One of my biggest achievements was getting the any% world record for this game, so that should say something about what I have done with my life. I no longer have that record.

You ever think about how this game, out of all the games out there, got greenlit for a TV show? I think about that sometimes.

It's really too bad that we never got any more games in this series, but it's understandable since Genius Sonority has been too busy making great hits such as... checks notes ...Pokémon Café Mix.

Was this game an unoptimized mess that validated your frustrations/concerns of Game Freak being unable to create a high quality 3D game due to some combination of being lazy, incompetent, time-crunched, and/or simply mismanaged?
Yes: ☑️ No: 🔲

Did you allow yourself to have fun after accepting that it will never get better?
Yes: ☑️ No: 🔲

Took all of the mechanics and gameplay from P3 and perfected them. I can see the argument for P5 being a "better" game on a pure gameplay standpoint, but the characters, story, and general atmosphere of P4G make this game stand out as the best in the series as an overall experience in my opinion.

This is the most offensively bad game that I have ever played, and I cannot comprehend how anyone could think this game isn't objectively terrible. It's as if the devs looked at everything that made the first two games so incredible and just said "ehh, nah".

This is the pinnacle of Mario RPGs. Surely there is no way they could mess up this tried-and-true formula later on in the franchise!!!

I still cannot believe this game is real. The first game is probably slightly better as a whole, but this is a perfect example of how to do a sequel that feels true to the original game while also changing things up a fair amount.

"Wow, that was fun. That was great, awesome." - Mutsuo Hoshino, world's biggest Katamari Damacy fan

The lack of direction was fine at first when the game was a bit more condensed with how long you could be awake, though near the end it started to get a bit annoying figuring out what specifically you had to do to advance the story. Still, the game is fun and quirky.

Great battle system, but the excessive random encounters and awful map/dungeon design choices caused the experience as a whole to be really rough. I could deal with the gameplay frustrations and obtuse story progression moments for a while, but I quit after a stupid death late in the power plant section if that says anything.

It's always a sad time when a series you enjoy releases something bad which somehow ends up as the best selling thing in the franchise, so now all future releases are inevitably going to lean on its design principles. The feeling of knowing that's what happened here is almost worse than the feeling of actually playing this game.

I started playing this game and then my girlfriend broke up with me the next week. Probably not related.


You guys like Indie Game: The Movie: The Game?

I can't rate this game as highly as Black and White 1 due to the story being not quite as good, though it's still better than most other games in the series. Sadly this is the last truly great Pokemon game, but it proved (at least at the time) that Game Freak could make a high-quality sequel rather than the rehashed 3rd games that they normally do.