Innocuous Games People Are Very Normal About

To clarify, these are games that, despite containing little to no controversial elements, still manage to get people riled up in essay-long debates exclaiming how the game's an utter travesty or the reincarnation of Christ himself. Essentially, stuff you'd be better off avoiding the discussion on than participating in.

Obviously, if you have intense feelings on one of these entries for either end, that's fine! This is about the overall, broad sphere of debates, not individualistic opinions.

Any Blade games could fit here, but XB2 is next level. People will either convince you the game with surface-level modern anime tropes is an abomination, while on the flipside its fans will tell you these tropes are actually a deep subversion and will throw several empty putdowns and insults towards the other games to have a sense of superiority. At this point, if I do play it, I'm not even gonna bother with a review, I'm just giving it a score and leaving it at that.
The damage this had to FE discussion is insane. Like, Awakening was bad, and Fates was slightly worse, but there was common ground in both games that made it tolerable. Meanwhile, you so much as make a slightly mean comment about a 3H character and/or their fans, and you get a one way ticket to someone malding in your thread like you maimed them for some reason. This isn't a funny exaggeration, this literally happened to me.
Usually when a critically acclaimed indie title gets pushback, it either dies off or becomes vindicated after enough time has passed. Hollow Knight, however, still has people swearing up and down this game Actually Sucks Ass when it looks like a pretty typical 7/10. I have absolutely no idea why people are so vitriolic over this game.
I've tried writing an explanation as to why this is here instead of 4 or 5, but since this site is hostile to mobile users and deleted my note twice, I decided to shorthand it: Least amount of common ground on elements being good or bad, and numerous people emotionally argue whether FES or Portable is "the best way to play"
One of the most "rent free" games ever made. People endlessly go on diatribes as to how this """ruined""" Final Fantasy, or how it's secretly the best one in the series. I, a gigachad, think it is thoroughly mediocre.
Muv Luv fans are the Legend Of Galactic Heroes fans of the VN community
Mario RPG discussions are already a dumpster fire best to avoid, but I'm telling you as someone that was active in the community, SPM debates were the worst of the worst. You had people get up at arms over saying the story isn't completely flawless from one group, or if you thought some elements were kinda neat by the other.

TTYD and Sticker Star debates are also awful, but again, I've seen this game have some rather toxic shit that eclipses the others easily.
I don't think I need to explain why this, or the series as a whole even (excluding Ultra Despair cause that does indeed contain controversial, morbid elements) are inducted
I am willing to bet 500 bucks the only reason why the fans are participating in cult-like behavior, claiming how this is "the best Zelda game" either jokingly or seriously, is only because you play as a doggie and because Kamiya said he likes that franchise. I've yet to play more than a few hours cause its fanbase are legit that obnoxious, and I try not to let a community get to me that much nowadays.
How many 3D Mario fans does it take to change a faulty lightbulb? Three: one trying desperately to say the main vibes and atmosphere of the room is grand enough to make up for the jank as well as making it better than the other rooms, another desperately exclaiming that the experience is malnourished due to the issue overthrowing the vibe, and one to actually do the damn task in the first place.
Listen, I know there are people that genuinely like this game, and more power to them, I won't expend the energy ragging on since I find it merely bad, but come on... there are several other beaten horses, some of which are even in the same series, you can passionately defend than this one, """"""ambition"""""" or otherwise.


Also I'm changing my reply system to Friends Only because the last thing I want is for someone to get into their own lengthy response about it, I made this list for fun and as an observational activity

1 year ago

0/8 on getting too worked up about these, proud of myself
As a massive Hollow Knight fan, I also do not understand at all why some prople seem to hate the game with no reason. If there were any complaints given it'd be absolutely fine but some people just vomit all over the game for no apparent.

I don't really care at the end of the end 'cause hey, to each their own, and things in the community are usually pretty chill, but I still do not understand why this happens at all.

Also, sad to see that there's toxicity around 3H, it looks like such a fun and interesting tactical RPG, one of these days I got to play it.
@DJSCheddar I plan on adding more after remembering and/or seeing discussion on other games, but yea I figured to get the obvious and more notable examples out of the way first, especially since I myself participated in stupid ass discourse for some of them.

@DemonAndGames It isn't even like problems that're understandable turnoffs like how the map works or combat, I've seen people get riled over the littlest of things over it that I wonder why they even bother! 3H itself is pretty good, but I'm burnt out on it due to the abundance of issues the structure brought me, as well as the discourse for it being horrific as mentioned.

1 year ago

The debate of which version of Persona 3 is preferable might imply that Persona 3 could benefit from a definitive edition that takes the elements Portable fixed while stripping away the low-rent VN aesthetic it was confined to, but uh... Atlas wouldn't have any interest in doing anything other than the most low effort port jobs possible so I guess that's just not happening.

1 year ago

Noooo don't ruin my perfect record
@Weatherby P3PHD is so bad even by Atlus standards I'm frankly appalled by it. Genuinely don't know how you could fuck up a basic remaster but they somehow did it, even more embarrassing when you realize fans could do (and are in the process of) doing better w/ PPSSPP mods

@Cheddar too bad, ye shall suffer soon!!!

Also I just realized I forgot to Okami, gonna do that now

1 year ago

The character designs in Xenoblade Chronicle 2 is simply a bullet point in a long list of reasons I don't like it lol

1 year ago

3H is a game i have no intention on touching anytime soon because it both looks boring plus the discussion around it is annoying

edelgard simps are unreal
Now you see why I am not at all sure how to review FE Engage lmao. I can't think of a single route to go about it.

1 year ago

I think the most wildest (though not surprising) realization I came to understand about FFXIII's reputation recently is how Yoshi-P's recent comment about how JRPG as a term had so much negative connotations to japanese developers for a while can be stemmed back to when this game came out during a time westerners were really polarized about JRPGs in general.

1 year ago

im one of the hollow knight people, maybe they should have guitars and goku in it...

1 year ago

edelgard is right because she's a woman and i can have gay sex with her, rhea too but less so because im not into incest
Yeeeah people are real fuckin weird about Hollow Knight and Xenoblade 2. Like especially in the case of Xenoblade 2 I'm gonna play it for myself but holy shit the discussions around it seem like an absolute fucking nightmare that I will basically be ignoring forgoddamnever lmao.

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