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in the past

There's a gamer boss that you defeat by shooting him with soapy water

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I thought it was gonna be a 2D Brawler, and you also get to put clothes on people with tank tops. And you have to fight the evil businessmen. I mean, all businessmen are evil.

Like a gay homage to Duke Nukem. Lots of fun but level design gets a little repetitive and drags out for a little long. Wish there were also a lot of intractables like Duke Nukem.

Fashion Police Squad's diverse enemy and level set is pair with a low-power and limited Simon-Says arsenal. FPS' encounters are based entirely on matching the weapon you're holding to the enemy in front of you, and provides very few tools to actually decide how you can approach a combat encounter other than the order in which you attack enemies. The time and resources spent in an encounter are much more tightly coupled to the enemies in the encounter than the player's ability to deal with them. It leaves very little for the player to learn and work with, and it creates a slow laborious experience of needing to wait out specific enemy health bars before you can deal with a different specific enemy health bar.

Довольно интересный концепт с миром, который базируется на моде. Соответственно, преступники в таком мире - это недотёпы, которые носят уродливые прикиды. Естественно, они пытаются сделать вас такими же унылыми и страшными.
Если коротко: это шутер от первого лица с элементами платформинга, но основной геймплей представляет из себя Simon Says на спидах.
По сути вы должны перестреливать врагов с помощью подходящего исключительно для них оружия. К примеру, есть чувак, который носит слишком для него большую одежду. Чтобы исправить его прикид, вы можете либо: залить его водой, чтобы костюм сузился, либо расстрелять из швейной машинки и переделать костюм под его размер. Применять условную пушку, которая стреляет краской - бессмысленно.
Да, это действительно шутер. При том довольно быстрый и достаточно самобытный.
Проблема лишь в том, что не всегда достаточно места для сражений, а противников на квадратный метр бывает приходится очень много.
Могу также отметить то, что геймплей может надоесть к последнему уровню из-за специфики механики с подходящим для определённого врага оружием , но игра короткая, поэтому это не большая проблема.
Из плюсов отмечу то, что до самого конца игры вам постоянно дают что-то новое. Будь то оружие, его улучшение, новый тип врагов и так далее. Разных фишек и приколов в игре - мама не горюй. Иногда кажется, что их слишком много, но тут кому как зайдёт.
По своей цене более чем достойный проект.

This just wasn't for me I think. The style is cute and the jokes are kind of quirky, but it's missing that combat depth that I really crave from these shooters. Switching between weapons for different enemy types seemed like a cool idea initially but as the game went on I felt that it got a bit stale. The jokes also were kind of hit or miss for me and it seems like a lot of the game relies on you be entertained by the humor.

I wouldn't call it a bad game, it's well made and has some cool ideas, I just don't find it holding my attention enough for me to come back to it.

how can you have a bunch of cool ideas and strong sense of identity and style, and then ruin it by uninspired level design and dumbest enemy placement (i.e just throwing every single enemy in the small cramped room without thinking)
i wish i liked it more

(btw, game doesn't tell you this, but when you dead, you can press "T" for instant respawn for free)

I wanna deepcoat des holy moly

This game has a cool premise but is undermined by the mechanics of the game limiting your options to a comical degree. Each enemy only takes damage from a single one of your guns depending on their type, the game tells you off for trying the wrong ones or even hitting an enemy with the wrong type by accident while aiming for another. The game has a super move that basically wins a fight instantly, and it will tell you explicitly when to use it so there's no point saving it for a hard fight later. Every arena is a box with no obstacles or verticality. The only movement option in the game is relegated to platforming segments that feel completely automatic. There's no ammo pickups. Secrets do nothing except give you concept art. There is as much player agency as possible stripped back in this game and it's all in service of a gameplay loop that feels like an OK doom mod at best.

The first 30 minutes are funny as hell, you just don't know that is going on and it feels great. But after that, it just feels kinda shallow, so you stop playing before coming even close to completing it.

The same game where you can correct people who wear socks over sandals without remorse. Brilliant first person shooter.

Та самая игра, где можно без угрызения совести исправлять людей носящие носки поверх сандален. Гениальный шутер от первого лица.

really fun, just a bit tedious in the middle. Great enemy variety and awesome weapons.

Drip and tear is the name of the game in Fashion Police Squad—perhaps the world's first 'fashion person shooter'.

There's been a disturbing recent trend of poor outfit choices in the normally fashion-forward city of Trendopolis, and only you, Sergeant Des of the Fashion Police Squad, can put it right with your arsenal of clothing-based weaponry.

As I'm sure you can tell from the basic premise, FPS is a short, fun, cheeky and funky little shooter that doesn't overstay its welcome and keeps things at a decent pace thanks to new weapons and mechanics being introduced at least once per level.

What sets FPS apart from most other 'boomer shooters', however, is the way it approaches its enemy variety and combat design. Each new enemy requires a specific method or combination of multiple methods to defeat, and it's not just that you shoot them with your favourite weapons as usual. That's not unusual, since in many shooters, certain weapons work better for certain enemies. What's unique here, though, is that, for the most part, those weapons and specific attacks only affect those enemies.

This is an interesting approach to combat, and it does help spice things up a bit from the usual shooter fare, turning each combat encounter into more of a puzzle of sorts. It's also definitely akin to DOOM Eternal, where you have to constantly stay moving to dodge enemies.

However, it can get tiresome, particularly towards the back half of the game, where you're pitted up against hordes of every enemy type multiple times in a row and have to switch weapons very quickly and very frequently. It'd be cool if the 5 weapons you do get could be upgraded so that they may, for instance, stun certain enemies to give you enough time to prepare your next weapon. As it stands, though, the tedium is quite apparent in the later levels.

The game's humour and doesn't-take-itself-seriously story may throw some people off and may not be their cup of tea, but I did vibe with it due to how relentlessly cheeky and sassy the characters, puns, and visual gags are. But again, a lot of it is going to entirely depend on your specific tolerance for modern lingo usage and meme references, so, of course, your mileage may vary. It does lean into these things perhaps a bit too much however, so the writing is not exactly what you would call 'evergreen'.

Still, Fashion Police Squad is a fun and silly little DOOM-like game with some fabulous character designs, fun and unique, yet occasionally tedious combat and light and cheeky sense of humour.


This game is currently in the Humble Choice for April 2024, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before May 7th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Finally, someone arrests people wearing Socks with Sandals.

Fashion Police Squad looks like a Boomer Shooter, and it has a taste of that. Players will end up fighting fashion crimes, whether it’s people who have been turned gray, wearing neon shirts, or ill-fitting suits. Players will shoot them with a dye shotgun, a sewing machine gun, or sock gnomes. It sounds insane but it’s actually quite funny with tons of great moments and it’s also well written. I found myself laughing multiple times.

At the same time, this is a humorous take on the shooter genre, but it does have some issues. So far every enemy is only weak to a single weapon, so if you shoot someone wearing a bad suit with the dye shotgun, it does zero damage. In addition, the difficulty here more comes from the number of enemies than specific enemies themselves, and I’m sure the absurdity of it will wear off eventually, definitely not yet, and probably will last the full first playthrough, but it feels more like a joke that’s great the first time, but you’ve heard it the second time.

Pick this up if you want a refreshing boomer shooter. This is unique for what it is, and honestly, I feel compelled to play more of it just to see what else it’s going to do.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Solid, unique boomer shooter. Music pretty great, the platformin sections were ok, though at times felt a bit jank. Gunplay/combat loop r pretty satisfyin & fun. Short for the $, so unless ur a boomer shooterer I'd say wait for a sale.

Jogo divertido, fica meio repetitivo no meio pro final mas o jogo é curto o suficiente pra isso não ser um enorme problema

I do have my gripes regarding how this game goes about it's enemy design, especially since only certain enemies can be defeated with a specific weapon.

But I do think the game has a lot of fun encounters and it does balance itself out for the majority of it's gameplay loop, and it has a lot of charming and funny dialog overall.

Pretty shit.

First of all, the performance is awful. Shockingly bad if you consider how basic the game's visuals and levels are - it just keeps stuttering and dropping the framerate whenever anything happens.

Secondly, the enemy designs are bad. Most of them have attacks that cannot be avoided, either because they move towards you too fast to move out of the way, or they literally hit you through walls, or there are just too many enemies spawned in at once to allow you to even attempt dodging everything that's being thrown at you, while most combat arenas have absolutely zero cover.

The weapons feel weak, at least on the highest difficulty, and they're fairly inconsistent. Sometimes they just don't deal damage from a certain angle or too close a distance, the melee attack's interactions with one late game enemy type is also pretty confusing.

Each enemy can only be dealt with in one way. It might seem like the Doom Eternal thing of enemies having weaknesses, but this extremely rigid version of it isn't anywhere near as fun.
Outside of a single exception, you don't get new ways of dealing with previously encountered enemies as you go through the game. It makes the combat feel repetitive, and fights against several enemy types slow, as you go down the checklist of things to do, one at a time.

The combat's just not fun, and that's the only thing the game contains aside from some complimentary secret hunting. The last boss is exceptionally frustrating as well, ensuring that I will remember this game in the worst possible way.

A very short and sweet shooter that knows exactly what it is and runs with it. It's fashionable style flows through the entire game with it's presentation. The combats "specific gun for specific enemy" works very well for this type of games.

absewlutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has such a unique personality and is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Un FPS con delle buone idee che prende a modello un po' l'esperienza di Doom Eternal, tra platforming e utilizzo delle armi a propria disposizione. Tuttavia, causa qualità del level design a mio parere molto mediocre e l'eccessiva facilità, non vale tanto la pena giocarlo

The platforming was awful but overall I had a good time with this game.

Story is rather simple. Gameplay is fun but also somewhat bland for the boomer Shooter/movement shooter genre. Its short and has good pixel art and animation. Its worth a try why not.

not too out there, but deserves to be. i want des carnally