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A roguelite masterpiece made by a tiny team that somehow manages to master the art of doing everything exceedingly well. Hades has high-speed, deeply fun gameplay that encourages both mechanical skill and strategic planning; an engaging, expanding story with unexpected twists; meaningful, progressing relationships with genuinely interesting characters; stunning, bold art; and music that you'll continue to listen to for months after your final run.

Out of my favorite roguelites, I think of Hades as being not only the best, but also the most accessible for players who are strangers to the genre or "bad" at games. This is because Hades' excellent narrative and relationship development are woven in between each run, cushioning the blow of failure. Who has the time to feel bad about dying when it means you get to revisit old friends, experience an expanding storyline, flirt with demigods, poke fun at your dad, and pet Cerberus? Because of this and its tight, addictive core mechanics, Hades is one of very few games I genuinely enjoyed sucking at long enough to, eventually, become genuinely good at.

(As a side note, I'd recommend playing with a keyboard and mouse if you want precision, or a controller if you want speed. I don't think one is clearly "better" than the other.)

Hades is Supergiants biggest hit and what truly brought them into the limelight and showed the whole world just how talented the team at Supergiant Games is. This game is easily the best gameplay wise from SG, and is one of the best roguelikes I've ever played. Before I get into gameplay, I'll talk about the rest of the game. The music in this game is one of the best parts. While I think the vocal tracks don't hold as much weight as they do in Bastion or Transistor, they are still wonderful songs. But when it comes to battle tracks or otherwise, Hades is the best SG has ever done. The battle themes are almost akin to Bastion in terms of instruments, but also adds rock elements. Themes like The Hard Way and House of Hades and Through Asphodel, the game has no shortage of songs that get your heart going. As for narrative, Hades has brilliant characters through and through, and the voice acting for each one is superb. This game really benefits from being a roguelike as it allows for so many character interactions that flesh out the world and characters more. As for gameplay, putting it simply, it's great. I love the weapons and the different aspects for each one, and the abilities being built around the different gods is honestly brilliant. Would recommend to anyone. Can't wait for Hades 2.

The epitome of charisma.

Hades is a game I've felt bad about not playing extensively for a long time, since it was sitting in my library for over 2 years with only a couple hours of playtime. I'm now 20+ hours deep and completely understand the appeal and praise, its truly an addicting experience.

I have never seen such a good looking game in my life, this shit might be the peak of art direction for what I've played so far - nothing I can think of can match. Many artists I admire have worked on this project, Jen Zee's illustration work is just perfection. The shape and colour design she utilised to mold the game's identity reflects and enhances the tone of the world and environments, the wonderful voice acting performances, and the visual identities for character designs alongside their associated boons/abilities. These choices in visual design bleed throughout the others' work in Joanne Tran's backgrounds and Weilin Zhang + Spencer Wan's trailer animations. The game is truly something that stands at the top of my list for visuals.

The score is nuts, the mix of modernized rock with crazy electric guitar riffs and the strumming of acoustics in the theme of Mediterranean folk really fit with the aesthetics of the game. I especially love how dynamic it feels while playing, it never feels like the music abruptly cuts off at an awkward time and instead transitions smoothly throughout each room of the level, increasing or decreasing the amount of instrumentation depending on the encounter difficulty.

Writing isn't something I can talk about in its entirety, but based on what I've played so far its above average with some creative concepts for the mythical Olympian gods, the way it focuses on a more personal aspect between Zagreus and this cast is a refreshing perspective, and I feel like I can connect with the characters and their stories more than I initially expected because they feel like real people with past relationships. I'm still getting story content, new dialogue and character interactions even after completing the main objective which is something I really appreciate.

Gameplay loop is so satisfying, the flawless character and effects animations really help with the feeling of shitting on everything in the room and wanting to do it over and over. The RNG aspect (that comes with this genre) of finding different boons throughout your runs was not something I thought I'd end up enjoying so much, the immense satisfaction I feel when getting all the things I want is a big part of why I want to jump back into the game as soon as I close it.

Anyway game is amazing and after some more play time this might go in the top 5, not sure but its peak so im excited for the sequel :)

Perfect. Holy moly I finally finished it.

I had the most fun, the most intense, and most enjoyable experience with this game. I think this game perfected the “roguelike” experience and it’s gonna be hard to go to other roguelikes.

I can’t emphasize how annoyed and energized I felt sometimes dying to a simple spawn, but I knew I was stronger going back. Not just me the player learning the game, but Zagreus gets stronger through upgrades.

Not only that awesome part, but you dying continues the story and conversations you have with multiple characters. Aaaannd the dialogue system is deep. You get a boost from one Olympic God and a few minutes later another God will comment on that first God. And almost every time is the dialogue different. They recorded so many lines.

I am incredibly curious about “Hades II” and if it can run on my potato laptop. “Hades” could run amazing and ran amazing on my phone (where I played it).

The endgame content is crazy. They basically want you to continue playing the game as much as you want. I actually started another run (but paused and saved it) just because I wanted to see how it would keep going. I might come back to it soon, but I really want to dive into some other games.

Platinum experience: Spear of Guan Yu + Ares doom + Dio hangover = super OP
Tips: Learn the trap placement, create boons synergy, always kill enemy that shoot projectile first.

I find it hard not to give Hades a perfect 5 stars. I started playing this game right before Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2 came out, and as much as I loved those games and every moment I spent with them, I kept thinking the whole time, I can't wait to dive back into Hades.

The game sucks me back in after every run, the chaotic action is dialed in so tight, all of the multiple builds and powerups you can chain together, it's madness. I rolled the credits but there's still so much to do and see, and if the game wasn't so freakishly fun I would have probably moved on to something else by now. In many many ways it's a perfect game.

i only really heard about hades through the game awards the year it was nominated. deciding to give it a go from that and the game looking good i had a great time. granted im really terrible at roguelites and have not done everything (mainly the beating the game 10 times thing). i still had a really fun time. all the weapons are fun to use and the game does a really good job of keeping the game fresh even after many, many runs. very solid time

"Fear is for the weak..." -Zag

₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ Hades is like that one family reunion where everyone's a god, and you're just trying to escape to your room without getting roped into another epic quest. But seriously, between dodging deadly traps and chatting up gods, it's a whirlwind of chaos and hilarity. Plus, it's the only game where dying is not just expected, but actually part of the fun! Just remember, when in doubt, blame it on the fates. They're always messing things up anyway! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧

Um absurdo, Incrível em todos os "aspectos". Hades é um jogo até mesmo pra quem não curte roguelike, Essa obra de arte é tão imoral que quebra e ultrapassa essa barreira como se não fosse nada.

Arte impecável, trilha sonora magistral, gameplay satisfatória, ambientação e temática incríveis. Além de tudo ainda tem o fator repetição super divertido, que é o diferencial dele e que me fez curtir roguelike, É um jogo completo. Mesmo que você acabe enjoando dele uma hora, Vai querer voltar em outra.

Não curto repetição e por isso não sou fã do estilo, Acontece que esse jogo é a exceção, É outro nível. Falo com tranquilidade que Hades é a perfeição, Uma obra prima, Não existe nenhum ponto negativo nessa masterpiece.

When it comes to Indie Developers, Supergiant games has been a criminally overlooked team for the longest time.
Their older titles, Bastion, Transistor and Pyre, have always been rather obscure titles, despite the immense amount of love and cure for details that had.

So has a big fan of these devs, I am glad Hades received the praise it got. This game takes all of the things that made the previous titles great, and is able ot expand upon it to create a rouge-like action packed experience that is able to appeal to everyone.

The Greek Mythology inspiration also lead to a really endearing story about a broken family, that is able to adorn and amazingly accompany the various attempts to escape the Underworld.

Everybody knows Hades it's great. Some may even consider it a perfect game..... and honeslty I will not disagree on that.

É definitivamente uma das mater pieces dos rogue likes, a animação é boa, a gameplay é sensacional, a musica nem se fala, eu so esperava que me prendesse mais, mas me enjoou um pouco rapido, mas acho que foi porque tinha muita pressão de amigos para eu jogar, então quero jogar de novo num futuro proximo para ver o que eu acho dele de maneira relaxada e descontraida

"Estamos sempre fugindo de onde pertencemos"

Para cada mensagem existe o modo que essa mensagem é passada e a finalidade da mesma, videogame é uma mídia que constantemente utiliza de uma narrativa pautada em violência, justamente por ser uma mídia mais ativa, essa limitação sempre foi algo que moldou os padrões e gêneros dentro da mesma, Hades usa do conflito geracional e violento dos deuses, da morte, e parricídio, para falar sobre descoberta, separação de relacionamento, e amor familiar, envelopando tudo isso em um rogue-like, é incrível como todas essas narrativas conversam dentro do gênero quase como se o gênero fosse criado para dar vida a essa história, e seus sistemas diegeticamente conversam sobre toda essa ludonarrativa de Hades.
Ele se apodera da típica narrativa mitológica grega que conta sobre tragédias e homicídios, para mostrar que para cada ato de violência existe alguma conversa não finalizada e um coração não afagado, e mesmo que doa, buscar fugir é melhor que o conformismo de acertar a perda inevitável.

The visuals are amazing. The story and the way that it is told is amazing. I would literally play the game to get more dialogue from everybody and I usually don't care about game stories at all. The gameplay is hard but as fair as it gets. I never felt like the game cheated me. I just felt disappointed that I choked. There's so much replayability because of the weapons, the different build combinations you can try from combining the gods' powers, and the way to adjust harder challenges to your liking. The music is iconic. Nothing but good things about this game.

Intuitive and only gets better the more and more you play. The characters, presentation, and storytelling that integrates the mechanics of roguelikes are all very impressive and very objectively fantastic. I have some incredibly personal nitpicks regarding the narrative, but that’s not worth getting into, because I genuinely do think that the game deserves the praise it gets.

Demorei bastante para chegar até Hades e derrotá-lo pela primeira vez, então acho que vou dar um tempo. É um jogo maravilhoso que me apresentou a várias novas possibilidades (não tenho muita experiência com o gênero), mas não sou um jogador muito habilidoso no geral, e a repetitividade dos roguelikes tende a cansar. Vou ter que passar por isso mais... nove vezes? E não sei quanto tempo vai levar. Vamos vendo.

This review contains spoilers

I tried so hard to like this game but as a game I just cannot like it all that much. I'd much rather read/listen to all the dialogue, look at all the pretty drawings than actually play the game.

There are multiple reasons why I ended up feeling so very mixed on Hades. On one hand, you have some really cool illustrative art in game, you have really well done voice acting, a funny and charming script. But the gameplay becomes unbearable and tiresome.

For one, It's because after the first few runs, you have really seen the rooms. After having to battle the elysium boss many times, I really got sick and tired of having to see both Tartatus and Asphodel, after that time the feeling never really left even with the small edits after having beat hades himself, the rooms pretty much stay the same few new enemies boss variations aside.

Secondly, the RNG at the first two thirds of the game (pre-beating Hades) is super annoying. You end up stuck for quite some time before you can actually meaningfully edit that RNG to be somewhat favourable so that you can get good items to make runs somewhat more fun. But the early rooms will always feel like a schlock after a few handfulls of runs.

It doesn't feel like I actually improved very much in the gameplay itself. I think the skill ceiling of Hades is not that high. It is mostly waiting for some kind of good boon to come up so the game actually becomes more enjoyable. I feel like there is no true skill progression. Most of it is just waiting for better boons or upgrading the mirror so you get better boons easier. Because good boons makes it so that you can get good DPS.

I think the most enjoyable runs that were to be had when you could actually get an insanely lucky sum of boons. (and yes i did use selling mechanic to change up the pool but it doesn't help that much.) When you had this insane luck suddenly you have really weird and curious combo's. I wish I had more of those. There's some super fun Spear, Bow and arrow and sword builds. Too bad I spend most of my time dealing with semi mediocre builds that didn't lead to anything exciting.

Yes I know, there's a mirror upgrade that can reroll. Great! It would have been nicer if I didn't need it...

Maybe if Hades had more different rooms it could dish out at each part of the tower in different points of different runs it would be more interesting to play. It is just too limited.

As I mentioned earlier, even after you beat Hades the game feels relatively the same. There's some new stuff and I appreciate that, but not really anything that substantially makes it more exciting. That's the point where I'm at rn. Just waiting for good items in my runs. Because it's not that the game is hard. It isn't. The fact is if you don't have a fun build, the game isn't fun to play and fun builds are limited. It's because of all of this that I'm stopping myself from playing more, because I'm just not really enjoying myself for most of the run. When those runs last 30~40 mins it starts weighing down on you a lot.

There's also another problem I'd like to mention and is specifically in more roundish structures in both the snowy mountain top and the elysium boss battle. It is impossible to see when your in a safe zone. This is something inherently to the artstyle. I know it might have been hard to find a solution for that that still looked good. The amount of times iv been hit just because I was guessing where tf I was supposed to stand was so damn annoying.

I'm kinda done doing more in this game so I'm stopping myself here. Played around 35 hours, with multiple attempts going past Hades.

I don't really feel like writing more down so cya. Not really a good review either but I frankly cannot be assed to do better rn. I should probably add more but I don't feel like it.

This is sthe rouce of the FOrtressCOtnext. like destroyerofmid

Bonito e bom… Mas cansativo e irritante…

Hades talvez seja um dos jogos mais difíceis de eu descrever meus sentimentos perante o mesmo. Ele tem muitos elementos que eu amo, e certamente são razões pelas quais eu gosto de jogos similares, mas também tem elementos intrínsecos ao seu gênero que me fazem evitar ao máximo jogar jogos similares.

Muito provavelmente, Hades está em alguma posição bem alta no meu top 10 pessoal de direção de arte da indústria dos video jogos. De verdade, cada centímetro desse jogo é Belíssimo (com “B” maiúsculo), a mistura da arte saturada e vibrante de quadrinhos com a arquitetura grega gera paisagens estonteantes dignas de serem emolduradas e expostas num museu. Graças a sua gemeplay desafiadora e frenética (e até um pouco poluída), isso, aliado à arte dos ambientes, gera uma sensação de deslumbre ao jogador e de opressão ao mesmo, subvertendo, literalmente, o sentimento assim que é criado, e isso é no mínimo brilhante. De verdade, é comum parar a gameplay pra tirar um simples print da tela.

A parte sonora é também muito bem aproveitada. Tanto as músicas quanto as vozes são extremamente bem mixadas, como também perfeitas para cada ocasião em que elas entram. Partindo para as músicas, eu achei brilhante a mistura feita aqui pela Supergiant Games. As músicas flertam super bem com o lírico/melódico tradicional da Grécia Antiga (que, dentro da lore, é orquestrada por Orfeu, músico oficial de Hades na mitologia), com a adição do metal pesado em outros trechos. É tipo misturar a Sandy (de Sandy e Júnior) com a banda Sepultura, no papel parece estranho, mas na execução é simplesmente genial. E a Supergiant Games conseguiu fazer uma mesclagem super bem com a gameplay, fugindo do óbvio de: o metal (ou música mais pesada) entrar na parte frenética e o melódico entrar no momento de calmaria. Por mais que isso acontece aqui também, em paralelo ocorrem oscilações no volume da trilha segundo a gameplay, onde, em momentos mais frenéticos, o metal toma conta de toda a arena e ofusca parte do som ambiente, dando mais foco ao jogador. Já na calmaria, o lírico torna mais evidente certos tons que fluem por entre a história, apresentando apenas pela melodia a melancolia de Orfeu (que se estende a Hades, Zagreu e Nix) e o cinismo e prepotência de outros personagens dentro do palácio real (como Hades, Tânatos e outros personagens que são spoilers). 
Entrando nas atuações de voz, desde Red Dead Redemption (2011) eu não via um elenco de voz tão perfeito. Cada um dos personagens tem vozes muito bem aplicadas ao tom e à arte do boneco do diálogo. Ao entrar em um diálogo com (literalmente) qualquer boneco, mesmo sem movimentação labial e apenas com a arte do mesmo no canto da tela, parece e muito que aquele boneco teria aquela exata voz se fosse real. É até difícil de descrever essa sensação, mas é exatamente isso. E, assim como as músicas, a mixagem dá um show nas vozes. O jogo é entupido de Deuses de todos os tipos, cores e sabores, e a mixagem aplicou efeitos conforme a magnitude do Deus com que Zagreu conversa. Ou seja, deuses “mais simples” e menos poderosos têm falas mais comuns, apenas empregando trejeitos relacionados às características dos mesmos. Deuses mais imponentes têm um eco suave em suas vozes e, em momentos de fúria, esse detalhe estoura e mostra que você não está interagindo com qualquer ser. Por fim, em diálogo com deuses mais poderosos que os anteriores, além do eco suave, eles trazem um tom voz meio sussurrante aliado a pequenos sussurros que trazem o ar manipulativo e poderoso daquela entidade, indicando que o poder deste é tão grande perante a um humano (ou ao Zagreu) que foge da compreensão do mesmo. Tudo isso aliado a atuações  I M P E C Á V E I S  tornam a parte sonora um primor quase que inigualável, sendo, na minha visão, um jogo obrigatório de se jogar com um bom fone (ou sistema de som).

Pra ser extremamente sincero, meus pontos negativos referente a esse jogo são muito mais inerentes ao gênero dele, e não exatamente as qualidades ou defeitos de Hades. 
Antes mesmo de ser um jogo deslumbrante com elementos de cair o queixo, Hades é um Rogue - E não, eu não vou entrar no mérito de ser um Roguelike ou Roguelite, isso eu deixo pro seu coração decidir - e assim, eu gosto da ideia do Rogue de ser um estilo mais difícil e que se você morrer perde a run toda, e a graça em si é fazer isso de novo até não querer mais, mas por mais que isso no papel isso parece muito legal, na hora do vamo ver eu só acho chato e cansativo. Na Play Store existem muitos jogos que se propõem a ser Rogues acessíveis (Mighty Doom inclusive é o meu favorito do gênero) e sempre que os jogo, e passo da décima ou décima primeira run eu já começo a sentir um desgaste, porque por mais que eu esteja avançando no mapa com builds totalmente diferentes da anterior, eu no final tô fazendo a exata mesma coisa de novo, só que com um RNG diferente, e isso pra mim é moroso, principalmente quando têm algum grau maior de dificuldade empregado, em que morrer nas mesmas partes é extremamente comum. E ok, eu estou comparando um jogo fechado com uma qualidade incrível com vários outros jogos feitos pra serem esquecíveis e te distrair na hora de ir ao banheiro, mas querendo ou não, eles seguem bem a fórmula base de Rogue, e é justamente essa fórmula que não me agrada nenhum um pouco.
Se você entrar na aba do Journal do meu perfil, eu comecei Hades no início de janeiro (de 2024 caso você esteja lendo em 2070) e terminei só agora no meio de fevereiro, e ao longo do tempo minhas jogatinas de Hades passaram das mais viciantes 2 horas de jogatina da minha vida quase todo dia, pra cansativos 30 minutos de jogadas a cada uma semana. E ok, com Hades eu tomei conta que Rogue talvez seja algo que não me agrada muito, mas na minha visão, a mescla de Rogue com Hack N’ Slash de Hades me causa preguiça, e não isso não é atrelado a gameplay, mas sim ao level design. Como eu disse, a gameplay é frenética ao extremo, mas a partir do terceiro mapa do jogo (os Campos Elísios), o jogo extrapola e não consegue equilibrar diversão com os desafios como nos dois mapas anteriores. Sim, tanto no Tártaros quanto em Asfódelos, áreas com muitas armadilhas e inimigos irritantes são relativamente comuns, mas sempre em um nível que não cansa, porém, ao chegar nos campos Elísios, isso aumenta exponencialmente, com armadilhas mais cruéis e recorrentes, com MUITO mais inimigos com armadura e com ataques que podem matar um desavisado rapidamente, mas principalmente, com recorrentes paredes invisíveis que limitam a sua movimentação… EM UM JOGO FOCADO EM MOVIMENTAÇÃO… Além dos Elísios ter a pior e mais injusta luta de boss desse jogo. Se não bastasse, esse é o penúltimo mapa, e antes de você enfrentar o Boss final do jogo (que eu não vou spoilar, mas é bem óbvio quem é) tem o último mapa (Templo de Styx) que só foi feito por alguém muito ruim com a vida, pois além de ter tudo isso que reclamei, tem áreas MUITO menores e inimigos que podem te envenenar… Se não ficou claro, eu odeio esse templo.
Pistoladas exageradas à parte, a minha maior frustração com esse jogo vem justamente da luta final (e um pouco do final em si). Além de não ser a luta mais difícil do jogo (principalmente com o escudo), o caminho até ele é cansativo e se você morre nessa luta final, você tem que jogar tudo de novo (inclusive as Boss Fights)... E assim, eu comentei que, passando da décima tentativa, eu (provavelmente) largaria o jogo pois repetição extrema e consecutiva não é minha praia, mas pra zerar Hades, eu precisei de massantes 33 tentativas… E mesmo assim, eu não zerei completamente! Sem tentar dar spoiler, Hades termina de uma forma que é bonita e conversa bem com a proposta do jogo, mas é totalmente inconclusiva. Eu não sei se pra ter o "verdadeiro final" precisa aumentar o coração com os personagens da história (sim, esse jogo tem um sistema de relacionamento além do resto), mas eu já estava tão desgastado com o jogo, que eu me senti por satisfeito só de vencer o boss final e chegar no objetivo do Zagreu…

Eu acho que a melhor forma de resumir esse último parágrafo inteiro de reclamações é: Hades tem muitas ideias de mistura interessantes para o gênero Rogue, mas não consegue equilibrar elas direito e no late game isso se torna uma bagunça gigantesca… E eu não sou o maior fã de Rogue 👍.

Hades (2018) é, assim como todo bom jogo, um jogo com problemas... Ao mesmo tempo que, ao colocar na ponta do lápis, os pontos positivos são tão altos e de uma qualidade inenarrável que ofuscam com primor o lado negativo (mesmo eu tendo gasto uma folha e meia falando mal do jogo). A gameplay é frenética, e por mais que simples, é digna de estar na prateleira com Devil May Cries e Bayonettas da vida, a parte sonora é quase que pornografia pura para qualquer audiófilo e seu design é simplesmente perfeito (tanto num geral quanto dentro da sua proposta) e digno de estar emoldurado e estudado em faculdades de design e arte. Talvez, se eu tivesse tempo e paciência pra "just get gud", esses “defeitos” ressaltariam menos aos meus olhos ou até sumiriam. No final, nada impede dessa ser uma boa introdução ao gênero Rogue, afinal suas mecânicas são simples e se auto explicam durante a jogatina (já que muitas só derivam de outros jogos populares de fora do gênero).

P.S. - Eu não comentei, mas a experiência é estável em PCs mais simples mas no Steam Deck, onde eu joguei na maior parte, além de ser cravada em deliciosos 60 FPS, pela portabilidade revigora e muito o cansaço que runs mais avançadas geram, sendo portátil (pra mim) a forma ideal de jogar esse jogo!

I'd play the shit out of this game if I didn't have depression to be honest

realizou meu sonho de poder bater no meu pai

In my mind, I've played it for 60 hours. On my Steam account, I've played it for 140 hours. In my heart, I haven't play it enough.

Primeiro roguelike bom, maior defeito é que eu só lembro do Lenz toda vez que vejo o portrait do Zagreus

finally made it to the ending after picking it up again and it consuming me for the last 2/3 weeks. no words are needed at this point, mastapiece

bring on hades 2

Zagreus WhatsApp -
Megaera: Zag i NEED pussy
Than: Zag i NEED pussy
Aphrodite: Little godling, they all NEED pussy
Dad: fucking kill yourself

Hoooooooolyyy fuuuuuuuuuck…………why is everyone so fucking hot

This game is weird to me, I enjoyed beating it but the game kinda feels off. The game is filled with a lot of unlockables and unique dialogue but the game itself doesn't really have enough variety in gameplay for me to actually enjoy spending time to actually experience all of it. It also didn't help that I didn't enjoy using any of the weapons aside from the gun weapon.
I enjoyed beating the main quest but I don't really have much motivation to unlock or see anything passed that

Having sunk around 20 twenty hours into Hades, I finally reached the end credits and main ending of the game. This is a rouge-like game with about an hour of content, but that content is very difficult and will require persistence and practice to conquer. Plus, to see the true ending will have to escape the Underworld a whopping 10 times. If this opening paragraph sounds negative, I do not intend it to come across that way. I too was skeptical by that pitch, but Hades is an absolute blast - and while I found it began to drag as I approached some of those final runs, the narrative "climax" (for technically this game goes on far beyond the credits) is very much worth the time.

As previously implied, there isn't much to this game when measured by standard rulings. There are 4 bosses (with some variance between attempts and optional harder versions) and you'll encounter just about every enemy the game has to offer after only one or two successful runs. Four areas, all with a handful of enemies, a boss at the end of each - and that's your lot. The variety comes from the six very distinct weapons and the various upgrades you acquire throughout an attempt; the combination of which will likely be wholly unique to that run. This all works to keep things relatively fresh; I still think by hour twenty I was getting rather tired of the combat system as a whole, but there's enough to keep you ploughing onwards through escape attempt after escape attempt until you finally reach the ending.

The story is perfect for a rouge-like game, a genre usually lacking in narrative because of how hard it is to implement. Everyone is immortal, you are repeatedly trying to escape, everyone knows this and can both remark on what you've been doing while also having relationships develop. The characters are all distinct and well voice acted. This isn't the most incredible narrative ever, but it's one that can only be told through the video game medium, and for that it deserves praise.

Artistically the game is great. Isometric games are probably the hardest to make look good because of the obscure perspective, but they have managed to make it work. The character portraits are all beautifully drawn and add a LOT of life to the dialogue.

The soundtrack to this game is absolutely incredible. I would be lying if I said it wasn't the initial reason I picked up the game. It's metal, fast paced and every track is a banger. The final battle theme against Hades himself is without a doubt one of my favourite OSTs ever composed.

All in all, despite some flaws, Hades is very worth playing even if you aren't a fan of this genre. Trust me, I wasn't either - and still am not. But this game is great despite that. And if you're a fan of rouge-likes? Well, you've probably already played this.

Edit: I have since returned to the game and beat it several more times in order to best every boss with the Extreme Measures condition. I've bumped the game up to 5 stars and take back any critique I had for this games combat. I cannot speak highly enough as to the quality of Hades as a game. By far my favourite indie title.

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"A Grande Família" versão dos deuses gregos. Ótimas mecânicas. Ótima história. Ótimo jogo. Quem curte o gênero "roguelike" ou "hack and slash" vai adora Hades, única coisa que não gostei é sobre ter que derrotar DEZ VEZES o seu pai (Hades) para conseguir zerar o jogo.

Eu derrotei duas vezes Hades na minha gameplay, mas depois que descobri que deveria matar mais OITO VEZES para zerar, eu desanimei e deixei de lado o jogo. Poderiam ter maneirado na quantidade de combates que você deveria fazer com o seu pai para conseguir zerar o jogo, porque depois dos créditos, o jogo vai liberar o mapa inteiro para você terminar de platinar mesmo, não entendo o porque de ter tanto combate para progredir na história em relação a essa parte do jogo.

Rogue-likes pose a lot of challenges where it comes to managing player frustration, a feeling of making progress, and a satisfying difficulty curve. Hades does a really good job, imo, at keeping the stakes of each run high while maintaining a sense of development and progression in the hub, without it feeling like the game just gets easier the longer you play it. The boons, weapons, and upgrades system allows for so many possibilities of satisfying synergies, and a good balance of chance and strategy determining those synergies.

Aesthetically, the art design and characters are of course fantastic, and the mythological theme of escaping the underworld really lines up with the mechanics and gameplay. I will say, I was left a little underwhelmed by the writing. While the central conceit is really good, most of the dialogue comes across as cliche and annoying. I found myself skipping through all the dialogue, tbh, and wasn't compelled by any of the flavor text in the codex. Still, the combat, art, and gameplay systems are so good that it didn't bother me too much.