One of the most fun I've had in a JRPG, and this was before I played the Royal edition, I remember coming home from school as soon as possible just to play this game, gaining more than 100 hours before finally finishing it. It has one of the best gameplay mechanic in a JRPG along with a very unique UI, the story is a bit formulaic but it's still really good, it also has a unique cast of characters which I liked a bit more than some of the ones in the previous entries. The soundtrack is also easily 11/10.

Probably the most engaging narrative I've experienced. I started the game with a high standard in mind due to the amount of praise it got, and honestly it delivers, granted the game starts rather slow but once you get to a certain part of the game, it's just that good.

My very first persona game, I remember playing this when I was younger and not understanding the ending, looking back I can see why. This game handles underlying complex themes dealing with depression and losses, and masked it as some kind of JRPG with a highschool/dating sim. The gameplay can get repetitive as you basically need to fight through all floors of this tall structure with little changes, the story is definitely where it shines, and the ending still surprises me when I finally understood what happened.

Can't stress enough how good the story in this game is, it doesn't even have a single bad case like the previous entries, a single mediocre case at worst. The 3rd case of the second game is even better than most cases in the series, while 3rd cases in previous games are considered the worst, so that should tell you a lot.

The soundtrack is also an easy 10/10, I still listen to it to this day. Also the only games with Sherlock Holmes.

Best Assassin's Creed game for me story-wise, and also a touching finale to Ezio's story.

The story is really dragged out by that I mean you can't actually be an assassin until sequence 6 and even then there's still some restriction to gameplay. The pacing is definitely a huge problem in this game. It's like you really have to grind the bad gameplay to finally reach the good ones.

The first Uchikoshi game that start squeezing your brain dry.

As like the previous games, it has an amazing casts of characters. The ending could be better, but other than that, it is a really epic finale for the trilogy. The Citadel might also be one of the best DLC I have ever played.

A bit smaller in scale compared to NI but it's still one of Uchikoshi's best mystery and I still remembered spending hours in my room cause the story just keeps getting better and better. Plus the protagonist is indeed based.

Replayed this game like 4 times, story is really well written and i still enjoyed it everytime I played it. There's always a new dialogue path I took in every playthrough which leads to different outcomes which I very much like. Plus Revan is based.

One of the best Trails game, a huge step up in writing from Zero, the story rarely slows down and keeps the intensity moving till the end. Rixia also shows up more, so that's a huge plus. The Crossbell duology is definitely a must play for JRPG fans.

The early part is very dragged out, but honestly everything else is great. Kreia turns out to be one of my favourite character later on, and they really turn the whole light/dark side to something philosophical, creating this gray area where you can see some sense in the dark side and the bad in the light.

I really love this game, it can be frustrating at times but it's a huge step up from the first game in many ways. Plus the Shrine of Solomon is a beautiful place despite it's questionable design.

This and Oath in Felghana are peak old YS, the story is really good. The characters (especially Feena and Reah) is based. Sets up the first two YS game perfectly.