Relentlessly Stylish

A list of games whose style can't be denied. Whether through its characters' fashion, over the top action, a stand-out UI, striking sound design, or the overall presentation, these titles can't be judged just based on their story and gameplay alone; they're elevated by being cool. Or at least, what I think is cool lol

Some pretty sweet aesthetics trapped in an unfortunate game
A jazzy, poetic street racing RPG, complete with a Final Fantasy style world map that you drive around and get into random battles in (which are races that begin after an FFVIII-style screen wipe). Plenty of racer punks with interesting style, a super cool UI, and an amazing soundtrack


I'd argue Tekken 7 with it's hitsparks and extreme camera angles and rage arts deserves to be here instead of 3

2 years ago

but 3 has way better visuals and cinematics, plus the replay feature and tekken ball/force modes

2 years ago

also where is ninja gaiden?

2 years ago

Vagrant Story and maybe FFXII
Both TWEWY games absolutely fit the bill

2 years ago

i'd nominate every supergiant game to a degree, but transistor and pyre more so than the rest

2 years ago

Not sure if you're even taking recommendations on this so if not, cool list and feel free to disregard! But I'd say if Max Payne 1 & 2 are on here than 3 might be too, given that it's even more aggressive about its styling, though in a different direction
@SuperSpeedRaven @C_F @PKMudkipz @Midrulean @Lynxelot @DJSCheddar, excellent points and suggestions, added some of those!
jet set radio/splatoon

2 years ago

REZ peak aesthetics

2 years ago

Nier Replicant

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