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I have a stupid huge soft spot for games that can give me an atmospheric experience, and this gave me one the likes of which I've ever had before.
The puzzles could have been a little better but I enjoyed from for what they are.

I want to give this game an 11/10 for the art direction alone but there are honestly a lot of puzzles that kinda stink. In love with the world and characters so I don't really care though. (Also apparently I found the free cam button with ; and Backspace to get rid of the code. It led to getting some fun pictures or close-ups of things)

Really lovely looking game that at it's best moments constantly surprised me with all its different ideas. As people in this reviews page have said though, the puzzles in the latter half of the game end up dragging it down, as their more drawn out and easier to mess up for reasons not really the player's fault. This combined with two glitches I had that forced me to restart over 20 minutes back from where I was kind of soured a lot of the final parts of the game, even when the sequences in this part were still as inventive.

I appreciate the way the game tries to make your second playthrough as focused on completing new sections as possible, although I still had to replay some of the more frustrating parts of the game due to the things I missed on my first playthrough.

Was still a fun time and the art in this game really is nice, but It didn’t stick the landing for me. Also one of my glitches that I mentioned was near the very end of the game and so instead of replaying the large amount of stuff I did when I had to reset, I looked up the ending. Good lord, it was a struggle finding a playthrough of this game without a British person talking through the whole thing. Even when I did find an uncommentated version, it ended with a paragraph of text that tried to “explain” the ending, and the interpretation it gave was…questionable at best. Truly youtube is hell.

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minor spoiler: the game takes a minimum of three playthroughs in order to see all three endings. if things are missed on the first playthrough (which are completely missable), the second ending cannot be achieved, and thus another playthrough must be done.
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this games checks a lot of boxes of things I do enjoy to look at in terms of the aesthetics.

but this is not particularly a very fun game to play. many portions are frustrating to get through.

you can watch a playthrough of the game on YouTube and get a more enjoyable experience then playing it yourself.

First things first: this game is short! I finished my first playthrough in about 2.5 hours, and even going back to get the good ending, I doubt I'll get to a time of more than 5 hours total - which isn't a bad thing, mind you!
Personally I thought it was the perfect length.

The game itself is kept simple, but full of interesting ideas and wonderful visuals. If you like artistic things, this is a good pick!

The horror was There, but it never got aggressively oppressive - some sections had me quite scared, others had me relaxed or laughing, and I only had to turn on my light during one (1) short part! A huge win for me :)

Overall the game is short, medium-scary, and beautiful. If you're looking for a quick dip into horror and FPS Survival is the exact opposite of what interests you, give this one a try!

This game is nothing but eye-candy. The movement speed is frustratingly slow, I don't like the story and it's main villain, as I found both dull and tropey in a weird way.
The setting is pretty cool and visually varied throughout in cool ways, but neither the puzzles, nor the multiple endings really kept me hooked. I just finished it because I knew it was short.

I had so much fun with this one! I am always a sucker for cute horror games, and Subway Midnight was able to hit that balance really well. The characters are all super lovable even without a single line of dialogue. I ended up laughing a lot, didn't expect it to be as funny as it was and felt a bit too confident that it wasn't gonna actually scare me, but it sure did at some parts...
I guess my only criticisms would be that the gameplay feels a little bit too clunky/slow at certain parts, but it doesn't happen often.
Really can only recommend this, it's dirt cheap and u can play thru the entire thing in an evening! do itttt

Very pretty game, has nice moments, but that's about it unfortunately.

A decent enough game with some interesting ideas and a good art style, though it's a bit marred by some things like the slow walking speed of your character and the fact that there's no no sprinting button, some annoying puzzles and some not-very-clear requirements to get the good ending. Still, I'd recommend it if you're in the market for a relatively short horror-puzzle game.

visually stunning, really creative and wonderful sound effects. some parts weren't as scary as others but I would still consider this somewhat horror.

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I've had my eye on this game for a while because it looked interesting and I liked the style a lot. To my surprise, I ended up really really not liking it for a lot of reasons I think. I'll start with the positives. I think the style is really nice, I still believe that thankfully and the visuals are really great at times. I also found myself getting REALLY scared, I think the retro game section has such a creepy atmosphere and it really stuck out to me. But that's really all I can say about the positives. The gameplay is so slow and dying on certain late-game puzzle aspects was really frustrating because it felt like there was no sense of direction. It was just constant trial and error for a game that feels like it shouldn't have it. It got to the point where I had to search up what to do because the game barely provided any sort of hint on where to go; like the black and white area with the evil shadow people chasing you was just annoying more than anything, especially because it's an area where you literally can't see. It was especially frustrating to find out there are multiple endings and the only way to get the actual ending is to slog through the entire slow experience again. It's a game where I can see the potential but it falls flat on its face with aspects that weren't needed. This very much could've just been a game with a straightforward beginning and end, because that's what it felt like it would've been through the initial trailers. It's visual eye candy with a story to follow but nothing compelling enough to convince you to replay and get the best ending. If you don't get the good ending, you're better off just searching it up on youtube instead of spending another 2 hours trying to get it. I'd personally say get it if you're in it for the visuals, but if you're in it for the gameplay and story, just don't bother.

i think i am letting this one go. i really wanted to enjoy this bc i love the aesthetic of it and theres some really cool imagery in game (i love the one still shot of that big Creature almost like its made of clay) but its just not for me im afraid... the gameplay itself is boring and tedious to get through, not helped by the characters slow walking speed, and its a little repetetive and monotonous with not enough substance to keep me engaged. wish i had better feelings about this! just not my thing though methinks

This game is super unique! I like a lot of what this game is going for. I do wish some segments were shortened or cut from the game entirely, but overall still really enjoyed this game!

bonitinho mas a gameplay n existe

historia real que ocurrió en metrovalencia

It has a very interesting premise, but overall really disappointing.

The atmosphere was great actually, the visuals are awesome, and some puzzles were kinda neat, but the gameplay and narrative were not so great, and the walking is SO SLOW, OMFG, especially in the "videogame" level. I wanted to like the game, but this detail was so irritating that it killed my enthusiasm to try any other endings.

If you're patient, maybe you'll get more out of this game than me.

Some good ideas and interesting motifs, but overall some gameplay and qol decisions really hurt it.

i just beat it and while I do think this was visually stunning and such an awesome experience, I think the stuff with the endings is kind of lame and thats partially bitterness from fucking myself out of the 'Best' ending(Which im not going to spoil bc its pretty awesome). It's fun though and genuinely had me jump in my seat a few times whew
This isnt much of a HORROR horror game though, more like youll see some unsettling shit Almost akin to that of Yume Nikki, but in a much more linear and literally straightforward approach. im giving it a 3/5 mainly because I think the experience is short and i think not being able to get the best ending in your first playthrough kinda blows, b u t it is worth checking out because the sound design and aesthetic and charm of it all is such a sweet little package that it makes me wish I could confidently rate it higher. Liz is SUCH A SWEETIE

Really interesting audio/visual experience but otherwise pretty grueling. Not really any meaning to anything at all, and I don't think that's just me being dense. Couldn't be bothered to play through the ~2 hour game again to get anything other than the Bad Ending. Movement is truly awful, for no real reason. I don't know if I've ever played a game where you are slow as you are the entire time. In some puzzle rooms it is even worse too. Very nice to look at, mildly engaging at a couple points but otherwise forgettable and meaningless.

keeps you playing just over 2 hours so you can't refund it. walking simulator with silent characters that just squash and stretch into new emotes like they're youtubers

Cute puzzle game that is very much style over any kind of substance, but there are some fun puzzles. Genuinely no idea how you'd get the good ending in a reasonable amount of time without a guide tho.

Enjoyable and creepy. Little too much effort to get the best endings, but still very fun.

points for the atmosphere + visuals

This game's art is SO GOOD.
I love the concept and story so much, and the spookiness with the cute art style is perfect! The animations are adorable and I actually got scared a lot!

Everything about the game is great.

Except playing it.

This game's puzzles are boring, tedious, and straight up not fun. The gameplay consists of walking forward and sometimes pressing A. Oh? You don't want to get the bad ending? Well you better play the game perfectly and find every single mundane secret that isn't obvious! Or else the game brings you back to the beginning...and you have to do it again.

Seriously feels like they overlooked how tedious this gameplay is. I hope these developers try something new because the art and animation are spectacular. But good lord I have no desire to get the other endings. Sorry :/

Posted January 2, 2022. (Steam Review)

Lovely game, although a bit too much for those who have weak hearts like me. A great story told through stunning art, all while creeping the shit out of anyone. A must-play, in my opinion.

I can't believe OMORI had a crossover with Subway Surfers!