Reviews from

in the past

What is it with glued together ARG games?

It's not that the game is horribly designed, but I'm looking at it after I beat it and think "What was there to love or like?" and I can't think of anything, not the narrative, design or even minigames.

I believe that if ARG design is to be good it requires enough length to make you invest in it. Pony island is short, sparse and gaping. Stick to Inscryption, this isn't anything like it.

Being the first it's also the weakest of Mullins 3 games but still a very fun game with great ideas put into it. You can clearly see how each game has built up to the next and culminating (so far) on Inscryption. Just a short 2 hours so give it a try

Minha filosofia de design para meus jogos é de "jogo vivo" e Daniel Mullins é um dos diretores que conseguem fazer isso.
Apesar de, em alguns momentos, a metalinguagem ser exacerbada, previsível e cômica (principalmente se você conhece obras dele). Em Pony Island, mais uma vez, ele utiliza os formatos da lingaugem de game para aplicar uma metalinguagem em sua gameplay, tema, narrativa e game design,.
Esse jogo aplica conceitos de programação em seus puzzles, além de dialogar diretamente com uma temática forte em desenvolvimento de jogo e UX que é: "Você não é o jogador de seu jogo".
Usar essas premissas e se apoiar na ousadia de quem joga para contar uma história é, no mínimo, ousado. Esse jogo acredita no seu potencial caótico e dialoga sobre a falta do domínio do autor perante sua obra.
Esse jogo é sobre gamedev.
É sobre entender que uma obra nunca fica pronta, que a obra é viva e que você não tem controle nenhum sobre quem vai jogá-la.
E, claro, sobre pony.

A cute meta genre-hopper. A foundation for better things to come.

100% completed (including the secret non-'ending'). Short but very sweet, this certainly lived up to the hype that I'd heard.

An experience more than a game, it has some cool ideas and it creates a kind of scary/unexpected aura without needing to relly on jumpscares at any moment, which is a plus in my book

Satan is a pretty shit game designer lmao

Самый крутой проект Даник, он смог, значит ты не можешь

No tengo palabras para describir este juego sin entrar en Spoilers, pero os diré que es una maravilla de juego que me ha acojonado de verdad en un par de ocasiones, pero asustada en serio (el juego, juega literalmente con nosotros y con nuestro pc, mirando listas de amigos y "rompiendo" archivos con mensajes de error)
Los gráficos son una pasada, para una amante del retro como servidora, y esos ruiditos de estática y electrónica que dan una atmosfera noventera al relato.
Una experiencia muy grata y divertida para echar unas 5h con el ratón (y ocasionalmente con el teclado)
Es un juego de saltos de un🦄poni, un videojuego roto y olvidado que quieren que lo juguen, pues tiene una historia que contar.

Pony Island trotted so Inscryption could gallop.

Short game but pretty fun, can get annoying to 100% but I didn't have too difficult of a time.

Pony Island walked so that Inscryption could run. Some very fun moments here, but the core gameplay isn't nearly as fun as Inscryption's card game and a lot of the notes are similar. Had I played this back in 2016, this would almost certainly be higher rated.

Metagames are a dime a dozen these days, but Pony Island deserves some credits for being ahead of the curve. The actual puzzles are quite easy. The parody platforming sections are not as easy as they seem though, and could be cause of frustration. There are some Christian references dotted around. Religion knowledge is not required, but could enhance the experience.

Tem muito aqui do que mais tarde seria Inscryption, mas não quero dar spoiler de nenhuma das obras, joguem os dois e vejam por si mesmos.

Pony Island é sobre quebrar limites, uma experiência bem única, por eu já ter jogado Inscryption não me parece mais tão brilhante assim, apesar ser levado pra caminhos diferentes.

i 100 percented this game and remember very little about it

Pony Island is pretty interesting. I don't really know what else to say about it.

The gameplay of the actual "Pony Island" part of the experience is not really all that fun. It's tedious, repetitive, and a bit boring at times, but it's necessary for the game to progress.
The puzzle solving aspect is a lot better, and the twists the game introduces on top of that system are really good.
Finally, everything else the game throws at you is phenomenal. There's not a lot I can say about this part of the game without spoiling it, but suffice it to say that this is the part of the game I stayed for. I especially one part of the game at the very end, where it uses clever tricks to confuse you.

All in all, Pony Island is a pretty good game, but is dragged down by its insistence on making you play the actual game.

Great game that makes use of the glitched game tropes, while being unsettling it manages to keep a sense of humour about it as well.

I mean it's fine, not much too say about it since it doesn't stay out of its lane or try to be too ambitious, it's nice and short and has some fun gameplay elements as very clever fourth wall breaks and nods to popular game glitches or just OS interfaces generally. My only complaint would probably be that the collectibles (tickets and achievements) are hard to keep track of without a guide, and that the puzzling gets kinda repetitive after you do it so many times, but the rest is fine for this being an indie studio's first game, great value too, on sales it's less than $3.

It's cool to see how Inscryption came from this

The ponies were very cute. Would sell my soul again

Foi algo, eu acho.

Pelo menos agora eu sei como é o primeiro game do Daniel Mullins :v

It is a fantastic game but trying to go for the 100% achievements made me almost hate it. It also should not be marked as verified on Steam Deck, constant annoyances with bringing up the virtual keyboard.

The first big game from Daniel Mullins (the guy that made Inscryption), so people kinda always hyped it a little bit for me. But for most of it, I went in pretty “blind”, the only thing I knew is that the game is for sure not what it sounds like.

And even then, almost everything about it surprised me, the story, the numerous endings and how different they are from each other, the visuals, the characters, the music, and the list goes on. I think mostly the only 2 things that kinda bummed me out were the fact that at the end of the game, the mechanics get a little too repetitive (and if you add extra runs for platinum, oh boy…) and how shallow said mechanics are.

Overall, a really good game, and, considering how cheap it gets on sale, I’d recommend it. But keep in mind that it is not for everyone and it can be “meh” if you’re not the type. For me, even not liking the style that much, was worth it, so I went for platinum (and got it)!

Veo que lo de Daniel Mullins con los juegos raros de cojones viene de hace años. Al igual que con Inscryption, no puedo decir nada sin arriesgarme a spoilearos, pero que sepais que es una fumada chulísima y encima super cortito. Recomendadísimo.

Pony Island is an adventure/puzzle/platforming game where after attempting to repair a malfunctioning arcade machine you end up trapped playing a game designed by the devil. A game with some similarities to something like The Stanley Parable or The Beginners Guide in how it plays with normal gaming concepts and ideas to make something interesting. Pony Island is easily worth trying for the low asking price. Near the end the game uses Steam in the best way that I've seen.

I remember thinking "wow this is crazy", but the actual game? I don't remember it at all lol

I'm a sucker for hyper-meta games, and I really did enjoy my time with this one. The obvious comparison is Inscryption, and (for obvious reasons) there are some very strong similarities between the two games and they share similar strengths. I personally preferred the slightly more serious tone in Inscryption to this, I feel like Pony Island didn't take itself quite seriously enough for some of the notes to land.

As for the Gameplay... eh, it kinda sucks? And yes, that is the point, but deliberately sucky gameplay is still sucky gameplay. It doesn't detract from the experience really (although the run-and-jump parts in the mid-game do drag on bit), but its worth knowing that this doesn't have anything like the nice gameplay at its core that Inscryption does.

Also the third boss is great. That is all I will say.

Review in progress:
Decent meta game. Can't remember much about it, tbh.