Reviews from

in the past

As someone who likes Remedy, stories about time travel, and a majority of the cast for Quantum Break, I'm not sure how to feel about this story. On one hand I really enjoy the plot and characters, but at the same time the story is kind of convoluted and told rather sloppily. I think one of the biggest issues is the pacing. It's either moving too fast or not fast enough because of the bouncing between the game and TV show. It also doesn't help that during the game cutscenes there's a lot of framerate drops, taking me out of the immersion of the story it's trying to tell.

The concept of having a tv show that flows beside a game, lacing story elements in between, sounds like an amazing and revolutionary idea especially when the narrative revolves around time and parallel realities. If Quantum Break has shown me anything though is that it's not as amazing as I'd hoped. If you skip the tv show because you'd much rather just play the game than you're missing out on a large portion of the story and you're left not really knowing how the characters got where they're at, doing what they're doing, or why. It also left me wondering why couldn't all the narrative for the tv show just be in the video game in the first place, why separate it? I think casual gamers will like this experience more than I did, which I feel it is aimed more towards anyway.

I will say most of actors like Shawn Ashmore, Courtney Hope, Aiden Gillen, Dominic Monaghan and Lance Reddick did outstanding jobs playing the characters in both the TV show and video game. Unfortunately some of the side characters in the show were a little annoying and I thought the acting was a kind of bad. It left me not really all that invested in their motives or struggles with characters such as Liam and Emily Burke.

Another issue with the plot and something Remedy does often, is how they choose to end their stories. Alan Wake and Control both end with ambiguity, or a sense of the story never really finding any closure and Quantum Break also suffers from this. Strangely, I really liked the ending, but it also left me feeling frustrated that we may never see a sequel.

If there is one thing Remedy excels at it's world design and much like Control, the world of Quantum Break is gorgeous. Remedy did a stellar job with the photo realism of their character models and sometimes I'd forget that I was playing a video game because of how life like the characters and world seemed. If I were to rate the game by just it's graphics alone than I'd say Remedy easily knocks it out of the ball park.

Even though the world is beautiful, the game is very linear which isn't really a problem in this game because there are plenty of files to read and things to see. Also Jack offers a lot of thoughts or opinions on the things he interacts with which adds a lot of story and depth for the characters. However, when playing the game it doesn't feel like exploration is encouraged. When the game is left idle for even a few minutes I was harassed by Jack or accompanying NPCs to rush to the next objective rather than to take my time in seeing what the game had to offer or just to search for collectibles which was really irritating.

The gameplay mechanics and combat are designed around the theme of the game like Jack having the ability to stop time to shield himself from bullets, being able to freeze enemies in place, and using abilities like rewinding time to solve puzzles. The combat is your typical third person shooter and shares designs from that of Uncharted. You have to pick up weapons outside of your handgun from fallen enemies and refill your ammo from backpacks found throughout the game. This game also shares another feature with Uncharted which I find to be annoying, is that this game has no health meter on the screen. The way you know you're taking damage is by the screen changing colors, the redder your screen gets the closer you are to game over. A word of warning for anyone that chooses to play this game, the final boss is terrible so you might want to look up a guide or video because the game doesn't give a whole lot of hints on what you need to do.

Throughout this game there are cinematic moments of gameplay called time stutters and while both graphically and developmentally impressive I found these segments to be very frustrating at times because you have to use your quantum powers to move objects out of the way to be able to proceed and the game doesn't give you a lot of reaction time even on easy. So needless to say I found myself dying quite often in these parts because I wasn't quick enough to move Jack through.

One of the most interesting part of this game is the moral choices the game gives you at the end of each act. What makes this so interesting is that these decisions aren't made by Jack, but the antagonist. I thought this was such a fascinating idea from a story telling prospective and surprised other games haven't done something similar. These choices affect both the show and game by changing scenes, dialogue, and what files you find in the upcoming acts afterwards. This adds for a lot of replayability, but sadly, even with these decisions it doesn't change the over all ending of the game. So it kinda makes having multiple choices feel kind of pointless. But than again maybe that goes along with the whole theme of the story...


I found Quantum Break to be a good game, not great, but good. I had a lot of fun with the gameplay outside of the terrible final boss fight. I really liked the cinematography, most of the characters, and story, even if it was kinda hard to follow at times. I think having a TV show in between gameplay was an intriguing idea, but unfortunately one that really didn't pan out and I think it threw off the flow of the game. For anyone that has Gamepass, I'd highly recommend giving the game a chance and I hope in the future Remedy will make a sequel to Quantum Break because I feel there is still a lot of story left to tell.

+beautiful graphics and cinematography
+fun combat and gameplay mechanics that involve time
+multiple choices add replayability
+good story despite being confusing at times

-horrible final boss fight
-game feels poorly paced because of TV show
-little reaction time during stutter segments

Jogo mais underrated existente

I mean its alriiight like..

I tried playing this game once before and could not get past to beginning mission because I was so uninterested. A year or two goes by and here I am actually in the mood to play it and complete it. A game with a huge budget and unique effects still ends up making a story centered around time machines and chronostasis quite unforgettable and very hard to make me get invested in. If you told me several years ago a game has tv episodes between chapters of a game I would probably despise it saying “THATS SO STOOOPID!!” Although I turned out kinda enjoying them and made me care alittle more for the characters I already barely gave a damn about. How did we go from Alan Wake to this is beyond me and I cant wait to play Control, but this one just misses the mark and falls short in alot of aspects of its creation. Not terrible, not great, just meh.

Bugado demaaaaaaais a história seguia interessante mas tem um live action no meio, nada a ver tbm.

A game that can't reach it's potential while trying to have a poor TV show explain some of its plot and character details that likely put further budget and mechanic limitations on the project. It lacks the fun gunplay of Max Payne, the atmosphere of Alan Wake, the more interesting powers and environmental effects of Control, and the entertaining or deeper narrative of all three with some characters really only primarily being active in the show as it focuses on the side characters that do basically nothing in the main game.

The game plays as a third person shooter and occasional platformer with very poor shooting and the exploration sections just having you climb the yellow colored objects and maybe use your time powers to rewind a section of the map to alter the environment to make a path. Enemy types are limited, as are the weapon types with none feeling satisfying to shoot or even feeling all that different from one another in many cases with the damage being so low and recoil being so high on almost all of them. As you play you unlock a few time altering powers with most ending up being not very interesting. You can aim and fire a bubble that freezes time and enemies in certain location then shoot the bubble to stack bullets on the area, I never really found this useful as it is easier to just shoot them and the way you stack bullets on the bubble creates more of a mini explosion rather than hitting the enemy where you were aiming once time restarts. You can create a bubble around yourself to stop bullets and increase your health regeneration. You can charge up and fire an attack that basically acts as a grenade but with the added effect of freezing time enemies as they are launched through the air. The last two powers are the useful ones, a dash that also allows you to slow time when you come out of it aiming. This allows you to avoid attacks, explosives, and flank enemies but the slow motion is probably one of the worst slow motion shooting mechanics I've seen due to the weak guns, extremely limited time of the mode, and high weapon recoil, the move itself is also somewhat awkward to use as you have to dash a set distance or it might somewhat auto aim you into enemies where you will run into them with an awkward stumble melee attack that barely effects them. The other useful power is time slowing run that lets you run around, kind of a more controlled dash ability but one where you can do melee takedowns on weak enemies, though these takedown animations are very limited in number and most don't really connect with the enemy or animate well.

Your powers are, unfortunately, not upgraded by experience through combat or as you play but instead require you to use your "time sight" (detective vision) to try to identify random spots in the environment of each stage that you can then go up to and collect for upgrade points, adding an element of needless busywork even for people that like to ignore running around trying to gather all the pointless collectibles as upgrading your powers will likely enhance your enjoyment of the combat.

Your enemies also don't allow for very interesting gameplay as you fight a few variants of soldiers whose main difference is the amount of armor they have. In the later half of the game you will fight soldiers that can operate inside of time disruptions and who can also use you dashing abilities. This could have lead to very interesting fights in more dynamic areas but all that really happens is that you have AI that will either stand around shooting at you, dash behind you, or dash right next to you to try to perform one of the most awkward melee animations I've ever seen that will do small amounts of damage if it hits but also doesn't seem to do anything to you visually. The ability they have to dash around also seems to confuse the AI where half the time they seem to not know where they are or where you are once they come out of a dash. Normal enemies are also obsessed with grenades with some just chain throwing grenades while you are in cover, and some just trying to throw grenades at you while you are standing out in the open right in front of them. A different type of enemies seems like it is being introduced near the end of the game, a kind of person that has been altered and turned into a monstrous form based around the end of time event you are trying to stop but you never have to fight the creature that the show introduces or that you see form afar in gameplay, likely something cut from the game in what would have been the more interesting moments playing as Beth or Serene.

Narrative altering choices do little for gameplay and lead to the same end with very little changes in the actual levels, the original plan of having Beth and the main character able to make their own narrative altering decisions instead of you just taking control of the main antagonist to make a few choices would have been more interesting but probably added to many variables to the game and too much cost in alternate scenes for the show. Beth or Liam would have been better leads with Beth just being a more interesting character and Liam at least having a more conflicting circumstance when it comes to what he would be fighting for as well as both making more sense for why they would have the background or training to be able to take part in combat. Control an alternate timeline version of the antagonist as he still tries to fix the problems he caused would be a cliché but even that would be a better main character than Jack who is just a guy who shows up to help his friend push some buttons, has no idea what is going on, gains time control powers, and has no problem or difficulty killing hordes of people because he has "used a gun before." The story itself is never that interesting and the moments that don't entirely follow a cliché time machine based narrative were probably but at some point when Beth no longer became a playable character, as instead you just have Beth and Serene going, "the horrible time ending future, you haven't seen the terrible things we've seen," and you really never do. The story itself just ends suddenly with cliffhangers, unanswered questions, and kind of an odd framing situation for the entire story in general not even trying to wrap anything up with an ending show episode after the final act.

I don't know if the PC version launched with issues or if they became issues later but there were multiple times that the entire environment just became overtaken with blackness and could only be fixed by closing the game and restarting it and whatever weird way they went about adding the TV show where it seems to be pulling from some online source to play it now sees the videos playing at a very sped up pace that you can't alter while occasionally getting count needing to buffer. Both problems might not be a big deal as a reset or just watching the show on Youtube (or ignoring it completely) are easy solutions, though the game's poor checkpoint system that can see you doing a bunch of busywork before getting into a combat arena where it only saves after that battle might make needing to close out of the game more annoying than it had to be.


Fue como completar un sueño de mi infancia el por poder jugar este juego que vi entero en youtube en un frame rate estable.
Pero es de lo peor que hizo remedy, el gameplay se siente duro, el ritmo es PEOR que Alan Wake al estar la mayor parte del tiempo caminando escuchando gente o viendo cinematicas y la historia es MUY INTERESANTE, pero la trama flaquea con la cantidad de trabas que Microsoft metio con su serie de televisión metida dentro.
No es horrible, El Acto 4 es de las pocas veces que esa separación tan grande de gameply e historia funciona para bien y la dirección de arte esta llena de estilo como todos sus juegos, pero pudo ser mas, mucho mas.

Para nada la "Ultimate Remedy Experience" y poco probable una segunda parte.

QB isn't without flaws. The entire game is very slow, from the story to the gameplay, and to the fact that to get the whole picture you need to watch videos with no speed playback options. There are quite a few moments where you might just want to jump into action but the game uses everything save for direct force to get you to slow down, which I felt was annoying. Difficulty wise, the game is a joke, but that's pretty intentional, I believe. You are a time-wielding demigod, and the game does its best to get that across with its sound design and visuals, similar to Control. However, the more bullet spongy enemies late game tend to take away that feeling once you know that three mags won't take them down.

In terms of story, I was surprised at how competently written it was. This being time travel we're dealing with, there was restraint and logic used accordingly to tie up threads as needed. The characters were more hit or miss. Some of the voice lines at times just felt off, but at other times they felt completely believable. Other times, it was up to you whether a character made a decision that made sense for them, but whatever choice you made, the consequences rippled down nonetheless.

Play it if you really like the idea of time powers, but don't expect anything ground shaking. Also, if you're having trouble with the final fight, don't be afraid to turn the difficulty down. That fight can be some real BS.

Uma série de TV dentro do jogo ou um jogo de videogame dentro de uma série?

Esse game é facilmente um dos mais criativos e um dos melhores jogos sobre viagem no tempo que eu já joguei. O arco e a narrativa são extremamente bem construídas, mesmo você jogando por duas perspectivas diferentes você consegue entender tudo (os eventos em que você faz as escolhas de "Bifurcações" são muito bem desenvolvidos).

O sistema de tiro do jogo é bom, só não é muito desafiador. Tá aí algo que o jogo NÃO É: Desafiador. Parece que até na dificuldade mais difícil o jogo é meio fácil. O que causa muito essa sensação são os puzzles do jogo sendo extremamente fáceis e genéricos independente da dificuldade escolhida.
As habilidades de combate que o protagonista tem são MUITO divertidas e é o que torna o combate do jogo realmente bom.

Outra coisa única de "Quantum Break" é os quatro episódios disponíveis entre os atos do jogo (episódios mesmo, igual série de TV, gravados com atores reais iguais ao jogo).
O episódio live-action de cerca de 20 minutos explora outros núcleos que também são importantes para a narrativa. Só achei meio cansativo ao decorrer do jogo porque o negócio realmente parece virar uma série (tipo, o game tem 9 horas e 1 hora inteira é live-action).

O trabalho de som do game conta com poucas trilhas sonoras. Na versão em português, a dublagem não é das melhores mas também não chega a ser ruim. Outra opção é habilitar o áudio original, em inglês, que é caprichado e com direito a vozes dos atores reais.

Gostei de toda a trama do jogo, menos do final. Talvez por todo o lance dos loopings temporais do jogo serem tão bons, eu estava esperando algo "incrível".

A presença da série live-action entre os atos do jogo adiciona mais riqueza à história mas pode não ser o que um jogador de jogos de ação frenética vá apreciar.

- Boa história.
- Ótimos gráficos.
- Poderes úteis e divertidos.
- Episódios live action entre os atos.

- Puzzles fáceis.
- Desfecho deixa a desejar.
- Episódios live action entre os atos.
- Pulo e sistema de cobertura problemáticos.

Joguinho bom, unico problema é que ele pode se tornar meio repetitivo e.. o fator replay nesse aqui é inexistente, tu vai zerar uma vez e não querer voltar nunca mais, mas em compensação. Quantum break é bem cinemático e traz uma história bem construída, dando visão a personalidade dos personagens e executando quase com perfeição a evolução deles ao decorrer da história.

Muito difícil dar uma nota para esse jogo, porque ele tinha bastante potencial, e infelizmente não souberam aproveitar, e ele não terá uma segunda chance, já que pelo visto nunca vai haver uma continuação, que na minha opinião ele merecia demais, mas não dá pra negar que ele peca bastante, e realmente fica muito atrás em jogos do mesmo gênero que ele. A mecânica do combate não é perfeita, tá bem longe disso, o que torna o combate extremamente fraco e repetitivo, ele ganha mesmo pra mim na historia e no cenário, tem muitas partes do jogo que visualmente adicionam bastante na historia, mesmo que tenha exploração zero e você passa por eles em linha reta. A historia é ótima ao decorrer do todo o jogo, mas no final ela se perde completamente, então aproveite bastante, o jogo dá muito conteúdo e você consegue compreender toda a situação, e eu gostei muito de poder ler e visualizar tudo isso, uma pena saber que os ganchos para uma continuação nunca vão ser aproveitados. Os atores mandam muito bem no papel e cada personagem é extremamente cativante excluindo alguns, mas os principais são bem aproveitados e você lembra muito bem deles, mas infelizmente no final no jogo, que por sinal é bem fraco como disse anteriormente; eles acabam jogando fora muito desses personagens, fazendo parecer que tudo foi bem, pra nada. O jogo é muito bonito visualmente, tanto nos gráficos, efeitos e principalmente na "escolha artística", quando você para o tempo, ou quando o tempo para no geral mas algumas coisas ficam indo e voltando, quando você usa seus poderes é extremamente bonito de se ver, eles conseguem passar essa sensação de estar mexendo no tempo, de uma forma muito bonita, com certeza um dos pontos chaves do jogo. Infelizmente ele não conseguiu cativar na época e com razão, acaba sendo bem esquecível mesmo tendo tantas ideais legais, uma pena.

This is a wonderful example of how a lackluster environment and lack of creative vision can bring a game with so much potential down. The gunplay is good, the graphics and physics are impressive and surprisingly hardware-friendly, the premise is interesting - all of that with some quite high production value.

It does not fall apart because of the lengthy pseudo-TV FMVs, though those don't do any favors. They're not exactly bad, but it's unclear how they're providing any value to the narrative and you keep thinking 'I guess it's okay quality for a game...'. They obviously destroy the pacing, like is this game just intended for people playing on the couch or bed in front of a TV? If I play at a desk, should I just awkwardly sit out the FMVs? There are also the epic story choices (to spice them up, called 'Junction') which I totally forgot about because like all of them you don't even know what you're picking, you never get to see the alternative outcome except in a youtube video because who would replay this game and frankly, what-ifs don't work if they're not interesting.

It does fall apart because of the uninspired locations that were pulled from uninspired action movies. You can see some of them in the whole five (5) screenshots on the Steam store page (which are great, they all show boring gameplay footage). You'll be amazed! An office! A lab! A hideout which is just some concrete and a garage? An old factory????? A WAREHOUSE??? Wow! Holy hell, amazing. Just what I think of when I wanna play a game about a TIME MACHINE.

Just play Control instead. It's got the good graphics, gameplay with a better, more fleshed-out setting and super memorable environments - and a soul. Just a straight upgrade in every aspect. Not that this one is bad, it's just - there.

Remedy's weakest game, you can feel how the TV hybrid aproach made the storytelling fractured and hard to engage with the character arcs.
After finishing QB the enemy variaty is apparent as the biggest problem, very repetetive and uninspired, however Quantum break has an interesting gameplay loop as a shooter with time based powers and mechanics, like max payne was a shooter with bullet time mechanic or how alan wake mixed third person shooter with a mechanic of using light to fight shadow enemies; thats remedy wheelhouse of high concept powers/mechanics mixed with third person shooter.

Gostei bastante da história, tem vários plot-twists que me surpreenderam legal, e o jogo conta ela de um jeito muito bom também.
A série live-action é muito bem feita e serve como uma pausa entre as sessões de gameplay. Achei que a gameplay podia ser muito melhor e mais variada, mas já que não se extende muito, nem chega a ser um grande problema.
A mecânica de poder jogar como o antagonista e fazer escolhas que afetam o protagonista foi uma sacada muito interessante que também achei bem legal.

Quite possibly the most "fine" game I have ever played.

Gameplay was fine.
Story was fine.
Writing was fine (I usually enjoy Sam Lake's stuff).
Graphics were exceptional (this was actually my introductory game to the 8th generation of consoles, and on that front it delivers).

I don't really feel anything towards this game. I neither like it nor dislike it. It just simply is...

Merece bem mais crédito do que recebe, a história é ótimo tanto do jogo quanto da série e a ação do jogo junto com os efeitos de parar o tempo é um negócio muito bonito, e acima de tudo é divertido de jogar, recomendo

Quantum Break é um excelente jogo pra quem busca se divertir ao mesmo tempo que saboreia uma deliciosa pipoca.

O jogo é dividido em um sistema de capítulos, e entre os capítulos uma série de altíssima qualidade em live action é transmitida para o jogador, para aumentar a profundidade de uma narrativa que só é complexa devido a absurda quantidade de files que encontramos ao longo da jornada.

A mecânica de combate é boa, parece uma central de experimentos para o consagrado Control que lançaria anos depois.

Apesar de ser um bom jogo, caiu no esquecimento de muitos por ter sido um exclusivo do Xbox One, talvez se tivesse sido multiplataforma teria se saído melhor.

No geral, ótimo jogo, vale a jogatina, são em torno de 10 horas de gameplay, mais 5 horas de série, a dificuldade é seletiva, mas pode ser desafiante em níveis mais altos.


Se me falassem que esse jogo foi dirigido pelo Christopher Nolan eu acreditaria.

Quantum Break is pretty enjoyable, but it falls just short of being great. The mixed media was neat, I guess, but I can't help but wonder if the TV show had such a high budget that it negatively impacted the rest of the game. It could just be my ignorance showing, but it's food for thought. At the time of this game's release, Alan Wake had already been out for a while, and is a more solid product from Remedy than Quantum Break is, in my opinion. That being said, the combat abilities are SO COOL and really make gunfights a blast. I only wish there were more combat sections in this game. Actually, I wish there were more good gameplay sections in general, as most of this game comprises of cutscenes, janky platforming, walking around (very slowly), and a TV show. The story was compelling and the revelations you get as the game progresses really keep you engaged, but man, I don't really feel like I PLAYED very much in my time with this game. I played Quantum Break twice for achievements and it was really cool to see how different choices you make during certain Junction points affected the story. I suggest tackling this one on hard difficulty just so you get the most out of combat.

Gameplay was too slow for me to really stay engaged with it, though I see what Remedy was going for here. Definitely feel like Control refined a lot of what this was trying to do.

(Jugado en Steam Deck. La calidad de imagen no ha sido al nivel 4K que veo en algun gameplay, claro, pero ha ido estupendo; también en tele vía dock).

Me ha encantado. Tiene ideas buenísimas de cómo integrar las supuestas elecciones del jugador (que además tiene la vuelta de tuerca de que las tomas con tu antagonista), en los entresijos de los viajes temporadas. Los giritos se ven venir a kilómetros porque hemos visto muchas historias del estilo, pero precisamente que estén integradas algunas mecánicas de elección en las paradojas temporales es muy de meme señor dedo en la sien.

Menudo salto con respecto a Alan Wake respecto a las mecánicas; aquí no sólo están muy relacionadas con el propio universo, sino que es divertidísimo jugar con esa combinación de acciones donde vuelves el espacio/tiempo en contra de tus enemigos. Además tiene buena escalada de habilidades, y va incorporando elementos nuevos con los que reinventar tus estrategias en los enfrentamientos. Tiene la duración justa, además; no alarga innecesariamente con pasajes de escaramuzas clónicas.

El aspecto visual es espectacular, con algunos set-pieces de acción y entornos epiquísimos. Una cosa que me flipa son esos escenarios congelados en el tiempo son como dioramas de destrucción.

Mi único pero sería ese enfrentamiento final; la escalada de dificultad es muy injusta, y esas explosiones de Serene son tan caprichosas a veces que no importa mucho que lo estés haciendo bien. Un golpe de mala suerte y ea, a empezar.

En fin, MUY guay. Salto cualitativo flipante con respecto al Alan Wake, y un paso muy firme hacia el CONTROL, que sigue siendo superior pero también es más ambicioso. Igualmente, ha sido interesante jugar a todo lo de Remedy, es una productora con unas sensibilidades y narrativas que me son muy afines, así que a tope con lo que venga!

Um jogo sensacional mas não vai ter sequência nunca então fdsklklkkk

De longe, esse é o jogo da Remedy (Max Payne, Alan Wake e Control) que mais passou despercebido. O marketing pra ele foi quase inexistente, e a exclusividade temporária pro XBox (bem como um port de PC feito aos trancos e barrancos) prejudicaram demais o interesse do público em Quantum Break.

Ainda assim quis dar uma chance justamente por ser fã dos outros jogos da desenvolvedora, e fui sem sequer saber o que esperar, já que vi tão pouca gente comentando sobre. E caramba, que bom que eu fiz isso, porque Quantum Break é excelente.

Os pontos principais dele são a história (que respeita e compreende perfeitamente o que viagem no tempo implica, sem nunca ignorar o princípio da consistência de Novikov) e a identidade visual. Não sou de ligar pra gráfico, mas Quantum Break chama atenção pela criatividade da Remedy em representar visualmente o tempo "se quebrando", da maneira mais literal possível: Toda vez que há alguma distorção no tempo em Quantum Break, as coisas parecem estar se fragmentando em milhares de cacos de vidro caleidoscópicos, e isso vem acompanhado de vários efeitos visuais extremamente bem feitos e bem pensados. Esse jogo é um espetáculo aos olhos.

Infelizmente ele ainda tem o mesmo problema que eu identifico em outros jogos da Remedy: Apesar da história muito bem escrita e de mecânicas inovadoras, o gameplay é bem repetitivo ao longo de toda a campanha. Depois que você joga uma hora, você já sabe como vão ser todos os combates do resto do jogo, bem como as partes mais calmas focadas apenas em exploração.

Pessoalmente, não achei esse problema tão sério em Quantum Break; meu interesse na história, bem como as pausas bem colocadas entre um momento de ação e outro, deram uma boa amenizada nessa repetição, e completei o jogo em 2 dias sem nem perceber. Ainda assim, não dá pra fingir que o combate não fica cansativo depois de um tempo (por mais divertido que seja brincar com os poderes temporais do Jack, o protagonista).

Enfim, no geral, tem seus problemas, mas os mesmos são facilmente ignorados diante de tudo que Quantum Break executa bem. Sei que algumas pessoas não curtiram o jogo intercalar cada capítulo com pequenos episódios em live action, mas eu achei a ideia bem bacana, e a Remedy fez uma excelente escolha pro elenco de cada personagem.

E talvez eu esteja pedindo demais, mas com o anúncio recente de um Alan Wake 2, quem sabe não role um Quantum Break 2 também? Resta torcer :b

I stumbled upon this game a couple years back and had shown some interest to it but never really got far. I would play the first chapter or so and that would be it.

Time flies by and I would make decent progress until about recently. Continued and finished all the way through.

Which I must say this game is pretty slow in story and gameplay. For something that is about 10 hours or so should not make you feel that way but it did. In between chapters there would be this prolonged TV show cinematic and was pretty neat at first, but after awhile it got repetitive and frustrating. The story was convoluted with several things you had to do to follow along with the story. It was ambitious, which I admire it for doing so, but it inevitably did not execute.

All in all, the concept was there with time travel and chronostasis but just executed poorly. I wouldn’t label this as “bad” but definetly not good either. In between the two of it being just “fine” is where this game belongs.

I forgive you for this Sam lake

because u guys made control