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in the past

Minha experiência com esse jogo não foi das melhores. Por algum estranho motivo, eu vi uma dúzia de gameplays desse jogo antes mesmo de eu jogar e em todas elas o jogo funcionou super bem e teve seu leve grau de dificuldade. Porém quando chegou minha vez de jogar, nada se comportou como o esperado.
Disputar as corridas e as arenas de batalha foi bem divertido se desconsiderar que em todos os eventos meus oponentes grudavam nas paredes e em outros obstáculos e lá ficavam presos por todo o tempo. O timer das corridas não funcionou nem uma única vez, sempre ao terminar constava que eu tinha feito todas as voltas em menos de 30 segundos. As batalhas era só correr atrás de um power up e atirar no oponente enroscado numa parede.
Os chefes foram os únicos desafios do jogo pois a forma que foram programados impedia eles de ficarem presos como os outros bots.
Se algum dia vier alguma atualização corrigindo esses bugs, muito provavelmente eu jogue novamente para ter a experiência de como o jogo originalmente foi pensado.

I haven't played Bloodborne yet and I want to soooo baaaad man. But from what I played of this, its a really fun twist on the racing genre! Its obviously more fun with friends, but plenty of fun alone too! I apreciate PSX Bunlith for making the distortions accurate with the console, that makes my heart happy.

Surprisingly good free meme demake that ended up being more involved than I thought. Gameplay is great, story is good, boss fights were fun. Overall enjoyed this game quite an bit.

you can accurately gauge how cool someone is based on whether they f*** with this game or not

como alguém que nunca jogou bloodborne, minha experiência se dá inteiramente em torno de um jogo de kart (como ele é, mas menos impactante nesse sentido para quem conhece o jogo)

jogo maravilhoso! a combinação da temática com o estilo gráfico do ps1, faz desse game único nessa categoria (que costuma ser sempre bem colorido).

as corridas são dinâmicas como um kart racing deve ser, mas o adicional de inimigos e a interação com eles e as pistas é o charme do jogo. as battle bosses seguem o mesmo princípio.

jogo incrível na primeira experiência e continua incrível no fator replay!

This was a really ambitious game to make, one filled with love, passion, creativity and a distinct vision and I liked it a lot for that! I might not have played Bloodborne so I couldn't tell you how similar/different everything is, but I love how it was an April Fools joke turned into a full fledged and enjoyable game, and its such a visually distinct game from anything from the kart racer genre (even if the music is still cartoonish, but its still amazing regardless) and unapologetically retro, with some really useful options for customising your experience.
All items are pretty derivative of Mario Kart's items (blood droplets = coins, guns = green shells, etc) but they have a grittier spin on them, like blood increasing max speed, insentivising hunting other players and enemies on the course, as well as being able to collect aether vials while drifting for a little speed boost to your kart.
The diversity of missions in the campaign also made it fresh and like I wasn't just playing Grand Prix again, having some cool boss fights and making battle more than just a side mode, which is great because the weapons are really fun to use. Multiplayer is also really fun, having everything in the campaign (except for bosses) with a lot of customisation options for battle and races. Its a shame that after every round you get kicked out, so you can't select how many you want to do before getting booted to the menu, but its not a major annoyance.

I do have to admit that this game isn't perfect however, and my time on it was filled with a little more frustration than enjoyment since the controls didn't feel as responsive or nice to use as most kart racers; the lack of a more in-depth tutorial meant I was running off previous knowledge and muscle memory, which didn't help the feeling of the controls. The UI isn't the most intuitive it could be, there aren't any way markers for dark/foggy maps, sounds, especially voices, were so extremely quiet when compared to the rest of the SFX (I turned it up to max and I still could barely hear it over the music) and I hated the Nicholas boss for being unintuitive to fight and for being able to double tap with his body and his weapon.

Overall its a fun and promicing game but I probably overhyped myself before launch and subsequently got a little disappointed by it, but its getting updated pretty frequently so I can't complain, especially if my gripes get fixed. Trans rights!!

Que juegardo las referencias y todo super clean

insert mandatory Bloodborne Kart joke here

Also holy shit: I swear that I have seen the PlayStation logo immediately after booting the game. Is it even allowed lmao.

Game feels very polished, runs smooth at 60fps and feels legit like a game of the mid/late 90s era. But the gimmick of the health bar is more annoying than funny.

surprisingly hard and bullshit at times, if they didn't C&D this game it'd be way better, but without the ''haha funny bloodborne kart'' meme it's just...a bland racing game with some cool concepts and ideas, but that ultimately fails to reach its goal (again, not because of the devs fault, but because of sony)

Me: Mom, can we have Bloodborne on Steam?
Mom: No, we have Bloodborne at home
Me: Bloodborne at Home

Bloodborne Kart is a decent attempt at telling the legally distinct story of Bloodborne while also being an abysmal kart racer. The AI is a complete nonfactor, often running into walls and getting stuck in both battle maps and races, leading to you being able to lap them one to two times each map. The visuals are neat, but the movement is choppy and a quick reminder that this is a free title. The music while pretty exciting in it's own right, doesn't match Bloodborne's aesthetic (which in theory is fine because it's a kart racer) but also doesn't match the racing (because you legitimately never have competition.)

It's jank and ultimately not worth your time. Go play Bloodborne on your PS5 or Steam Account instead... oh wait.

I feel like, intellectually, I only have nice things to say about Not-Bloodborne Kart. Its got incredible presentation, with a mix of well-planned and well-choreographed cinematics as well as a faithful but lively PS1 user experience. The inclusion of guns and combat in a kart racer feels pretty solid, managing to avoid feeling unintuitive or janky in like 99.9% of situations you can find yourself in. The kart racing itself is mostly competent, I find it difficult to complain about the game itself - and certainly I find this to be a better platform for Liliths creativity than Bloodborne Demake was.

But man…. something about it makes me feel slightly hollow. I guess the best way I could phrase this is: its still not a very exciting use of Bloodborne. Yeah, its Not-Bloodborne now and yeah, its mostly a comedy game, but theres also attempts at staging tension and bravado with Nightmare Karts facsimile of Bloodbornes narrative and..... idk. It just leaves you wondering why some parts were so important and worth being tributized and other parts werent so much. No Yahar’gul? No forest race track? Shadows of Yharnam but no Rom? No Amygdalas? You got Astral Clocktower and Maria but no mfing Fishing Hamlet?? Theres just weird representation choices here - but thankfully the humor takes the opportunity to incorporate quite a few. Church Giants squeezing into a kart or the fact that the Bloated Pig is a vehicle are excellent decisions.

In fact despite some of my reservation I actually have to give it a full star exclusively for the fact that, in addition to Nicolas J Micolash’s kart being just him running like a lunatic on foot, his death scream is also like a 15 second long reverb-laiden howl that can be heard no matter where you are on the track. It just absolutely floors me every single time I hear it like "ooooooooooooyyYYYAAAAARGHAHHHHHHHH"

Never gonna hit like it could have because of Sony's selfish ass

Pretty decent kart racer, it's a shame that the joke was mostly ruined because of sony legal interference.

If you truly dedicate yourself to the art of shitposting, you too can make something like Nightmare Kart.

Genuinely excellent and fun. I've also never experienced such in-depth CRT television simulation options in a video game before. Extremely cool. Father Gascoigne Gregory doing his short monologue about turning into a beast and then doing the breath thing, only for the camera to do a quick zoom-out to reveal that he's riding a golden motorcycle is hilarious. And yes, he does in fact do an Akira-slide on it.

I hunted.

Probably needlessly scrutinizing a game that’s really just meant to be a realization of a cute community joke, but there’s a shocking amount of work that feels wasted on a game where so many modes end up feeling so undercooked. The thing you’ll probably notice within the first couple of races is that your competitors have terrible AI and, more significantly, don’t have the means to catch up with you once you gain a lead. Lapping the other racers so easily and seeing them struggle to navigate through some of the setpieces will probably make anyone into an advocate of at least some rubberbanding, and seems like a sign that this needed to be delayed a few months to make this more than just a one-off novelty. (And maybe more simply, making stages less reliant on hazards that the AI seems so incapable of navigating)

There’s definitely some deeper stuff here when it comes to item usage and building your max speed by fighting other racers and monsters on the track, but talking about the successes and failures of integrating Bloodborne mechanics into a kart racing setting seems like overkill when all you’ll need to secure first place is holding down the throttle.

Fares a lot better in its battle modes and boss fights, especially the one map in the campaign mode where two teams compete against each other to amass as many blood echoes as possible by killing enemies and surviving before time expires. On both of my playthroughs, victory was a super close thing- and maybe as a result of the open arena and amount of moving pieces, any shortcomings the other competitors might have were drowned out in all the chaos. A nice jolt when the rest of the game is so lax in comparison. Bosses also work as totally bespoke scenarios that leverage the absurd premise- especially the TLB that gamely gets into a Kart of its own for the final encounter.

Think this mostly works as a charming return to Yharnam, but there’s enough potential to want a fuller game than currently exists here. An amazing April Fool's title had it released a few months ago, but something that feels a little driftless right now.

i dont know anything about bb but this was a charming little kart game. the music and voice acting is awesome, and psx graphics look very cool

This game started as a joke about Bloodborne Kart, and some time later, the joke became reality. It's a very fun kart game with the ambiance of the Bloodborne game, featuring PS1 graphics and even old TV effects, which gives it a unique vibe. The only negative point is the AI of other racers, which are slow and easily run into walls, especially in mansion races. But considering that it's a fan project, you can overlook these issues and give it a try.

A shitpost taken to its ultimate conclusion, Nightmare Kart attempts to capture the setting and characters of definitely-not-Bloodborne in a kart racer/battler. Nightmare Kart's campaign will take the player loosely through some of the key locations and encounters from Bloodborne. All the maps are very recognizable from their source material, and there's a ton of creativity in giving each character their own cool unique karts as well. The structure of the campaign typically alternates between races and battles, and while the races are a fun enough time the battles feel quite poor after the first boss. Combat often involves guns and if you can imagine Mario Kart battle mode where every player is picking up auto-aim guns and whoever shoots first wins, that's about what you can expect.

My feelings on this game are roughly akin to those of JoJo All-Star Battle. It is an absolute labour of love from someone who very much appreciates Bloodborne, but that faithfulness comes at a cost of a game that could feel and play better than it does. Still, it's a free fan game and I am pretty glad it got made, because it at least looks and sounds great.

Kinda crazy how, even tho it didn’t end up using any of Bloodborne’s characters and locations directly and spawning as a joke game of sorts with a really silly idea, it still is a far more interesting and cool use of the IP than whatever Sony has done with it for the past 9 years.

Nightmare Kart is one of those weird anomalies in which I’m completely baffled with how amazing it is even tho I really shouldn’t be; some months ago I watched my girlfriend play the entirety of Bloodborne PSX and I’m still super impressed at how much effort went to what’s essentially a re-imagination of the beginning hours of Bloodborne; all the enemies and NPCs look incredible in all of their polygon glory, the sound effects and compression is top notch, and the whole final section is completely original and has a focus on my man Gilbert! Basically, what I’m trying to say is that Lilith Walther is the GOAT, and that I’ve should have totally seen coming that what was originally meant to be Bloodborne Kart was going to be far more than a thing to point at and say ‘’HA! That werewolf is on a giant wheel-shaped kart!’’… I mean it’s also that but you get my point.

This game is so delightfully silly that I wish it had even more cutscenes to showcase it; there’s nothing better than to see Father Gascoine’s cutscenes being played completely straight only for a bike to appear out of thin air followed by Akira shot for shot references. It keeps the sensibilities and character mannerisms that made the original Yharnam so unique and adds on top of that a flare of stupidity that by doesn’t feel out of place ‘cause of how dumb yet self-serious the whole premise is. Seeing a Skeleton driving on Gherman’s wheelchair fucking sent me for some reason, and the Boar being one of the vehicles is such an obvious decision that I cannot believe I didn’t see it coming, yet is genius!

Till now I’ve been referring to all characters by their original Bloodborne monickers, and even tho all locations and faces are clearly meant to represent the original game and it’s still a shame that Lilith and her team had to rework all of the characters in some way or another, that’d be a huge disservice to the admittedly creative or fucking hilarious some of these characters have received. The main Good Hunter design goes HARD, I love how the Dream Watchers’ heads are replaced by big funny eyeballs, the Matilda Sisters are honestly WAYYYY cooler than their real game counterparts and, to be utterly honest, I’m so glad the rebranding happened if only because it gave us the absolute best change to Nicholas: he still keeps the similar dialogue and big head-cage… BUT HE ALSO GETS A BIRD. A COMICALLY SMALL CARTOONY BIRD THAT SITS ON TOP HIS HEAD WHILE HE DARTS AROUND THE CORRIDORS WHILE SHOOTING A GUN LIKE A FUCKING MANIAC. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THE CAGE IS ALSO A SELECTABLE KART THAT LETS YOU RUN ALONG THE TRACKS, BUT IT ALSO GIVES YOU THE BIRD. If getting to hear his scream when he dies in any part of the track didn’t already make way cooler and funnier than Micolash, then the bird for sure does.

It gains a ton thanks to its amazing presentation, and on that note, I really like how this one still keeps the whole PSX theme while not being completely binded by it: in Bloodborne PSX it made complete since the whole point of that game was to be a reimagination of how Bloodborne would work on the original console, while in Nightmare Kart is more of a visual throwback than anything else. There still is some sound compression on dialogue and the UI elements are clearly still referencing those of the PS1, but the controls are clearly influenced by more modern Kart racers and the music sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD, the OST is hella strong, not really sound like anything in the original game at all, but a perfect fit, nonetheless.

But it wouldn’t be enough to make a hilarious kart parody game, ‘cause why not make the gameplay rock? I think I usually like the idea of combat-racing games more than playing them, so keep that in mind when I say that it’s been a while since I’ve had this much fun driving in a game. It all feels so hectic and buttery smooth, the track design is surprisingly great —both as references to the source material and tracks on their own to race on—, the act of shooting enemies both behind and in front on you or using the main selectable weapon is incredibly satisfying and responsive (most of the time), and the sheer variety in battle modes and creativity in the bosses during the campaign had me drooling, the only thing that that I can think of that comes close in what is trying to pull off is that mission mode in Mario Kart DS, and even that would be a bit of a far-fetched comparison considering the amazing hob his game does in adapting Bloodborne’s bosses into this whole new environment.

I even went for the secret ending which grants the final boss, and even if 9I wished at least one of the other two endings also gave some sort of final fight, the lack of any previous final boss made it even more special and cool, phase 2 particularly was simply unbelievable, and honestly, probably better than Bloodborne’s secret final boss. There’s nothing like seeing an eldritch abomination ride a go kart and running for dear life!

Tho if anything, the controls being so good and the battles being so creative makes the game’s biggest downfalls stick out even more, since it makes it the more noticeable when somethings feel more finnicky or unresponsive, like the weapon lock on or how basically all races become incredibly easy once you gain a bit of an advantage and where only one item can hit you. Plus, the enemy AI are clearly not the best, tho that seems to be something that’s being fixed with each update, and with the last one, 1.08, I’d say bosses like Nicholas that were damn easy or dumb have been given a very welcomed upgrade in that regard, and I can see things getting even better as more patches roll.

And that’s the thing, even more work is being continuously put on this game, more hours on top on an already amazing project and brimming with detail, effort, and even content and secrets. What could have been a one-not fan game resulted in an incredible homage, a game that stands on its two legs and offers a racing experience that it’s everything but monotonous. I really need to try free play with friends one day, ‘cause this is honestly an experience I wouldn’t mind going back to in the slightest, running along the nightmare or dashing through libraries in a wheelchair…

… and now that this isn’t tied to the Bloodborne IP at all, you know what that means? We can have merch of Nicholas and the Bird! Forget Bloodborne for PC, this is the real good ending, it was to happen!

Nightmare Kart has the framework of a great game buried by bad AI and hard stop collision physics.

The various racers, karts, tracks, and weapons have a lot of variety and a fun PS1 aesthetic that does a lot to keep this game charming. I love Nicholas as a character who just runs instead of using a kart or the big pig you can ride. It tries to come up with creative ways to blend in parts of Bloodbourne in to a kart racer. You have a choice of melee weapons, and boss fights as a few examples. There is a well thought out game here with devs that I can tell poured passion into it.

When the rubber actually hits the road though, boy howdy, the AI is god awful. A racing game would assume competition but the frequency I found AI driving in to walls and not being able to get out for an entire race was almost every race. Which really sucks because it removed any sense of serious difficulty, urgency, and competition. Mix this with when you hit a wall or enemy you are coming to a dead stop so the flow of a race gets ruined quite quickly.

The game is free so I would encourage people to at least try it to see the neat visual designs, and you can get through the campaign in under an hour and a half. I hope this team takes another crack at this because if they could match the visual aesthetic and design with just good AI and some better collision physics, I would have rated this much higher because there are a lot of good ideas here.

It’s one thing to turn a funny meme into an actual project on Steam, and it’s another to put love and craft into the concept so that it’s actually a fun game in its own right. Bloodborne, I mean, Nightmare Kart is a fairly well-designed throwback racing game that finds some real entertainment in its silly premise.

Right away I knew this was going to be fairly enjoyable as the kart handling feels pretty good. The mini-turbo system is well-designed, as you are rewarded with boosts from drifting and doing tricks. I thought the drift was very easy to get a handle on and works well across each of the karts.

Nightmare Kart gets you into the fun with a short campaign mode with a light story that riffs heavily on Bloodborne. Each race is punctuated by a little bit of narrative and even some cutscenes. I was surprised by the amount of variety that the campaign has- it never repeats courses at a higher difficulty but instead throws new ideas at you with every level. In addition to the traditional racing tracks, you get to experience the arena battle mode with fun contextual variants, as well as some bosses with surprising puzzle elements.

The campaign is never going to get too difficult and I only found myself losing a couple of times because I was getting a handle on a level’s gimmick. The rubber banding is pretty relaxed in this game, and it’s easy to break into a huge lead and not have to worry much. You’ll also be unlocking karts of increasing silliness as you go which is a nice reward for progression.

Not everything is perfect, with a pretty weak item/weapon lineup overall. There’s definitely some satisfaction in shooting your rivals, but too often I was picking up items that felt low impact and was just throwing things away looking for what I wanted.

This game could benefit from some multi-player and hopefully it will receive that in updates down the road. I think kart racing fans will find plenty of things to like about this game and it’s definitely a great realization of a meme. It’s only entertaining for a bit, but with it being free you can’t go wrong.

que esto y el demake del bloodborne sea gratis es un robo a mano armada

This is a fun novelty piece of free software from the incredible Lillith Walter, shitpost and programming extraordinaire. Her loves for Bloodbourne and shitposting and game making have resulted in another game that's got everyone talking.

The kart racing in this is as good as you could ask for as for a free game that isn't monetized in any way. There are some rough edges when it comes to drifting on certain tracks and the trick boost isn't as good as I want it to be. The shooting though...why does it work so well?

Like Bloodbourne PS1 demake, the graphics lend themselves to the concept pretty well. It's Bloodbourne meet Nightmare Creatures. The controller controls are crazy good (better than any kart racer on the market, in fact) The music is unbelievable. It is great. You best believe I'm ripping that shit and putting it in a folder.

It's time for Lillith to make a game I can buy.

Stumbled upon this when scrolling through Steams discovery queue. It was free and seemed like a perfect Steam Deck game so I figured why not?

I was pleasantly surprised by this experience. Even as someone who’s never played Bloodborne, all the legally distinct references made me a chuckle, and I’m sure there are several that I missed.

The gameplay felt smooth and the graphics were clearly influenced by the old era of PS1 games. I wasn’t expecting to play the entire campaign but I didn’t want to put it down.

I love when solo devs can come out make great little bangers like this.

I love the concept of a fighting gruesome game combined with the Mario Kartish vibe of it. Music slaps and gameplay is really interesting how they introiduced some classic mechanics of the inspirtation game to this. Overall nice fun game.

Engraçadinho, as recriações de cenas de Bloodborne são bem legais e ri em várias, mas a trilha sonora... Que trilha sonora FODA. Se pá vou passar mais tempo ouvindo a trilha no youtube do que jogando o jogo.