Games That I Will Never Play

A bold statement for sure, so I tried to pick my games carefully. I tried to avoid games I've watched before but I did make a few exceptions. I also tried to include games for unique reasons but also, made a few exceptions.

Please don't be mad if a game you love is here I only hate a few of these.

Imagine being able to play P.T. in the year of our lord 2023.
Can't play a game that never comes out.
The original is perfect, is there really any reason at all to play this version?
I can excuse most of the dumb crap in this game, but the fascination with poop jokes is so ever-present that I don't think I could stomach my way through it without being blindfolded.
Jerma's playthrough of The Two Towers put the fear of God in my heart so I will avoid this game like the plague.
"This is the best Pokemon game! Regular Pokemon is mid!" They say about a game which features the KKK Pokemon.
I don't think I've ever seen a single Jackbox Game Tier List that didn't have Zeeple Dome at dead last.
Simply having someone tell me what happens in this game made me want to vomit. I would give up an organ before I ever play this.
I've spent most of my life accepting the fact that I will never be a Harry Potter fan, and I'm glad to see that I have never been punished for my decision.
My hot take is that I don't think a single NES game has aged well, and I can only think of one or two of them that are still fun today. The rest are pretty awful.
While this game does look fun, I have a very sensitive gag reflex. This is rich coming from a huge Binding of Isaac fan but I played that many years ago when I was stronger and built a resistance to it.
I find this game to be repulsive. A disgusting gore and piss fetish monstrosity that glorifies the brutal deaths of children for nothing more than shock value.
I have way too many trust issues to even consider playing this as a joke.
I think there are more remakes of this game than there are grains of sand on a beach.
My least favorite part of Alan Wake was the combat. So naturally I would love a game where it was only Alan Wake's combat system.
Ah yes when I pressed this button the first time I was sprayed with battery acid, let's press the button again and see what happens.
It's so weird that Pokemon went from generation 7 to generation 9, like, hello? You missed a number!
I wouldn't care if this game had better ratings than The Last of Us, this is probably not my cup of tea.
I'll take "Zero Cultural Impact" for 500 Alex.
I think playing this game would make my existing depression way worse.
I actually love this game. I also love my computer and everything on it. The decision between the two is not hard.
Look at how they massacred my boy!
I couldn't take enough showers in my entire life to recover from the experience of playing this.
I've heard playing this game is as fun as hitting your fingers with a hammer so honestly nothing but positive reception the whole way around.
No stop it's already dead.
I am never, under any circumstances, turning my WiiU on again.
A really fascinating game that I will keep a respectable distance from as to not witness more furry latex porn than one human can handle in a lifetime.
Woah wow transphobia yuck!
I find these self-aware commentaries on the video game industry to be, while in concept good messages, in execution horribly boring.
Trust me I want to..but..where do I even begin?


So you don't like torture porn, huh? Would you like it if you also had timed electricity re-routing puzzles? No? Random tripwires maybe? Wait don't go-
Overwatch was actually a pretty fun game, I sure hope there's no company controversy that would sour my taste on any potential sequels.
Mario Party DS could get away with being sequestered on a handheld because it was actually good.
These just aren't made for me, which is weird that games like this and Elmo's Number Adventure end up on the same list but I won't ruin anyone else's fun.
I tried this game for one round, I chose the champion that looked like Dr. Eggman, then I never played it again.
I don't think this is an unpopular take.
I won't give the devs what they want.
I have way too much social anxiety to look someone dead in the eyes as I milk a cow's udder.
I don't want to perform euthanasia on my last 3DS's touch screen.
There is not a single funny white man with glasses and a disturbing WiiU addiction that will ever convince me playing this is a good idea.
I have tried watching through this game more than six times and I can never finish it because it's so fucking boring. I imagine having to play it would be even worse.


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