Reviews from

in the past

Probably the last good game from Konami. Outstanding graphics(even for today standards), nice mechanics , decent story, a lot of missions, strategies and weapons to try... The problems is being open world is a bit dispersive and the final is...incomplete.

they can chop your arm off, fire you from konami, be unfinished and yet you're still better than valorant

Never got excited for a game ever again until Elden Ring.
Fuck this game.

A lackluster back 1/3rd can't hold back one of the best playing games ever made, with a story that really does match the rest of the series when it's firing on all cylinders.

très vide comme open world mais des mécaniques super super fun

The end parts are gooch but the middle and beginning are amazing

personal note
(S-ranked all missions, currently doing challenges, a lot of side ops remain)

- 73% completion
- acquired Raiden suit :)

Amazing game marred by Konmai's meddling.
The IRL timegated stuff straight out of a bad mobage is so bad, just play the game offline.

Also, Mother Base wouldn't've fallen to XOF if Snake just bought FOB insurance, huge plot hole.

Don't care what anyone says, this is great.

This is a terrific game that fails to live up to the narrative its predecessors had. Truly this would have been better as a multiplayer game where you like, idk, shoot bugs on a desert planet for democracy.

greatest ever man, finna start 2nd chapter

one of the weaker stories in the series but the gameplay has never been better the gameplay is very creative and fun you can do so much in this sandbox

Everything is great about this game. I am not even a fan of stealth games but this game makes stealth extremely fun (as expected from a metal gear game). Its my first metal gear game and I have a lot of optimism for the other games in the series that I plan to play after I complete this one. It is literally a great game in terms of everything, I can't think of any flaws at all.

Eu zerei esse jogo num Xbox 360 desbloqueado. Aí, quando eu ganhei um Play3, eu comprei ele pra essa plataforma. Em uma promoção na Steam, eu também comprei esse jogo, mesmo que o PC não rodasse, 9 reais era o troco do lanche da escola da semana. No Xbox One, eu comprei a versão Deluxe só pra jogar com o Snake vestindo um terno. Aí, no Playstation 4, eu comprei esse jogo de novo pq eu não tinha zerado ele nessa plataforma. Isso é o quanto eu amo esse jogo.

for gameplay the series doesn't get better and for story the series doesn't get worse

One of the best games ever made, regardless of it's level of completion.

I'll take video games that unironically got me into Hall & Oates for 500, Alex.

This review contains spoilers

God I wish I could love this game more, I played it back in early 2024 after I had gotten my new pc and loved the beginning and middle portions, it was so refined with its movement and stealth options that just felt so great to control and play around with. But the fact that this game is half finished and the story starts to fall off at the end parts and the goddamn awful reusing of older missions for the later ones makes it so hard to fully finish. This was one of the last metal gear solid games I had to beat and I wish it could've ended better. But I'm still glad for all the enjoyment I had gotten from it.

would be great if quiet didn’t have a disease where she had to be half naked all the time

I wish Kojima was given the time to finish the game as he wanted to but we were still given an incredibly fun game to play with almost total freedom in how you could beat missions. Overall a very fun sandbox game especially later on even if the storys confusing

Would've been so great if it was finished. I find the story to be solid but the direction they went about some of it to be pretty dumb. XOF is the main faction we fight against yet we only directly fight them in one mission? I don't know if there was some hidden meaning behind why they decided to do that and I wasn't complaining because the gameplay was fun throughout, but the fact that most of our time was spent doing filler and side stuff was pretty disappointing. I also found almost every boss fight in this game to be trash. The Skulls were just a nuisance that show up to just fuck your day, and not in a good way. Other than these issues, I found Chapter 1 to be pretty engaging and the overall freedom this game give you to tackle encounters however you want to be genuinely impressive. The adaptive AI and the fact that the game basically plays like a mil-sim make this game stand out. I also didn't totally mind listening to the tapes to understand the lore, as the game kinda tells you to at least listen to the yellow ones to get a gist of what's going on. I did feel like a couple tapes here and there about Code Talker and Zero should've been yellow too, as they do add some much needed context. I also don't think there should've been that many required tapes to listen to, as some of them could've easily been cutscenes. Overall, I didn't have too much to complain about with Chapter 1 and found my time to still be engaging despite its flaws. I loved the darker tone they established with this one since Ground Zeroes and how that prologue set the stage for what goes down in this one. I also found Skull Face to be a pretty competent villain despite his lack of screentime, and the final two missions in Chapter 1 left a strong impression on me.

And then Chapter 2 happens. This part of the game is actually awful. All the story stuff that goes down is cool and there are a few highlights here and there. However, the game expects you to know when and how to unlock and trigger certain chapters, and if you don't, THE MISSIONS WON'T FUCKING LOAD INTO YOUR iDROID. This might've been because of the unfinished state it was released, but it is the way it is nonetheless, which is still ridiculous. I also thought that having you replay old missions with modifiers was really lazy. Sure, some of them were cool, letting you experience the same mission in a new way. But making us replay through some of the worst missions in the game in Extreme or Total Stealth just made the whole experience much more tedious. Not to mention, the ending fucking sucks. The final mission consists of you replaying the first mission ALL OVER AGAIN, WITH NO CHANGES, FOR NO REASON. THEY COULD'VE JUST SHOWED US THE CUTSCENES AFTER TRIGGERING THE MISSION BUT NOPE, YOU GOTTA REPLAY (more like rewatch with how many cutscenes it was) THE FIRST HOUR OF THE GAME. AND THE WORST PART?! THE GAME DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ENDING. The Eli thing never gets a conclusion and the game ends after showing you a twist that was clearly leading into a third act that doesn't exist. The Truth tapes do wrap up a lot of loose ends that were unexplained and were pretty interesting to listen to, but the main plot went fucking nowhere. Listening to the Truth tapes make a lot of events more impactful in retrospect and help strengthen the overall story but the lack of a third act still makes the narrative falter. It's truly a shame that it was never completed.

Overall, I should rank it lower but I still had a fun enough time with it. Definitely some of the best action-stealth gameplay you can find in the industry, even today.

This game was really fun. Its stealth was pretty top notch, obviously. Missions were creative, and sometimes quite tough. The only thing I really wish they had was a little more replayability.

Perhaps the artistic work that is the closest to being the spiritual successor to John Ford’s The Searchers. Instead of Wayne’s machismo and madness (the latter being given to Kaz), Venom (as deeply pathetic seeing that he’s a loser that vapes all day long) is a confused, misplaced cowboy who ambles around unsure of what the fuck he’s actually doing as he is left mute by the labyrinth of lies while also expanding his military empire and brainwashing people. Instead of miscegenation, you get the War On Terror and hegemonic languages. A deeply sad game of pathetic men who are attempting to convince themselves that they can get closure when in reality they are trapped in an eternal proxy war and are resigned to damnation. An absolute masterpiece.

Meu contato com Metal Gear é recente, o primeiro jogo da franquia que joguei foi Metal Gear (MSX) no ano passado, mas desde então, essa franquia só vem crescendo no meu coração cada vez mais.
Eu vi muita gente falando que MGSV não é bom, mas para mim, foi uma experiência maravilhosa.
A gameplay é o ápice da franquia, é incrivelmente fluida e dá uma liberdade enorme para você fazer as missões da forma que preferir, os parceiros foram uma ótima adição, cada um com sua utilidade para os diferentes tipos de missões, que deixam tudo mais dinâmico e divertido.
Tem também o gerenciamento de base que é bem interessante, tendo até uma parte na história que você precisa gerenciar algumas pessoas ou todos da Mother Base podem acabar pegando uma doença e morrerem.
A história é divida em duas partes (que pelo visto seriam 3, mas a Konami queria apressar o passo), a primeira parte tem uma trama bem interessante que envolve vingança, já a segunda parte é menos focada em história e tem muitas das missões anteriores com modos mais difíceis. Porém, as partes que continuam a história são muito fodas, principalmente a missão dos parasitas, a da Quiet e a "The Man Who Sold The World", e o jogo tem um baita plot twist no final que vai te deixar puto com o Big Boss ou bem confuso.
Enfim, eu não esperava que eu fosse curtir tanto esse game, mas acabou sendo uma das melhores experiências que tive esse ano, ABSOLUTE VIDEO GAME!!