I played around with singleplayer briefly but was disappointed. Ive never tried public servers. But downloading a bunch of workshop mods, playing on a sandbox map with my friend for 170 hours has genuinely given me a lot of joy. This is the weirdest game to even log. I hardly know it, yet I have such a connection with it. Just a very narrow connection.

Third Strike is the best fighting game I've ever played, and it's the only one to truly make me understand why traditional fighting games have appeal. I allowed myself to improve naturally and discover my own style. I felt myself get better. This is what made me understand and love Street Fighter.

It helps that the soundtrack is stellar as well.

What else can be said? An extremely strong example of the potential for video games to be considered art. Flaws and all, a masterpiece

WOW. It's hard to explain the rhythm and almost addictive nature of this game but it hooked me so strongly. The aesthetic, music, gameplay. All of it is the perfect evolution of Castlevania from where it was before and it still genuinely holds up today.

This is where Dark Souls truly shines. In mood, gameplay, design, direction, and theme, this is it. This is really it. There's a sense of finality and respect. The last few embers.

A cute little game with a really cool concept

I'm sorry. I wish I loved this game. I know its significance. But I just don't. I just think it's fine.

I understand its context given the time it came out, but damn, the controls are frustrating, the puzzles baffling, and the setting a little uncompelling for me.

I don't hate it. Not at all. I'm glad I played it. It IS a classic. I just can't understand why the early Silent Hill games clicked instantly and this didn't. Maybe I'll return some day and love it.

It's still Braid, but just better in every way. The additional content is also kinda crazy and I wish more games would do things like it.

I'm not done yet, but god damn this is endlessly addicting

My girlfriend got me to play this one and it's honestly pretty fun. The abilities are fun, the variety is nice, and the atmosphere is charming. The biggest problem is the vast amount of unskippable cutscenes and just how short this game is. This game expects you to replay levels yet refuses to let you skip cutscenes you've seen multiple times before. It's frustrating and ruins a lot of the otherwise great levels in this game if you go for 100%. I'm sure if they fix this one problem then Peach can have a genuinely great game.


Replayed this one! I don't know if it exactly aged well and I still do seriously struggle with the overall "point" of this game in terms of its themes, but I do think this is an insanely important game and one that I'm really fond of