January, 2023


2h 45m


LOVE. Totally won me over immediately - my two favorite games that I've played so far this year have been God Hand and Rhythm Heaven Fever and this feels like a perfect marriage of both games. The combat just feels great and it's not overly punishing (on normal). Playing it on Steam Deck with Xbox Cloud Gaming - I was worried about input lag but I've seen no problems so far. Played through the first area, the first boss set to Nine Inch Nails's 1,000,000 was great. Will be playing much more of this very soon.

Edit 2: Played more of this in the PM - the Cloud Gaming experience went from flawless to laggy mess really quickly. Ended up installing on my PC and playing more there. I'm still loving it but I want to get better with combos, will probably spend some time in the training area getting good this weekend. Overall though this game is great!



2h 10m

Man the mother brain boss battle fucking suuuuuuucks


0h 10m


Started to test the Steam Deck touch screen/stylus combo - might play more going forward though because it seems fun


0h 45m


Playing on Steam Deck with a stylus works surprisingly well - will explore more point and clicks/DS games with this method going forward


0h 45m

The more I play this, the more I think I'm not really having all that much fun. Yes, I enjoy the surreal inner worlds and the wacky characters/dialogue, but the gameplay itself is kind of just okay. Out of the current games I'm cycling through this feels low on my priority list. If this continues, I may just watch a playthrough tbh

2h 24m


Turns out that I've definitely played the first three cases of this before - I believe on an old iPhone. I remember bits and pieces, characters in particular, quite clearly.

Here's my first case mini-review: it's a glorified tutorial, the introduction to poking holes in witness testimony, pressing witnesses, and presenting evidence is fine but there's not much here. Larry Butz is fun and there were some fun (if corny) puns there but overall it's fairly minimal which is understandable for a tutorial. 3/5

Case two was pretty good, the emotional center of the Fey sisters drove the story along well, the introduction to key characters like Maya, Detective Dick Gumshoe, and Miles Edgeworth were fun and memorable and the supporting characters were wacky and added a nice comedic flair to the storytelling. The true-crime clout chasing bellboy, White's secretary April May and her distracting cans (and even more distracting fits of rage), Redd White's Blue Corp (nothing like American capitalism) and his overuse of made up words - all really fun and over the top. I really didn't like how it concludes with a sort of deus ex machina of Mia taking Maya's body and presenting us with evidence that isn't previously telegraphed. I mean it was pretty clear that something else was on the receipt but it doesn't let you inspect or use it until that point which was kind of annoying. Nonetheless it served its purpose of setting up a lot of the Fey's medium stuff which was fine. 3.5/5



3h 25m




0h 36m



Started / Finished


0h 37m




1h 0m



2h 0m


Beat the game! Might write a lil review tomorrow



1h 30m

Played a bit, beating the boss and stopping when the overworld opened up. Really liked the cinematic sequences and the new areas seem really cool!

3h 15m

Played through the Betty boss fight - I was frustrated with its difficulty, I beat it but had to do it a second account for some reason (68.7%)


1h 52m

Giant Bomb: Blight Club Ep. 4

1h 15m

Almost to the frog boss - got the big hammer and the bombs. This game is super fun.

2: Beat the Frog boss, got a little lost in the water area but managed to make it through


0h 28m


I haven't quite decided whether I am going to breeze through this game or bounce off - I like the cute wholesome vibe but it's almost too simple and same-y. Perhaps I'll slow play this in short bursts between other games.

1h 0m

Played through most of the casino, stopping at Lady Luctapus - I'm really digging this so far. The one sticking point is the combat feels a little clunky. I'm considering turning story mode on so I can mostly ignore the combat as I'm more interested in the story elements anyways


2h 18m



I'm afraid this might be 2deep4me - started this on the steam deck and I honestly can't make heads or tails of it. I beat area won but never felt like I understood what was going on. It looks and sounds cool but I'm confused and left a bit cold tbh

Played a little more before bed on the easy mode and had a little bit more fun. For a game this abstract, it shouldn't be super hard to boot imo. I'm digging it more now, will play it through.

Playing through the rest over an afternoon lull and I now get it. Level 5 is truly transcendent. While this game isn't really for me, I get the hype.

The X level that was made for infinite feels like a good coda.

Started / Finished


3h 30m

Enjoying this quite a bit - love the environmental puzzles and the metroidvania-ness of it all. The first section was a bit overwhelming as it was really easy to get lost but as I continued it really hits its stride in terms of level design. It's surprisingly challenging without feeling unfair

3h 0m


Beat remix 7 and rolled credits, played through to Remix 8. 8 is tough but I love that they mix in more than four minigames.

Over my lunch break, I beat remix 8 and played up to Remix 10 (the final level??). Hyped about the medal I got on Remix 9

Played an additional hour after work to finish Remix 10, completing the game :)
