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in the past

Terry's implementation is cool but there are numerous other interesting SNK characters to put in instead of boring white meat main character.

best challenger pack until they add demi-fiend but why does he take so long to act after dropping from platforms and why doesn't he clip to the ledge when recovering. biased balancing team.

I wish I was better with this character and I wish I liked them more as a character

Kinda forgot about doing this for a while lol
Inclusion: I was loosely familiar with SNK before Terry's intro, so I was a bit beyond the level of people going "Who???" at the sight of him. His inclusion encouraged me to get more familiar with SNK's lineup of arcade titles and I was amazed by how good all of these were. I'd honestly consider them on par with Capcom's arcade output, if not a bit better. Terry was absolutely a great inclusion to represent this company.

Fighter: I was a big fan of him at first, but I think that the other FG reps do more for me gameplay wise. The shotos and Kazuya just do way more interesting things with their toolkits than Terry does for my liking. Not to say he's bad, far from it. I really like the mechanic where he gets super moves over 100%. they're always incredibly satisfying to pull off.

Stage: KoF Arena is one of my favorite stages in the entire game. It's incredibly unique for how its wall mechanics work and make it enjoyable in a way most walk-offs fail to. It's really at its best when in a chaotic free for all, with everyone flying through the walls at every turn.

Music: Okay so they just went insane with the music for no reason. 50 songs spanning throughout SNK's vast library, with more of a focus on KoF. Pretty much all of the inclusions are great, and the remixes are pretty strong too, I really like that they gave one to Stormy Saxophone especially. They knocked it out of the park here.

Great pick and they're all cowards for not giving Terry a Garou alt, hat be damned.

50 DAMN SONGS. Terry is a ton of fun to play and I love all the cameos on his stage. The super specials are a lovely touch.

ez 5* - literally the reason i started getting back into other fighting games
has the best trailer, too

Definitely the best DLC pack from an unbiased perspective. Terry brings loads of content from across SNK's history and you can't go wrong with his famous 50 song lineup. He's also a very fun character to play and his stage has a unique, creative gimmick. I didn't care for Terry too much at first, but after seeing him in action I'm so glad he's here.

geese in tekken and terry in smash is fucking perfect and i wouldn't have it any other way. no garou alt is a bummer and a half though

This was such a fucking pipe dream for me it was insane when he actually got added (even if to this day I'm still kinda salty the trailer opened on Kyo and showed it wouldn't be him first)
But I main this man now and he's amazing

Finally a DLC fighter someone who has sex can enjoy.

Fuck you all this character is goated

Genuinely one of the best DLC characters this game has ever recieved. I barely acknowledged SNK or their games prior to Terry's reveal, but after discovering who he is and the games SNK has made, I've constantly been thinking of playing a Fatal Fury game. I still haven't done it, but I've definitely got to.

12/31/23 edit: Four years later, I finally played Fatal Fury 1.

I'm not a classic fighters guy so I needed to do some research to even know who this guy is.
I know that makes me sound like a lobotomites, buuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttt one of my favorite games is about a bear with a bird in his backpack and they collect puzzle pieces from a witch, so you know where my priorities lay.

Best DLC, plays like an actual fighting game character so he's actually fun. Also it's Terry Bogard so you can't go wrong

I have no fucking Idea how to play him

I don't really play a lot of fighters myself so yeah, I was one of the normies who didn't know who he was before this trailer. I never mastered his playstyle but I like the inclusion of a more traditional fighting game moveset to diversify Terry from the rest of the roster and they went absolutely nuts on the music.

Anyone who didn’t know who Terry was when he was first revealed doesn’t deserve to play video games


he has SO much good mods LOL

I don't really know much about Terry nor do I have the time and interest to get into Fatal Fury and King of Fighters, but HOT DAMN look at all those music tracks! thank you SNK for putting allowing so many of your tracks in this game, bonus points for including the MS5 version of Final Attack. Terry being fun to play on top of that is great too, I love doing the funny Burning Knuckle and Buster Wolf. his stage slaps btw too, I love the mechanic it's got going on with the sides of the screen I wish we had more stages like that.

so yeah good character, btw the reveal trailer was great. I love seeing Geese Howard fall to his death!

Pretty nice one-hit down smash move he has, just wish it didn't take me ages to preform it properly.

Three years ago I would have knocked this down a point since I didn't know too much about SNK but thought he was still cool. Having played a decent amount of KoF and Fatal Fury games, I definitely have a better appreciation for seeing Terry added into this game. His moveset is very faithful to his moveset in the games SNK makes and KoF lead to the creation of Smash. Overall, a very good inclusion.

Bought this DLC for the music. Didn't know who Terry was and didn't want to know who Terry was. All the things I knew were 1) Banger central, 2) He's obnoxious to fight, as usual.

I will say I have a greater appreciation for KOF as a Killer Instinct player than I do as a Smash Bros. player. Like I understand why down tilt is a chain and catches dodges.
But what doesn't make sense is Smash's approach to motion inputs: they artificially incentivize using them by making the motion specials fucking idiotic with intangibilty and cracked knockback. In KI, special strengths tend to be lateral, like being slower on startup but more plus on block, for example. But here it's just do a little more work for a lot more reward.

At some point you gotta ask yourself "Why am I playing this weird, watered-down mish-mash when I could be playing a real fighting game?"
I understand why he's this way as a billboard for SNK, but from a gameplay perspective these philosophies are incongruous IMO.

Love to see the Fatal Fury representation. Cool character but just another shoto

"Is This A Guy??"
– "Yes"
"I Can't Even Think Of A Name For Him"
– "Try To Think Of One"
"... A Dude"