Dark Sorcerer's Delight

Games where being an astonishingly evil wizard is possible and distinct from being a normal wizard, or even just the only option. Ideally very involved gameplay mechanics or changes the story. Probably won't include too many adventure games on here, but if there's notable examples I'll add them.

As the inclusion of ACS and Cultist Sim indicates, doesn't necessarily have to be a dnd wizard. That being said stuff like VTM: Bloodlines I'm not going to count because even the wizard vampires are more vampire than wizard in the end.

Included just because the Telvanni are almost as definitional as Sacrifice.
Law route is more intense than a lot of the other games on this list, so I'm putting this here even if you're probably not making Denam a necromancer.
Just pick chaos. Counts for any of these games.
The gimmick here is you're evil wizards as far as I remember (I do not remember this game much at all.)
I never got far enough to see if there's opportunities to be an evil wizard here, but I'd be more surprised if there weren't.
Necromancers are pretty much the metabuild in this game.
I'm not sure how far you can actually go as an evil kingdom in this, but I imagine it counts if Morrowind counts because of the Telvanni.
Series I've always kind of neglected, but I believe there's some solid evil choices in these. 2 I remember letting you play on the side of the evil brother.
Gonna be honest I had no idea what I was doing in this one, but it felt vaguely sinister.
Comical amounts of evil wizards.
I only played a tiny bit of this but I remember one of the races is just actual demons.
Even if the evil wizards are mostly indistinguishable from the good ones, the aesthetics sell it here.
More like playing Sauron but your henchmen can be evil wizards.
Demons and undead.
Mortals might as well be consumables in this game.
Pretty much the entire reason this list exists.
Descent into Darkness campaign.
Putting this because it's my favorite and there's a whole evil campaign in this.
I'm going to trust the title.
Like Shadows of Forbidden Gods going evil here is more like playing Sauron but you certainly will have some evil wizards as your followers. Starting the end of the world is an option.
A lot of flavors of evil wizard here.
Shapers dress like what you'd find if you searched for "evil wizard costume" in a Spirit Halloween.


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