Reviews from

in the past

The Ape Escape minigame on the bonus disc is based as hell.

My personal favorite Metal Gear game, and a game that deserves to be listed on backloggd’s top 20 highest average ratings four separate times. It was probably the point in my Metal Gear marathon where I really started to appreciate the Metal Gear franchise. The game's signature song Snake Eater is amazing and used very effectively throughout the game. The boss fights are all very fun and creative, maybe my favorite lineup of bosses in the franchise outside of Rising. The story is really nice too, it still manages to hit hard while being relatively self-contained and not as insane compared to the likes of MGS2 and especially MGS4. My favorite part of the playthrough was constantly sounding the alarm in the weapons lab for no reason other than to annoy the people watching me play the game in a voice call. There’s no real reason for Snake to ring the alarm, it’s meant for scientists to run over to in case they spot you, but you can do it yourself. It’s hilarious.

I mentioned in an older review that even more people would hail this as one of the best video games ever if it got a rerelease on modern platforms. And guess what? They recently announced not only a collection including the first three Metal Gear Solid titles, but also a full-on remake of Snake Eater is in development. No more excuses. Play this game.

De forma pessoal, tornou-se (Até o momento) o meu Metal gear favorito, uma gameplay incrível, história que me fez arrepiar do começo ao fim, além das milhares de interações que o jogo te proporciona a experienciar e só faz sua jogatina mais especial.

Devo obviamente dar um disclaimer, pois joguei no modo "easy" como primeira ida ao jogo. Eu internamente me sinto muito intimidado pelo jogo, mas mesmo assim, não senti que o jogo foi completamente fácil, cheguei até a dar game over algumas vezes, mas com toda a certeza, assim que eu tiver a oportunidade, o jogarei novamente em dificuldades elevadas, pois esse sim é m jogo que merece ser rejogado independente da época em que esteja. De forma absoluta, uma grande pérola de sua época.

Son, you'd better wait to shine
They'll tell you what is yours
But they'll take mine

Well, I think I have finally come to the end (for now) on my journey to blindly play the Metal Gear games in chronological order. What an amazing adventure this all has been, with Metal Gear Solid 3 still continuing strong in blowing my mind away at the innovations it created for the PS2 in 2004.

Every game since the first on MSX has been insanely advanced for the time it came out, and MGS3 is no exception. Stamina, camouflage, interactive cutscenes… and most amazing of all, strongly written female characters. MGS3 not only shocked me with its crazy advanced gameplay mechanics and 4th-wall breaking, but it’s improved writing. An issue that’s been following Metal Gear since the beginning, the women in MGS3 are finally actual characters with interesting backstories and confusing morals. I had kind of given up hope at this point for Metal Gear to have well-written female characters, especially as the whole series is based around 80’s action films that were notorious for doing the exact opposite, but MGS3 had me incredibly tickled pink to see the girls now so heavily involved. It definitely had to be the highlight of my playthrough.

The rest story-wise, I was glad to see the message of Metal Gear continue, and see how it really began with Big Boss in the terrifying but real issue of “what is a soldier to do when the world becomes peaceful and their purpose becomes useless.” I liked seeing the start of this message as chronologically (in story) we next see Grey Fox tell this to Snake when he breaks down in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. It’s cool seeing how the message originally comes up in MGS3 and how it molds to fit the different scenarios of the different Metal Gear games, as what is war in the overall view really good for? We see how it hurt Big Boss, which in turn he internalized and made to hurt many others, and so the cycle continues.

I could talk in great detail on how great the mechanics are, and how wonderfully mixed the gameplay has turned to fit with cinematic storytelling, but I’m sure it’s been properly beaten into our heads with how many newer games tried to copy this perfect formula. I will say my fears that MGS2 gave me of cutscenes > gameplay made me very happy to see MGS3 didn’t follow in its footsteps, at least in that technique.

Bosses in this game have to be the best I’ve ever fought, with the most fun and challenging battles yet, the survival addition was fun and immersive, and the weapons never felt better to play around with. Overall, MGS3 really is Metal Gear at its best.

I was talking to a friend about the series, and we both agreed that we have different games within it that we personally have strong connections to (me with MG2, and him with MGS1) but we can absolutely agree that MGS3 is just factually the best made game in the series. Hell, it might be one of the best made games of all time. If you told me you felt that about the game, I definitely wouldn’t bat an eye. I know I keep bringing up the ways the gameplay immerses you, but it really is astounding how involved it makes you feel, and how every moment has you ecstatic for the next.

Metal Gear is a very, very good series, and Metal Gear Solid 3 is the juiciest, most delicious cherry on top. I’ve heard very… mixed things about the series from here on out, so I am taking a bit of a break before deciding on if I want to move forward with MGS4 and onwards. Thank you to everyone who followed me on my little Metal Gear journey! I had an absolute blast.

Feel free to check out my other reviews of my first time experiences here:


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"I raised you. I loved you. I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take, is my life, by your own hand. One must die, and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle."

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater sempre foi para mim o melhor jogo de PS2 e sem dúvidas um dos melhores jogos da história, entretanto, a câmera dele sempre foi um impasse para decidir se ele realmente era meu top 1 jogos dentre todos os outros e jogar Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence respondeu todas as minhas perguntas. Metal Gear Solid 3 é sem dúvidas o melhor jogo já feito. Isso é, obviamente, uma análise dos dois jogos como uma coisa só, logo, levo em conta toda a experiência original, junto à experiência aprimorada com uma câmera magnífica que apenas soma ao jogo, finalmente permitindo que este alcance seu máximo esplendor.
Metal Gear Solid 3 não é um jogo apenas, ele é uma experiência absurda, cinematográfica, musical, tudo nele é simplesmente um espetáculo. Desde o início, os personagens são trabalhados com um esmero magnífico, desde Snake, o personagem principal, até os personagens mais deixados ao fundo da narrativa possuem uma personalidade própria, é impossível não notá-los e tudo isso somado à história genial construída por Hideo Kojima é simplesmente incrível.
Eu amo tudo nesse jogo, desde sua ambientação que realmente coloca o jogador na pele de um sobrevivente, tendo que passar por todo tipo de cenário, enfrentar todas as adversidades e criar estratégias para passar pelos inimigos despercebidos, ou, caso queira e tenha os recursos, simplesmente sair igual uma máquina de guerra em meio aos inimigos, aliás, você controle ninguém mais, ninguém menos, do que o grandioso Naked Snake (futuro Big Boss), o herói dos Estados Unidos da América (ou será que não? Heróis realmente existem?).
Graficamente esse jogo é espetacular, dentre tudo no PS2, acredito que seja o jogo com melhores gráficos, todos os detalhes são muito bem feitos, além de que deve-se aplaudir a obra-prima que são os personagens, todos possuem animações extremamente bem feitas, para a época, as animações faciais são extremamente à frente em seu tempo.
Musicalmente, eu não tenho do que reclamar também, a trilha sonora é uma das coisas mais belas de todos os jogos, subir uma escada se torna em uma mistura de emoções, até mesmo os créditos são emocionantes devido a escolha magnífica das músicas presentes durante o jogo.
Sua jogabilidade, como já citada anteriormente, é incrivelmente bem feita, cheia de mecânicas diferentes que expandem suas possibilidades e o único problema do lançamento original que era sua câmera travada em Snake Eater, algo que não fazia qualquer sentido após o lançamento do segundo jogo, visto que a Konami já possuía conhecimento e tecnologia suficientes para desenvolver uma câmera livre ao jogar, algo que é presente por sua vez em Subsistence.
Sendo assim, eu não tenho o que dizer além de que esse é o meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos e estou extremamente animado para o remake, mesmo com todos os problemas da Konami.

"You're a soldier! Finish your mission! Prove your loyalty! Face me!"

This review contains spoilers

MGS3 is by all means a great follow up to the masterpiece that was Metal Gear Solid 2 doubling down on all the things that made the gameplay fun while also coming up with new ideas that feel incredibly welcome, and a perfect way to end off the trilogy while also get gears turning for more.

Level design is pretty strong with the levels feeling like these jungle environments and military bases while still being linear enough to consistently know where to go, and every single part of the level is designed with all the mechanics in mind and are full of secrets to look for.

New mechanics like the CQC, Camo, Stamina/Hunting and durability all work quite well, CQC (outside of control issues that come with the PS2/3 versions exclusively) feels great to use and feels a lot more natural than just slamming the guy to the ground and then moving him every time.
The Camo system is absolutely stellar albeit it'd be nice to have some more exact numbers on what the percentages mean for enemy visibility ranges,
Stamina works surprisingly well and feels totally natural for the series and the hunting is a really fun mechanic especially due to how game-like it really is, no handicaps due to realism or anything.
The durability just works fine, It prevents the game from being entirely cheesed if you just hit tranq shots over and over, adding some sort of punishment for spamming shots and not looting at all, It can feel a bit frustrating losing all suppressed weapons though as looting becomes vastly harder and can feel very tedious.

Boss fights are really fun, challenging you to master certain mechanics of the game such as stealth, aiming and general weapon handling, though the final few are a bit more frustrating and dull.

Story is just amazing, you can really feel the Bond style coming from every little beat, but still keeping the military espionage, plot twists, emotional moments, politics symbolism, and humor that makes the series so great.

Over-all the game has a very consistent quality, but continues the trope of having the final act filled with the worst moments of the game, MGS1 had the backtracking and waiting with the keycards leading up to the very irritating or boring final boss fights, MGS2 had the part where you run around naked and unarmed and then the miserable boss fight with all the Metal Gear Rays, and MGS3 leaves it off the worst with a boss fight where you just wait for the boss to turn around and shoot, then a car chase, into another fight where you wait for the boss to be spun around and shoot him in the back, but this time with 2 separate phases, and THEN the horrible escort with EVA, and THEN finally the worst boss in the game, The Boss, who throws away everything you've learned about the game to instead force you to run around in circles, attempt a counter that you're not even told exists, and then spam buttons if that doesn't work and then shoot when they're on the ground, rinse and repeat (as well as being not only one of the few areas in the game with a forced fixed camera, but a bad one at that!) thankfully the game has about an hour left of story afterwards to settle any frustrations from that point though, and leaves you off with some of the best scenes in the series.

Overall, as with everything in the trilogy, a must play even for non series fans.

It's amazing that an already great game gets to have an updated release that bundles it with the original two games in the series. Talk about getting your money's worth! Only thing that holds back 3 for me is how much of the game is spent in the menus. That's more of a nitpick but I stand by it.

a boss nao fez nada de errado

Perfect game, best MGS ever.
I hope Delta lives up to this game status.

Vou parar de jogar pelo emulador e continuar quando lançar pro Switch em Outubro, mas pelo o que eu joguei, é ótimo. Só gostaria que os codecs levassem um pouco menos tempo.

The reason I was able to finish MGS3

What a thrill. Will Subsist again.

pelo visto, os 3 primeiros Metal Gear Solid são, em termos de qualidade, como uma escadinha, o primeiro sendo um otimo jogo, o segundo sendo um daqueles casos que deixam o seu antecessor sem chance nenhuma de disputa, e o terceiro sendo peak Metal Gear e/ou até mesmo peak Playstation2.

esse jogo é praticamente um reboot, não em termos de história, mas em termos de gameplay mesmo. se MGS2 foi uma evolução de tudo implantado antes, MGS3 é algo completamente novo, camuflagens, você ter que caçar animais pra manter sua stamina, A PRÓPRIA STAMINA, o CQC que depois de muito tempo usando você acha ridículo tentar jogar os jogos anteriores sem essa mecânica de combate (talvez pq eu sou HORRÍVEL e fui avistado 119 vezes) sinistro o que foi feito aqui.

quero falar aqui que as boss fight são muito maneiras, tem umas que não são tão marcantes ou criativas como a do The Pain e a do The Fury, outras que só um pouco melhores como a do The Fear, e o The End que é algo sinistro, a atmosfera daquilo é ridículo, passei duas horas sem saber o que fazer que nem um idiota e quando eu morri fiquei assim. A primeira contra o Ocelot achei ok, o Volgin também, o Shagohod é aquele momento frenético de todo Metal Gear antes do boss final, e a The Boss é bem desgraçada, nao faço ideia de como defendi o CQC dela, mas fiz isso 3 vezes seguidas na run da vitória.

demorei dois meses jogando isso porquê esse jogo aqui simplesmente BRICKOU meu memorycard (um conselho, se você estiver usando OPL no seu ps2, definitivamente não ligue o VMC jogando esse jogo, pior erro de minha vida — sendo sincero acho que meu memorycard só tava morrendo a um tempo mesmo), o que me impossibilitou por mais ou menos 3 semanas de voltar a jogar, até que eu comprei um substituto baratinho aí.

e acabou os jogos da franquia que eu pude jogar no console original, eu não tenho um PSP pra jogar o Peace Walker, e não me parece muito agradável de jogar no touch de um celular, mas vou dar uma tentada ou comprar logo um controle.

Still one of the coolest stealth games ever made for its deep sandbox and phenomenal pacing of gameplay. Story is cool as well just not in a meta way like 2 was.

Oh God no, Please. Please god,

The subsistence camera turns this game from a 9.5/10 to an 11/10

Kojimbo-san... I fucking kneel

Ocelot parece uma criancinha quando aprende a girar caneta, acho ele mt fofo nesse jogo quando ele ainda não é um idoso com o braço possuído

This review contains spoilers

Metal Gear Solid 3 takes a super different approach on the series compared to what 1 and 2 were. MGS 2 was extremely innovative in its own ways, but gameplay wise, it was extremely similar to 1 in terms of its mechanics. Obviously some of the game's structure is meant to be similar to MGS 1 as part of the plot, but mechanically it's just 1 with more depth and more attention to detail. Guards don't have the intelligence of a mole rat anymore, they can spot you if your foot is poking past a wall, they call for backup, they notice if you downed/killed their comrades and make everyone go on alert, etc. It’s a natural evolution of the stuff that was in 1.

MGS 3 ups the ante a little bit in terms of stealth mechanics. The first thing any first time player will notice is that they took away your soliton radar. When i was playing it thought that this would just be for the beginning couple of hours before they said sike and gave you the real thing, but once the game got into full swing i started to get really confused why they took my radar away. “How do they expect me to sneak around if I can't see anything coming my way?” was my first thought, and I was stuck in that mindset for the first couple hours of playing. I was using the top down camera angle that the original Snake Eater used rather than the third person free roaming camera that Subsistence added, and I was frequently getting annoyed and upset early on in the game. I was trying so hard to play it like the old games that I was limiting myself. Playing MGS 3 like 1 or 2 will get you nowhere, and once you realize this, the real beauty of MGS 3 starts to be clear. The environments are ridiculously detailed, and demand the player pay attention to their surroundings. The camo index is a wonderful mechanic, because it just serves to make the core design of the game more prevalent. Snake has to survive in this place. He has to use everything at his disposal to stay on top. You don’t heal with rations anymore, instead your health automatically regenerates relative to your stamina meter, and Snake has to hunt for his own food to keep that meter up. You have to rely on first person mode a lot more to see where your enemies are, and, overall, you have to be a lot more methodical when it comes to your stealth. Enemy AI sees even more improvements from what was in MGS 2 as well. They’re a lot more aware of your footsteps now and in general give you a harder time. There's also a lot of improvements present in the boss fights. Metal Gear boss fights have always been kinda zany, and MGS3 keeps that tradition up, but I feel that their design philosophy fits the series a whole lot more now. A lot of them actually require you to use stealth now. Most of the time, you can get the leg up on a boss if you stay hidden. Even in a boss fight like The Fear where stealth isn't an option, you still have to use your knowledge of the new mechanics to your advantage if you want a chance at winning. Of course there are outliers, Volgin’s first fight feels kind of like an MGS 2 boss, and the fight against the Shagohod is pretty clearly just for spectacle (which isn't a bad thing). This design philosophy is best realized in the final fight, though. As far as final bosses go, MGS has had it pretty good. Metal Gear Rex was climactic and interesting enough for a conclusion to MGS 1, and Solidus was cool in MGS 2 because you got to use the sword. However, despite both of these fights being cool, they don’t fit the gameplay of the rest of the game particularly well. That doesnt mean they’re bad, (same for the rest of the bosses in MGS 1 and 2) but they don't even come close to a final fight like the one vs. The Boss. The Boss has it all. A beautiful battle arena, emotional weight and buildup, and a decent challenge. The fight against The Boss perfectly encapsulates the design philosophy of MGS 3, and it's easily one of the best final bosses in gaming. Even if the fight wasn't a perfect blend of stealth and close quarters combat, it would be up there for the build up alone. I'll say more on that when I talk about the story, though. The only significant complaint I have about this game is that it really does not run well. I played this on my ps2, and there's A LOT of frame rate issues. Anytime there's a lot of shit on screen I feel like I can hear my ps2 begging me to just put it out of its misery. MGS 3 is VERY good looking for a ps2 game, but it definitely doesn’t come without a price. Fights like The Pain and The Fury are particularly bad. It’s not quite a powerpoint slide show, but it's pretty bad at times. I also can't help but feel like MGS 3 is most likely best experienced in HD. The game looks great, but when the stealth so heavily relies on seeing decently far ahead of you and paying attention to your surroundings, the 480p resolution of the ps2 starts to become a real hindrance. I don’t mean to undermine how good MGS 3 looks though, because it looks amazing. There's a lot of beautiful work here, and honestly im almost impressed this shit runs on a ps2 at all. The fight against The Sorrow, looks INSANE for the hardware. I definitely don’t think you'll have a bad time playing the game on hardware, i did it and it was just fine, but if you have a ps3 I think it's best to pick up the HD collection there, or to play the game on an emulator or something.

As far as the story goes, MGS 3 is a lot less “in your face” compared to MGS 2. 3 is still very focused on the story, but you won't find cutscenes that are gonna last 10-20 minutes at a time as often as you did in 2. Not that this was a bad thing in 2 at all, it's just nice that they reeled it back before they got even more insane (or so I hear) in MGS 4. MGS 3 also has less mindfuck “what the fuck am i watching” type shit in it, so its a lot easier to digest. Again, not that that's a bad thing, in fact it's what I love so much about the ending hours of 2, but 3 just tells a much simpler story. There’s less thematic density here, but that's not to say there isn’t any at all. I mean fuck, its Metal Gear. You can’t get out of one of these games without at least a little bit of political/social commentary. MGS 3 tells the origin story of Big Boss, the guy who Snake is a clone of in case you forgot, and It’s really interesting to play as him and have him be the good guy since he was the villain for both Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. One of the best things about MGS 3 that gets set in early on is Snake’s relationship with The Boss. They’re almost like Mother and Son. Snake clearly has a lot of love and adoration for her, just not in a romantic way. I also feel like it's pretty apparent in her death scene where she reveals the snake scar across her chest and says “this is proof that i was once a mother.” It makes her defection to the Soviet Union all the more painful for him, considering he just spent the last 10 years learning everything he could from her. Oh yeah, speaking of the Soviet Union, MGS 3 makes sure you know some world history in case you fell asleep during 10th grade history class or something. I always find stuff like this pretty cool, and it's even cooler that the game starts like 2 weeks or so (I think) after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Anyway, Snake and The Boss’s relationship is built up throughout the entire game, and that final fight is the perfect conclusion to it all. Throughout the whole game you get shown Snake getting his shit kicked in by the Boss in every close quarters fight, and the boss fight itself doesn’t disappoint in this regard. Other than Snake’s relationship with The Boss, Eva is also super interesting. She serves as this game's love interest, but compared to Meryl in the past, she's way more interesting. I'll be honest, I'm still not quite sure what to make of her eventual betrayal, as well as her being one of The Philosophers in the end, but at least the relationship between her and Snake feels earned. A lot of the scenes with her and Snake have their fair share of horny bait, but Eva and Snake have a lot of chemistry. (I seriously devoted extensive thoughts trying to think of some sort of thematic reason as to why you’re allowed to go into first person mode to look at her tits in every single cutscene she's in, and couldn’t think of any other conclusion besides that Kojima was writing this game with this dick in his hand strokin his shit or something IDK. if this is a bad reading of the games narrative then go ahead and make fun of me but i seriously think he was just really fucking horny) The scene at the end where they get about as close to having sex as they can on the ps2 feels rewarding, because its really nice to see these two finally have their happy ending … Or so Snake thinks. Yeah, speaking of Eva’s eventual betrayal, the end of the game is pretty crazy. I’ll spare the exact details, because that's honestly not really what this review is for, but it's super melancholy. At its core. Metal Gear Solid 3 tells a story of how the Government will do nothing but stab those who respect it the most in the back. They destroy at their own convenience, and allow the ones who did the most to protect be remembered as criminals. They will use anyone and anything as a scapegoat, so long as they can cover their own ass. There’s truly nothing like the ending cutscene of MGS 3, and it makes it clear to see why Big Boss ends up going against the U.S Government in games that take place later in the timeline. I have never seen a video game character have as much emotion in their face as Big Boss in that final cutscene, even with all the technological advancements in video games today. MGS 3 really humanizes Big Boss in a way that Metal Gear 1 and 2 couldn't. MGS 3’s story is an absolute masterpiece. I haven’t even mentioned characters who are key to the narrative like Ocelot and Volgin either. I could fluff this up a whole lot more by going into those two if I felt like it, but I feel like I've said enough about the core themes of this game and what makes it so good already. If you’ve read this far into the review and you still haven’t played the game then go and form opinions on the whole thing yourself.

Play Metal Gear Solid 3 if you haven't. It’s a good starting point for the franchise (although i think you should play 1 and 2 first, it's just not the end of the world if you don't.) and a phenomenal game all around. Shout outs to the credits song for being so good too. 10/10

Se no 2 o Kojima finalmente tinha um console potente o suficiente pra construir a base pra Stealth que queria, nesse jogo ele a aprimora imensamente. O sistema de camuflagem de roupa e rosto, de stamina/fome, CQC, tudo que não só agrega muito para a gameplay, mas que se mistura perfeitamente em sua temática, já que o 3 se passa em uma jungle, se dá muita ênfase na sobrevivência, que é de fato muito bem explorada, dando ainda mais profundidade pra imersão.
Eu disse que o MGS2 não tinha muitas boss battles, e o 3 voltou com essa característica, com bosses EXCELENTES, cada uma exigindo uma capacidade do jogador em um aspecto, e com um conceito textual expressado pela sua luta, "The Fear" sendo completamente bizarro, "The Sorrow" trazendo o peso dos mortos, e novamente o Kojima brincando com conceitos básicos do vídeo game, como na luta do "The End", além dessa ser uma das boss fights mais imersivas existentes. A luta da The Boss é excelente, o cenário é lindo, o peso emocional é bem trabalhado, e é muito divertido a liberdade proposta. A trilha sonora em todas as lutas são ótimas, e claro, "Snake Eater" é uma das melhores músicas já feitas para um jogo, maravilhoso.
É bizarro como esse jogo é lotado de detalhes mínimos, o Kojima faz tudo com muito carinho, muitas frases para situações especificas, torna tudo mais imersivo e divertido ao acontecer. O Snake quando fica em uma caverna que está escura, vai aos poucos clareando a tela porque ele tá se acostumando com o escuro, olha o nível disso.
Todos os personagens são muito carismáticos, o Ocelot tem uma presença muito boa com uma rivalidade cômica com o Snake, com aquele show off engraçado, a Eva tem uma progressão na relação bem interessante, e principalmente a The Boss, com nuances e proposta super bem desenvolvidas, o tema de lealdade a pessoas e ao seu pais é algo comum em MGS, e ela é uma das explorações mais bonitas sobre esse texto, uma personagem incrível. E obviamente, narrativa excelente, o 3 é mais focado nesse lado emocional do Snake, mostrando um lado mais frágil e sensível, não de maneira expositiva, mas bem sucinto, executando perfeitamente, além de claro as discussões principais do plot, se passando na guerra fria, patriotismo e divisão politica, com ótimos plot twists. Destaque para o fim, tendo uma das cutscenes mais emocionantes existentes, e a cena pós créditos, se tornando uma característica virar de cabeça pra baixo o jogo no seu último momento.

The perfect blend of action stealth gameplay, outstanding boss battles, compelling narrative and plenty of cheesy classic Metal Gear Solid dialogue.

It's amazing they were able to take Snake Eater with its static environment camera and slap a third person over the shoulder camera without breaking the game. I can't really imagine going back to this game without a third person camera, it's as if it was built with it in mind the entire time.

The introduction of Metal Gear Online was the icing on the cake. It may have been my first experience in a PvP online
game since at the time you needed an expensive add-on dial up modem on the back of your PS2 to even connect.

Eu admito, fui muito duro com você.

Probably the peak of the series, the camouflage and the injury systems really elevate it imo. Worth every hour.

This was pretty damn good. Hope the remake does it justice

thank you kojima for this wonderful ride