This is just extremely ok, it's kinda fun to play and I like the vibe, but at that price it's clearly lacking any meaningful content and there's some glaring roster omissions.

Other than Exhibition it basically only has 1 mode which is meant to be super replayable but after about 5 playthroughs you start seeing through the cracks.

One of the only games where going for the Platinum actually soured my experience.

Hoping the updates they've promised build more on the foundations they've already got. The Stadium Stampede mode looks cool!

I love MW2019 and would have happily accepted more of the same but this just didn’t do anything for me at all. Was literally just playing it it to finish it by the end.

Also the first game ends on a genuinely cool post credits type scene that got me hyped up, this one tries the same but fails imo. SPOILER is not the Thanos they think he is.

Apparently the multiplayer is alright so hey ho


A very ok game that is front loaded with all the actual good stuff

Remember when they said “don’t worry it’s not really a stealth game”? The last 1h 30 of the game is a stealth section with bad checkpoints

I will get the platinum at some point though

This is just a really standard picross game that advertises itself as innovative but it's just fine. Good podcast game but was expecting much more.

Thought playing with a controller would be annoying but this game is bafflingly good. It's now my most played game on Backloggd (by 40 hours) and I'm genuinely excited to go back for the FF7 DLC.

I can't believe how much my opinion on this changed between slowly slogging through the main game, forcing myself to finish it so I can send it back, and then deciding the 100% it. Magical game (and also a really easy way to get trade evolutions)

I kept getting stuck on this and eventually just followed a guide to get the platinum. Really great presentation and a kinda unique puzzle premise. REALLY don't understand how this is the #2 Game of the Year on Opencritic, but it's alright

I hate flying and after playing this in 1 sitting on a plane I now finally understand what a “comfort game” is

Obviously still amazing but really can't help but feel this didn't improve my experience and instead showed the gameplay shortcomings compared to TLOU PT 2. Worth noting I've literally played all the way through 10+ times in the past 9 years.

Really not much going in with this one and I didn’t really like any of the new designs but still enjoyed my time with it… one day my living dex will be complete

That last trial is sooo hard wooooah, I’m not really playing this for the combat but this was still fun! Imagine they made a roguelite version…


Absolutely beautiful game, the story is 100x better than the gameplay but you can literally almost smell the food so I'll excuse it.

Release the cookbook DLC!

Genuinely haven't played much this year but this is my GOTY so far. It starts off quite slow but promising and then Chapter 5 onwards the game SINGS. Don't want to spoil the mechanics too much but the last few sections of the game are so satisfying.

So impressed with the balancing and difficulty of the levels. I managed to Platinum the game myself only using a guide for maybe 4 or 5 levels... how did they make a puzzle game like this. I feel like any time I play a puzzle game I enjoy it for an hour or 2 and then just get stuuuuuck and stop playing, somehow I am smart enough for this.

Only cons I would say are:

- there's 2 skill based boss battles that you can straight up lose which seems odd, the whole game is logic based but then you need to actually be good with a controller for these sections, it was fine for me but worth noting if you have dexterity issues etc
- expectations for Tetris Effect style music wasn't met, this is fine ofc but I was slightly let down
- I think the "set up the board and then hit play levels" are just kinda bad, there's some levels which are straight up trial and error, except it takes so long to reset and watch a level play out