Reviews from

in the past

Nuka World as a whole is a lot of fun, you get some very cool and interesting level designs, and the gang factions are pretty nice as well. My only issue is the game forces you into an evil route unless you want to slog through Open Season.

With Mods I was able to bypass the need to do Open Season and even use the Minute Men to raid and capture Nuka World, both things I feel like should have been in the base game.

Its fun, and thankfully mods let you adjust it to your playstyle. Also if you are RPing as a Nuka Cola Addicted Sole Survivor, this DLC will be heaven for you.

If you're looking to dip your toe back into FO4 after some time away then Nuka World will scratch that itch. Exploring the park is cool but the quests left me a bit flat. Overall its fine but it won't change whatever esteem you hold FO4 in.

Bethesda’s response to not being able to be evil in the base game, leaves a lot to be desired on that front. All you can do is create evil settlements, that’s it. The actual theme park is insanely fun to go through tho, so if you’re willing to not think about the story you can have a good time.

Location is cool but this DLC is just a fucking mess.

Would've been more fun, if it were less grindfest and more actual RPG.

Thankfully, unlike Far Harbor, Nuka World released in a functional state. This didn't do much to fix the already-present issues within the core game of Fo4, though...

Nuka-World marked the very end of DLC support for FO4, and it was billed as the most expansive, nutty, and fantastical addition to the game yet. And for the most part, it delivered on that front! But by the time you get to this DLC at the tail-end of the playthrough, you're sick and tired of the looty-shooty adventure of FO4. And here, nothing new is added to the core gameplay of FO4 besides new and interesting locations to shoot new and interesting enemies in. The main story is a joke, the raider factions are unfortunately underdeveloped... but the real draw of this DLC is the world.

Nuka World is unlike anything else in Bethesda's catalogue. The distinct and dense sections of the theme park are fucking fantastic... I love the galactic zone, the wonderland area, and the zoo part. But as I said, these areas are the exact same gameplay affair you've BEEN having in FO4.

There is one distinct addition it provides to the base game, however. And that is the option to... actually be evil! That's too little too late though!

By the time you can even make your way through NW, chances are you've already beaten the main quest, which has zero options for the player who wants to destroy everybody. This makes playing NW feel kind of counter-intuitive, as if you decide to bring the NW raiders into the commonwealth, your allied faction will just hate you. So even in this regard, NW kinda falls flat.

The actual exploration of the DLC is fun though.

Nuka world is just alright. just like every other aspect of fallout 4, it gives you nothing to think about and leaves your mind almost immediately when you put it down. it's a mindless loot and shoot fest just like its base game. enjoyable, but nothing insanely good. i do however, always choose to end playthroughs on nuka world. killing all of the raiders before doing my true final act, eating a perfectly perserved pie right outside of the ufo ride i accidentally kill 5 cultists in. nowadays you'll probably only get the goty edition of 4, so there's no reason not to play this. more shit to kill, with some more interesting and colorful locations to do it in

I do not give a SINGLE FUCK about what other people say. Because this is an amazing pack. The narrative is not horrible, but what really shines here is the AMAZING WORLD. This was one of the most creative things they could have done for a DLC, and its simply soo wells polished and detailed that it is really amazing.

If you don't want to be a raider, you miss 50% of the content.

Now this DLC was hyped up really high! It was advertising itself to be a game changer and bring in mechanics that this game should've had from the very beginning!

-Play as a raider
-Fresh new location
-New settlement system around raiding

However, much of this was untrue or greatly exaggerated!

It's a interesting enough mission where you fight the leader of these raiders, defeat him and then become their leader.

Afterwards you have missions to explore and conquer every section of the park for one of the three groups. There's much more with interesting ideas, however, that's kinda where it ends making it a similar quality to Far Harbor.

The issue I have is the promises of becoming a raider were greatly over exaggerated. You need to do the main story missions in that DLC before you can lead the raider lifestyle.

The settlement system in this raider setting is where you threaten other settlements for bottle caps. Nothing else really goes on, your raider bases stagnate as raiders refuse to do any work (lazy bastards) and you just shake down these settlements for caps.

Despite claiming you are now a raider, there's no options for slavery which is odd considering that's one major thing raiders do!

To get a much better raider experience, download the mods. They can give you all the authentic and fun raider experience that you won't get here.

Typical of modern Bethesda games, they advertise that you can do anything, but strip away elements that were present in earlier iterations.

Edgelords and Furries coexisting together at last

This DLC was alright.
Aesthetically, the park is very very cool. The aesthetic of Fallout 4 in general is great, but I think they really excelled in the Nuka World park and everything in it.
It's fun to be able to play as a raider; it's a welcome change from the sometimes monotonous factions of the base game. Unfortunately, the main story is kind of forgettable and some missions feel repetitive, a lot of: go to this building and kill whatever's inside, or fetch quests.
However, this is a solid DLC with plenty of content. Gage is a nice addition to the companion list + being able to turn the previously established settlements into raider camps is a nice addition to the game, something new.

I don't get the hate. This is the best DLC Bethesda has released since FO:NV. It's well written, has a ton of content, and is huge. The system for developing raiding camps is how settlements should have been done, and I wish they'd revamp settlements to be the same. I really enjoyed this DLC.

THE best Fallout expansion. Nuff said.

Love the locale but severely held back by poor characterization and tedium within the questing.

Un dlc de historia bastante interesante, es gracioso con las facciones, mapas y misiones nuevas.

This started off so well but completely fell apart in the second half. Exploring the theme park was great, but going back and forth between the Commonwealth and Nuka World in order to establish outposts and take over settlements is the kind of unnecessary and unfun busy work that was the base game's downfall.

As the final conclusion to all of Fallout 4, this is a lackluster send off. The new sandbox and dungeons are for the most part fun to explore and the new weapons while mostly gimmicks are very unique. But if you want to do a morally good playthrough of this game and dlc, you will lose a large amount of content and may not even realize it. And the choice making/interesting ends Far Harbor had are sadly not here as the raider gangs are very one dimensional and lack the impact of the previous dlc.

Very respectable amount of content. You get a large new area to play around in with some unique setpieces and actual quests. You end up with a main quest that actually gives you some important choices, even though most of them end about the same way.

Tercer DLC con historia y siento que me quedó a deber, una de las cosas que más pereza me da de Fallout 4 es el tema de los asentamientos, que llega un punto en que resulta monotono llevarlos, el DLC en cuando a historia no siento que ofrezca mucho, eso sí Nuka World esta muy bien, tienes muchas cosas por hacer, pero definitivamente el llevar los asentamientos de saqueadores no es por lo que lo volvería a jugar.

got really bored half way through, i like all the different parks tho the variety is cool, just wish the PC had more agency

Не знаю чого саме, але це моє улюблене доповнення, прям дуже сподобалось. Я майже весь час грав у режимі виживання, то навіть враховуючи відсутність можливості фаст тревелу я все одно раз за разом повертався спочатку гвинтокрилом, а потім потягом до своїх рейдерів в парку нюка ворлд та збирав різний хлам саме по його околицях. Локації різноманітні та цікаві, ідея з парком атракціонів мені дуже зайшла. Багато нового контенту, красивий дизайн броні, нова зброя та багато іншого. Персонажі за котрими цікаво наблюдати. Та декілька нових механік до основної гри, котрі дають можливість відігравати рейдера та швидко стати найбагатшою людиною на пустошах.

nice locations. mid story. good weapons and armor. overall my favorite. 9/10 better than the commonwealth areas IMO

the raider thing feels really tacked on like oh now i can be a raider but also i'm the general of the minutemen and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

also they retconned power armor AGAIN

I think its impressive that Fallout 4 had 2 DLCs with full explorable locations, and in this case Nuka World was larger and more diverse location compared to Far Harbor. But I feel like it was also a more... generic set of content (and no Settlements, just small time questing).

DLC které stejně jako "Harbor dlc" zachraňuje základní hru.
Obsahuje dost pěkný Nuka park ve stylu disneylandu který je prošpikovaný zajmavíma detailama a příběhem. Bohužel zajmavá část brzy přejde, neboť v pozdějších misích musíte čistit lokace které nejsou ničím zajmavé, spíše naopak je to otravné. Přesto je to skvělé doplnění hlavní hry.
"You are the new boss!"

It's just a set of themed dungeons. Bethesda wrote themselves into a corner by making this also have to be an evil expansion for settlement reasons so any story feels more pointless than usual. Porter Gage is cool.

In terms of story content it doesnt give much as most of it is just an annoying fetch quest. But it gives you a new land mass and allows you to be a raider to an extent. and if you dont want to be a raider this dlc is like 15 minutes long. Dont bother paying more than 5 bucks on this. The only reason Im bumping it up to 1 star instead of .5 is because of the handmade rifle being introduced which is basically an AK-47.