134 Reviews liked by BOZE

As intuitive as any game I ever played, I felt like I acted on impulse to solve puzzles rather than thinking. In the game, you carry around whole worlds in the form of spheres, the premise will see you travel between worlds, using the spheres as teleporting devices. That might not be as easy to understand if you haven't played it, but it's a really clever idea that works well.

There are some puzzles in this game I have never seen before, it surprised me consistently throughout, and I am amazed that I wasn't stuck more than I was. They must have playtested these puzzles to the moon and back for them to work this elegantly.

Cocoon is an impeccably designed puzzle game with excellent art direction, but the narrative and the world felt lacking.

I had a great time blasting through the whole thing in one sitting, but I don't think this will be lingering with me for long -- certainly not in the way INSIDE did.

Somerville has all of Limbo/INSIDE's narrative design, but little of the gameplay design.
Cocoon has all of the gameplay design, but little of the narrative design.

Hopefully Geometric Interactive comes back in a few years with something that nails both.

Yall just had to fuck up. Potential down the drain.

This is some of the worst jank I have played in a while, and I like janky games. Even after these patches.

This review was written before the game released

How does a game about Pinocchio look so fucking sick dude

This review was written before the game released

Me when my mom asks why there’s piss all over the toilet seat

I think of you
while waiting in the rain
Take me away as I am exhausted in the dark.

This is the greatest souls like of all time, at least for me personally. A true love letter to Bloodborne

I expected to hate the combat and love the story but the opposite happened.

The story is trying really hard to be smart about the really dumb shit that has been made fun of in the past like rebooted universes and shitty characters like Nitara (before you argue, she was shitty you are just horny go jerk off). Witty jokes and actual explanations for stupid things like timelines just clutter the mind with useless information that does nothing for me. The only real fun happens in the whole game is when STUPID ASS SHIT happens. That Armageddon sequence at the end? It's the stupidest fucking thing. A GIANT cop out for a real ending to a boring ass story -- and it is the best shit I've seen in a Mortal Kombat game maybe ever.

I might keep playing it idk I'm really having fun with Johnny. Maybe the DLC will go full stupid. Havik is a stupid awful character so maybe the content might go in a fun direction.

I liked it. It's cool. I support anything cyberpunk I see even when it's made from a notoriously mediocre studio. I love the visuals and the voice acting, and the entire setting. I love the memory segments and how they deal with certain themes. I love a lot about this game, plus the tension is good. It's good for being the only cyberpunk horror game.

Edit: 9/10->10/10
A masterclass in Sci-fi storytelling. It's been a while since a game story captivated me THIS much. I loved the twists on common troupes. The structure and the way the plot is told was so addicting and the gameplay was decent too. And of course the presentation and music are gorgeous.
VERY SUBJECTIVE CHARACTER THOUGHTS, (not ordered in each rank)
Ei: great mistery setup and engaging plot, he's just cool
Ogata: Most fun plot setup with a great ending, love him
Kurabe: best plot twist, cool lore
Hijiyama: best dynamic, gameplay a bit repetitive
Shu: Really grew on me, best lore and great twists
Yuki: cool setup and great dynamics
Miura: underrated af, lowkey my fav
Nanami: worst prologue but grew on me
Ryoko: best design, great development
Gouto: not as fleshed out as I would like, his story is just exposition dumps
Megumi: Both fun AND boring setup but has a great dynamic and best ending, she a bit dumb tho😭
Iori: worst gameplay and kinda forgetful tbh
Tomi: Very important plotwise yet I'm really neutral about her idk

Super fun little game, with a banging soundtrack, immense amount of cool character designs and lovely art. Story was okay but nothing memorable really. Biggest con in my opinion, was the whole police mechanic. It was just a nuisance more than anything else, wasn't super hard to deal with, but the constant unskippable animation when your heat level goes up is kinda annoying.

I think that 40 euro more for 5 days early access plus a pre-order of the future DLC is insane, and it's not a business model I want to support.
In terms of the game itself, I was just sort of disappointed. Not sure what exactly I expected, but I would've liked better exploration. The world sort of just feels very closed off for an open world game.
A lot of loading screens, even for simply entering certain buildings... Feels very immersion breaking for me in this year.
It just doesn't feel or look very interesting or unique, yes there are some pretty places, but they're sort of few and far in between.
The fact that you can't fly around the worlds in your ship or even have a little vehicle or something to go drive around and explore in, is also just a complete miss in my honest opinion.
It's just immense mediocrity with nothing really new to offer that hasn't been done, in a better way before.

Maybe, like many others have said, if you're just looking for classic Bethesda experience, you will enjoy it.
I was personally hoping for a little more and was in the end, left disappointed.