well, at least it has a campaign.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 3.

shit i still play a lot of roblox games, there's some good quality on here. if you know where to look you can have a lot of fun.

gameplay gets a 3.

so much fuckin' quality in one place.
halo 1 is a great fun arcade style game
halo 2 has a fun story, and simple fun online
halo 3 is the best of the original trilogy in all areas
halo 3: odst has such an incredible story
halo reach is still my favorite campaign of any halo
halo 4 has a fun and simple online


masterpiece. best in the buisiness. you can pet the dog

i was playing a lot of csgo before, but this game made me switch. the abilities and shields make you think much more with your money, and the abilities add much more unique possibilities to the game.

the problem i have with it is that it's too competitive. games last around 30 minutes, and there are no shorter gametypes, other than the shit random loadout mode.

this game is lots of fun when it comes to gameplay, but i wish it was more welcoming to casual players.

gameplay gets a 3.

it's perfect. i don't see anything wrong with it. the story is outstanding, it runs wonderfully, the gameplay is awesome.
i love this game so much.

gameplay gets a 5.
story gets a 5.

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the first half of this game is fantastic. you're always moving forward, cole is a hero. but vice desk is where it all falls apart. earle is an asshole who never gets what he deserves, and the ending of vice feels rushed.
arson desk is good at first, but than it becomes so confusing with all the different parts.

the gameplay in this game can be absolutely amazing. the shooter parts are shit, but everything else is amazing. the interviews are so satisfying, looking around rooms (while tedious), is so much fun. and the chases are the funnest parts, while also used sparingly.

this is a story about cole moving up, and than toppling down, to then have to try and feel like a good person again. but his death in the end doesn't feel worth it. sure he sacrifices himself, but it isn't reflected apon in a satisfying way.
i do have to give credit where it's due: the goodbye from cole is both quick, yet impactful.
overall, just making it so that earle gets arrested, would make the total experience so much better.

story gets a 3.
gameplay gets a 5.

not for me.

don't get me wrong this game is fantastic, the detail and quality is amazing. but the weapons breaking makes everything so much more difficult, and the scarcity of resources is too threatening.

it may seem silly, but the difficulty of this game turned me away, and i most likely will not be finishing it any time soon.

the gameplay is okay, and the story is not interesting enough to motivate me to move forward. the open world aspect of it is fun, but there are a lot of games that do it much better in my opinion.

stamina is my biggest problem, i applied a cheat to give me infinite stamina, because otherwise the running was tedious and annoying.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 3.

the story is fun, the environments are wonderful, the guns are epic, and the gunplay is fun as all hell, but it all falls apart when you play it solo.
i picked it up for PC with the goal of beating it, but the aggravating enemies resulted in running through the level ignoring all of the enemies.
it feels like this game is so meant for multiplayer that it doesn't know what it wants its gameplay loop to be.
i hope that borderlands 3 fixes this (i'm considering picking it up)
the only reason i'd pick this up again is to have fun with a friend or 2.

the story gets a 4
the gameplay gets a 2.

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i want to start with this: as of april 2020, far cry 5 is now my favorite game. the story is amazing, and the gameplay is so much fun. it has it's issues no doubt but that doesn't change how much i love this game.

the biggest problem i have with this game is the linear sections. the open world gets you used to having full access to so many resources, and than the linear parts remove those resources.

now to the story, i fucking love the story. it's a story of slowly realizing that a cult is correct, and (in the resist ending) it ends with what you were told was going to happen, happening. it's basically asking what if immoral religions were correct.

gameplay gets a 4.
story gets a 5.

for it's time, this is great. but for today this can be pretty dated in some areas. the biggest part that upsets me is the lack of direction in certain areas - not knowing where you came from, not knowing where to go, etc. and this problem can be solved by adding objective markers when needed.

what i said above, mixed with the library, and the simple plot, i'd say that this is one of the lesser halo games.

though the reason i love this game is because of it's simple arcade game feeling. the gameplay flaws and dated graphics give more of a feeling of looking at the past.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 4.

this game is an interesting case. once you actually get into the game, it's just like any other BR. overly luck based, but fun if you do well enough. my biggest problem is the matchmaking. when trying to get into a game with friends, we could never make a game of all 4 of us, and we could never tell how to fix it. i recommend you play another BR instead.

gameplay gets a 2.

really fun! my biggest problem with it is how long the games last for, and how confusing some things can be. but once you're in the game, and you know what's going on, it's tons of fun.

gameplay gets a 4.

i love this game. it's fun in singleplayer, and fantastic in multiplayer. though there isn't a lot of content to keep you stuck. once i finished it with friends, i haven't had a big reason to return to it for long.
that along side some age, this game has a lot of unexplored potential, and i hope we see it more explored at some point.

gameplay gets a 4.