July, 2021


What great timing, just finished playing the game the same day as Skyward Sword HD came out.


I started playing Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze a couple of days ago. As of writing this review, I'm on the 5th world (Juicy Jungle). I can so far say that this is the best DK Country experience I've had!


I've come a long way, and I think that the adventure is about to come to an end. It makes me a bit sad because it has been such a good and lovely game.


What an incredible adventure so far. I was a bit lost when I needed to search for the sages. It requiered me to teleport to the 'Mother & Child iles' but I had no Idea how I'd unlock the teleportation ability. I eventually ended up looking for answers on Youtube, which is something I try not to do, but I think that it's worth it when you're hardstuck. But after that inconvenience, all went smooth as butter.



I now know why I played the hell out of this game as a child.





Just amazing


I began playing Wind Waker yesterday and I do recognise a lot of elements sense I’ve watched a lot of Wind Waker speedruns but because the speedruns make a lot of cuts from the story, I discovered alot of things that speedrunners skip. It’s like a new experience even though I’ve already know so much about the game.



The nostalgic overload is unreal!!


The first game I’ve ever emulated! I did it on Dolphin Emulator on my school PC. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it ran. Averaging 30fps@720p/1080p but with some sound scratching which can be quite annoying but it only occurs on certain places where my fps drops, such as when It’s loading.


It's my 3rd day of playing this game and it's just now getting interesting. The story is spicing up, but there's still a lot I can't comprehend.

The cutscenes are very impressive but It's at all times interrupted by the skip-button in the down right corner, very annoying indeed.


4h 0m

I had my little fun with the game so far. But I still don’t know where the story will wander. There have been these theories within the group that something feels corrupt about OSF and it’s cooperations.
I learned that even if you struggle on a level, you can give it another go right after. It’ll go smoother and you’ll actually start to like the level more.

June, 2021


3h 0m

After one hell of a search after this game, I finally ordered it online, meaning that I’d’ve to wait even longer for the delivery. Because of the wait, my hype for the game died out just a little bit.

While I was waiting I got to play ‘Sayonara Wildhearts’ and ‘Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D’ that I got from not so long ago.

My first impressions of ‘Scarlet Nexus’ are mainly positive. Combat can be frustrating if you mess up at times but it’s smooth as butter if you manage to get the most out of the fight. The characters felt to a beginning quite flat but I’ve grown to like them better. Each character is very stereotypical such as Katane which is the stubborn, short-wordy and unfriendly character. I’m looking forward to see how the story unfolds!
I thought that I'd complete the demo yesterday, so I was certain I'd do it today. But, it never showed a sign of it ending. I eventually went to google to look for answers and I found out the DEMO is 10 hours!!!


Started playing the DEMO today, I was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful and polished it was.

This doesn't have to do with the game but my eyesight became worsened, it's something I've never experienced before because I've always seen well. I was therefore very scared, but because I'm writing this the day after I can say that it's thankfully gone.


I’m not very sure on what’s going on story-wise. We’re going to different planets but no idea why.


Very fun so far, the music is so iconic yet refreshed. LOVE IT. The coolest level so far is that one where everything is hidden behind a silhouette, very artistic indeed!



If no-one knows that Cal is a Jedi except for his big junk friend then how does the Second Sister suspect that there’s a Jedi on the train that Cal went on.

How and where does Cere come from??? If she’s looking for Jedis then why is she looking around a fucking scrapyard?

Everything so far seems very cheap. I thought the Ps5 version would have an significant improvement on the game but it’s basically the same as Ps4 pro.









My first Mega Man impression was quite awful. I did manage to kill the first boss, but I didn’t feel like carrying on. It’s not hard per se but at a lot of times just unfair and fucking bullshit. The first things you see are these blue flying copter-drones enemies that surround you if you aren’t fast enough to kill them. When they are within a certain range they attack incredibly aggressive and are not able to be shot at. Then you encounter these purple things that are irregular and shoots at random, there’s no way to predict them.

One thing I like though is that after all this bullshit you have been through, you kinda learn how to avoid it for the most part. It’s stupid difficulty just makes you go “YESS!” after have beaten the boss.
