This was a fun little indie game. Gameplay (especially combat) feels very satisfying and I think the cult and dungeon mechanics feed into eachother very well. I just think progression is just a little bit short, you arrive at maximum power a little too quickly and it leaves you feeling somewhat empty after the final boss. Nowhere to go.

I hope they add a little bit more to the game, I would love to come back to it in the future.

This game leaves me with a lot of mixed feelings. We all know you don't play this game for the gameplay (though I found it to be meditative). If that was the focus of the game, the plot would have ended after Higgs, the last exciting gameplay moment.
But obviously the focus of the game is the story and the themes. They do a great job of subverting your expectations in a fair way, and its always when thsoe expectations are about to be met. As long as you can make it through the slow gameplay (which does let up slightly as you make your way across America), you might find a game you enjoy.
For me, there were really great moments, but the ending overstayed its welcome. It was just ending for so goddamn long.

A decent modern warfare campaign, and it was nice that the armored enemies added some enemy diversity to a game that notoriously is just bots with guns.

Also, please stop adding crafting to games that have no business having a crafting element.

This was honestly a pretty decent game. I wish I didn't have to go in to NG+ to get the most out of it, but that's just how it goes with this sort of thing. Feels a little bit like a way to pad play time.

Regardless, the art and gameplay were both great. I enjoyed the boss fights, especially the final boss (though the first phase being a pushover just made it more of a nuisance than anything else). A good indie game if you're a fan of metroid-vanias, but the backtracking in this game is a bit... slow.

Giving it a half star more after completing it because the last two dungeons were actually good. The rest of the game is an uninteresting drag to be honest.

Someone stole my brother's copy of gta IV at a party and replaced it with this

Love me a playthrough of a metroid game haha maybe one day we will hear literally ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT METROID PRIME 4

Overall, this was a great game. Immersive, fun, engaging. Couldn't think of a game I think deserved a triple A budget more just so they could nail the sound design. While the graphics and animations are generally pretty great, sound always fell behind.

Despite the bugs and crashes, which were fewer the further I got into the game, I do like this game, and I think I will replay it on survival mode sometime in the future.

I think this expansion overall was just average, but the story resolution and new twists it brought brings it slightly above middling in my mind. The throneworld is so goddamn empty though, and it made any throneworld related quest so tedious, fighting everyone else for kills with new buffed abilities that wipe entire platoons of enemies in a second.

Started playing again to hold me over between Ragnarok sessions and goddamn if this isn't one of the best narrative driven games I've played. Plus I've gotten better at the combat and am actually fighting all the Valkyries which are GREAT. Sigrun is a BITCH.

I am bad at this game but I know there is so much potential. One day I will have the time

Cant wait for it to release on PC so I can take less than two years to complete it

Moving down to two stars, it's just so boring even though it finally runs well

I knew I would come back to this game eventually. The combination of city builder and survival really works, and has the capacity to really cram you in some tight corners. If rush automata that is.

Those things are kinda busted. But even then, I barely pulled through by the skin of my teeth at the end. My citizens worked through the last of the food on the last day, and pulled through in the end. Will have to swing back around to try some of the other modes eventually, but there are too many other games to get to right now. I'll be back one day.