what sold me on it the most, as a lot of games only stack the odds against the player. You get things like being able to choose your starting gear, stat upgrades for excess bones, a machine to lock in 2 different inscriptions, etc. Also, these upgrades are permanent. You can go down to a lower level and keep these benefits without needing to deal with the increased stats or new enemies.
Skul is a phenomenal roguelike. It will beat you relentlessly for a good while, but it also isn't merciless. There are a lot of things to play with and I'm still finding fun combos after 200 hours of playing.