had to take off half a star cus technically there’s toad inflation in this game.

im really into simulators and shit but this game is actually asshole, unless youre a fucking farmer in real life, your ass is NOT understanding a single thing in this game. tutorial sucks camel cock as well. also more boring than watching two quadriplegics fist fight.

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Fuck tuberculosis

I could yap all day about how this game is great for its meta storytelling and its actual story, its amazing, funny ass writing, and its actual engaging battle mechanics that isnt the usual boring-bullshit-turnbased-rpg-snoozefest BUT this game has a snailracing minigame so it deserves the 5/5

they should call it paper mario the salami king cus of the way it SLAPS you in the face and puts that ass to sleep. honk shoo is me everytime i even think about putting this game on. it’s been three years since i got this game and i’m just now remembering it even exists rip bobby though.

Games so good I had to get the platinum

i like beating the shit out of colorful men

not as good as the first game imo but at least he has exaggerated swagger

i wish i could beat okumura so i can finally finish this FUCKING game

I don’t even like Pokémon games that much but this game is fun as hell like it’s crazy how much I like this game it’s too good