I figured out that the best way to play this was co-op with one controller. Each player holds a half of the controller.

This is literally just a funny moments generator. I'm fully convinced that the vanilla version is shit, and the only way to play is to mod the hell out of it. Nothing against the game though, the mods wouldn't exist without a source to mod from.

As a Mario Kart game, I honestly don't think they can do better. They took the best aspects of all the games, and combined them into one that they continuously updated with tracks. Although they got rid of the thunder cloud, I still think this is top tier for Mario Kart.

This game taught me a few things about Pokémon. Mainly that I love the games for the first half, and then I get extremely bored. It's always the same cycle. Then at the end I realize that I don't know enough about Pokémon to beat the final bosses on my own. With that information known now, I probably shouldn't buy another Pokémon game, but I bet I still will.

I bought this game the day it came out btw.


Some of the puzzles don't make sense. Even after looking up the solution, there are no hints that pointed towards that. I can see how this would've been a great game in 93, but in 2020 it has a lot of flaws. Also, some of the achievements are actually impossible on the Xbox because they have to do with timing, and the animation sequence takes too long.

Fuck this game. This game made me fall in love with suspense and hope for a deeper story, and then delivered nothing. The concepts and puzzles were incredible, and the world was lush and vibrant with colors. I hate giving it as high of a rating as I did because I actually wanted to choke out the developers at the end, but I can't dispute the fact that the puzzles and gameplay were perfect.

I played it in college, and we would get a group of six engineers sitting around the TV staring at a puzzle until someone got an idea, and then everyone would jump on them as to why that wouldn't work. Honestly peak gaming experience.

First game I played for my Xbox One. Short and fun puzzler with comical dialogue.

The best part of this game was the sandbox mode where you could skip the morality part of making coasters, and make them with the highest intensity rating possible. I always just viewed this as an improved version of RCT1.

Is it bad that my favorite part was picking someone up with the tweezers and watching them drown?

Alright. Here comes my Zelda hot take. I don't love Wind Waker. I will say I love the concept and I appreciate what it did for the series. I really want to love the game, but I can't. For starters the art style comes off as cheap and cheesy to me. However, the main reason I probably don't like it is because I went straight from OoT to this, and then took a break from this when BotW came out. Not only did I take an extended break, but I stopped playing right in the middle of the Forbidden Woods. My number one rule with any game like this is "never stop progress in the middle of a dungeon." It stems from this game because I came back after such a long wait and I was completely lost.

So all in all, the reason I don't love this game is ultimately my fault, but it doesn't change the fact that I think it's the weakest main title I've played.

Also, just a general GameCube nitpick: don't invert both axes without a way to change it.

This game is cute. In my opinion it's a slightly lesser version of LttP. There's not much special about this title, but it's very well done. I think the art style change to the remake was a fun improvement. I 100% fast, but I enjoyed playing it.

True to the formula, and nailed it. It tried to be as dark as Majora's Mask, but didn't quite get there. The graphics were a big change by trying to go for a more realistic art style. A lot went right here, and it was a very good game. There was just something that didn't quite grip me like a lot of the other Zeldas.

I bought this from the Gamestop online store. I was so excited to play it, and it did not disappoint. Up there with the top SNES titles for me. To have some of these concepts in 91 is remarkable to me. Especially with the fact that they were executed so perfectly. Unfortunately I could not 100% this game, because one of my heart pieces glitched out and didn't spawn. I looked at guides, and meticulously searched every spot five times over and still never found it. Maybe some day I'll replay it.

The only complaint I had with SS is how repetitive it was. In the second half you just went back to the same place you went to in the beginning of the game. Other than that, I was a big fan of how Nintendo integrated the motion controls, even if they didn't work sometimes.

It's a skill based game for a skill I never had. I'm more of a Mario Kart guy myself, but my Smash main is Captian Falcon, so credit where credit is due. My brother got me this for my birthday thinking it was multiplayer. He was a little upset to find out it wasn't.