Reviews from

in the past

Pensa num jogo que eu rejoguei dezenas de vezes... e MESMO assim nunca completei, porque chega a ser bem difícil algumas cenas.

Pernalonga faz de novo a curva errada em Albuquerque, mexe no que não deve e se vê perdido no contínuo espaço-tempo. Para voltar pra casa, ele deve coletar relógios em diferentes eras, Pré-história, Medieval, Era dos Piratas, Anos 20-30, por aí, e futuro espacial. Pelo menos são todos esses que eu lembro.

Cada fase funciona como um grande episódio do desenho, onde você deve ser mais esperto do que os inimigos e se livrar deles no chute, ou de alguma forma mais criativa, para acessar novas áreas, coletar cenouras douradas e os benditos relógios.
São por volta de 120 relógios para coletar, então fica bem óbvio a inspiração a Super Mario 64. Uma pena que resumiram tudo em só 5 fases.

Eu lembro de completar ali as 3 primeiras fases, mas aí a fase na cidade e o futuro se mostraram serem mais complicados do que eu esperava e travei neles.
Ainda assim, um lindo jogo que joguei tanto no PS1 quando no PC com amigos. Certamente merece um relançamento.

El juego me causaba un poco de miedo, no se si fue por el ambiente XD era muy peque, debería volver a jugarlo

This is probably the most nostalgia game for me like ever... it's fine enough but for me it combines every good memory from saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of cereal for breakfast. If I could wish for one remaster of a plattformer it would be this one.

But it's stiff and clunky I know that.

I livelli contro i mafiosi rimangono i miei preferiti.

Me lo pase como 3 veces, y me encanta este juego.

Really solid games for a kids licensed 3D platformed, Nothing outstanding, but a fun time with a lot of charm and cartoony bits.

A platformer with looney toons. It's harmless enough and fun.

First game I ever 100% on my own, still holds up visually and gameplay wise, it's also as funny as an actual Looney Tunes cartoon.

I played it with the spanish dub back then and it's still one of the best works from that time, así que si alguien quiere jugarlo en español no va a tener problema alguno, incluso si está hecho en España la calidad de las voces, actuaciones y adaptación de los chistes es buenísima.

Also I love the sound effect that plays when you collect the normal carrots, it's a very nice crunch

This was a really fun playstation game that I remember enjoying a lot as a kid and it's still got that funny looney tunes humour which brings a smile to my face.

Bugs Bunny gets lost as he often does making a wrong turn at Albuquerque and discovers a time machine that he thinks is somekind of carrot juice machine and ends up in nowhere. A tutorial location for all the mechanics, including jumping, digging in holes, kicking enemies and using ears to slow down falling in a kind of gliding way.

This is one of those games where you unlock new levels and places to travel by collecting items like say, the dark hearts in Vexx or something. In this game it's clocks and golden carrots. Normal carrots are often collected both to get enough to get gold ones and used to save yourself, similar to golden rings in Sonic.

There's no big story to it beyond getting these clocks to travel on, but it isn't needed for this and it's a lot of fun interacting with all the other characters from the Looney Tunes universe with Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, The Witch, Tweety, Silvester, Marvin the Martian and many more!

I had issues with emulation a while ago, but I hope to get back to this and finish it!

Stream + Gameplay

Timeless classic of Christmas, year 2005. Everybody and their mums were playing on their shiny Ps2 libraries while I was blowing dust out of my older brother's grey brick. To me this game means a lot, being probably one of the first games I ever played, and coming back to it I felt a bit of dread: what if I had bad taste?!

Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time is not a bad game at all! Its controls can feel a bit outdated and some levels are a bit frustrating but the fun and chaotic mess of a Bugs Bunny cartoon is captured in its truest form by this collectathon, almost entirely voice acted (take that, gaming year of 2023! Bugs Bunny did it first!). One of my most cherished memories was playing the snow level in the Medieval world and talking about school with my mother present in the room.

At the same time, it's a bit janky. As I said, the controls aren't the best and thankfully Bugs will automatically jump when running towards a cliff, so that you can correct the course. Meanwhile, some levels like the car chase, the trolly level and most of the space era ones can feel like you cannot control the bunny. Time and again, by trial and error, I was able to finish and 100% the game, at time needing to go back to older levels just to collect all golden carrots. I was greeted by a warm, orange tinted screen, telling me Bugs was finally able to go to the beach.

When you're a kid, you don't know you're making memories, you're just having fun. This game, Digimon World, Spyro, just to name a few, have made me reminisce the old times, when me, my brother and my sister were spending time together.

I am calling both of them, right after I'm done writing. Visiting the past is lonely business, you may be mentally there but no one else is; reminiscing together instead is a fun and warm activity. We may live in different cities and live different lives, but we have in common all the good fun we had.

Playing this again, it felt like I was lost in time in the year 1999. This game definitely deserves a remaster, maybe thats never gonna happen because it plays a little outdated, but the sounds, the soundtrack and the fun of this game is tremendously good. I never completed this game before, because at the time I was a kid that rarely fully completed all the games I had. But I had such a good time with this one, so for me this was the reason to play it again from scratch till the end. The part that reminded me the most was the intro and the first tutorial level "Nowhere". Played this so many times again and again.

Now, that I completed this game for the first time I really can say that the fun is precisely still there. If you still digging PS1 games and don't focus too much on the graphics, you really have to give this one a spin. It's maybe one of the best platform games on PS1. It's easy, the collectibles are enjoyable to gather and to me, this game don't harp on the same string too much. The hardest level was mainly the last "Mine or Mine" level. It took me 3 runs to collect every yellow carrot and clocks, and if you pass the finish line you really have to start over from the beginning of the level to start the Mine section, which can be frustrating. But overall, this game feels like timeless magic and I'm very proud to have this in my collection again. If you love the first Spyro games, you probably gonna like this one too because this game is mainly about completing items in a variety of levels, including amusing puzzle elements and a wonderful soundtrack. It's definitely not the same like Spyro, but it holds that nostalgia feeling from playing those platform games based on collecting various items. (Note: If you wanna play PS1 games again and don't have an old CRT yet, I would really recommend it because it makes your retro games great again!)

Pra mim é um clássico subestimado.

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Seu único defeito é não ter um Boss final difícil

I love this one, though it's pretty simplistic and dated quite a bit especially with a stiff jump. Varied locales and a lot of references to the original shorts.

a really good game when i was a kid

A bit rough around the edges, but overall a really fun and simple little 3D Platformer. Relatively easy difficulty wise, but nothing wrong with that. A tad disappointed nothing is gained from 100%ing the game, especially since you don't need all the collectibles to beat the game. Give me a new costume, bonus overworld to fuck around in, SOMETHING. Despite this, I'd definitely recommend playing through the game if your looking for a quick little 3D platformer to pass the time.

Este jogo não é ruim, mas também não dá para dizer que é bom.

Esse jogo começa em um cenário meio assustador, para um jogo do Perna Longa, e por ser um jogo infantil.
Quando criança eu joguei bastante desse jogo, mas nunca avançando no jogo, não por ser difícil, mas por o jogo ser um pouco entediante.
Os controles são simples, mas não chega a ser bem feito, pois não são muito responsivos. O pior e praticamente o único inimigo do jogo são as plataformas que tem queda, pois o pulo não é muito preciso.
As fases deste jogo não são muito convidativas, sendo simples e meio sombrias, pelo menos algumas que se passam em lugar meio escuro ou ser escuras por ser de noite. As fases são bem vazias, não tendo quase nenhum cenário, com exceção de 2 ou 3.
Os jogo tem 3 coletáveis, os relógios, as cenouras e as cenouras douradas, sendo que o relógio ser o único necessário para zerar o jogo. O problema é que para zerar o jogo meio que é obrigatório pegar TODOS os relógios, pois você precisa de 120 relógios, e ao todo são 124 no jogo. As cenouras normais servem para voltar vida e para juntar 99 para pegar uma cenoura dourada nos diferentes menus de fases, porém a cenoura dourada não serve para NADA no jogo, somente para dar um final diferente, ao qual é bem simples e bobinho.
As músicas do jogo são bem esquecíveis, não tendo nenhuma que é realmente boa, ou pelo menos razoável.
Os inimigos do jogo são bem poucos, com pouca ou nenhuma variação.
O jogo é BEM simples, tanto que nem vida você tem, somente 3 cenouras como quantidades de Hits que você pode tomar, ao qual você volta pegando cenouras, e tem MUITAS cenouras pelo mapa, foram pouquíssimas vezes que morri por tomar muito HITS, sendo a maioria das vezes por queda das plataformas, não tendo NENHUMA desvantagem de "Morrer".
O jogo no geral não é muito divertido de jogar, chega a ser meio entediante, por não ter nenhuma dificuldade no jogo. Os cenários são bem repetitivos, para cada mundo, e muito deles é praticamente o mesmo, somente trocando o layout dele.
Não recomendo este jogo.

Only tried it once. It was fine, not a tie-in videogames fan myself so I cannot express much.

Juegaso, tenes carrearas, plataformeo y peleas contra jefes, mario la tenes adentro

This one is among the really good Bugs Bunny games from the 90s. It's quite charming in its comedic writing, characters, puzzles and overall feel of the Looney Tunes cartoon with tons of references and depictions. With its different time periods you go back and forth collecting clocks and completing different and varied missions both in style and gameplay. Also, the difficulty can become quite challenging by the end but in an unfair way despite suffering from the same issues of the 90s 3D platformers (that is, camera controls and depth percetion).

Side note: how is it that this game never got a rerelease or remaster? Warner Bros, what are you doing?

One of the many excellent 3D platformers on the PS1, still great to this day.

In Spanish, we don't say “What's up, Doc?”. We say "¿Qué hay de nuevo viejo?" and I think that's beautiful

I speak german but for whatever reason when I was very little my brother would pick french and at the sewer level merlin said something in french that sounded like "Das geheim Klo" which translated to "The Secret Toilet" in english.


This is the worst platformer I think I've ever play

A surprisingly solid 3d platformer that has so much Loony Toons charm. The game can get weirdly cryptic at times and getting 100% gets you absolutely nothing but the level design and control is pretty good.
My favorite level being "Objects in the Mirror are Closer than They Appear"

what is it that makes marvin the martian so stompable, like all I can think of is acquainting the fella with the under of my boot