Games so good I had to get the platinum

I don’t even like Pokémon games that much but this game is fun as hell like it’s crazy how much I like this game it’s too good

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Fuck tuberculosis

Pretty much botw with breasts and children. Whenever I would play this game my friends would clown me religiously, so don’t play this game if you have friends, which is probably something most of the player base doesn’t have to worry about anyways. Shits weird man like the characters are mad annoying and it doesn’t even really make sense, like most anime’s, except it doesn’t even have anything I can kinda laugh at it’s just bad. I don’t want to go to jail.

God I love this game it’s more addictive than meth

Starting to go down a spiral and becoming a shell of itself (edit: i lobe mincreft)

i wish i could beat okumura so i can finally finish this FUCKING game

they should call it paper mario the salami king cus of the way it SLAPS you in the face and puts that ass to sleep. honk shoo is me everytime i even think about putting this game on. it’s been three years since i got this game and i’m just now remembering it even exists rip bobby though.


great game if you like being called a n* while chopping trees !
offers all the hostility minecraft lacks :)

best game ever made can’t be beat