Games with best boss quality

I think video game bosses are a great way for the medium to uniquely tell a story with its mechanics. A good boss will usually be purposeful, testing everything the player knows about the mechanics, and in the case of story driven games, usually being a climactic point in the story. Most importantly, a boss should just be fun to fight, is that not why we play video games to begin with.

Admittedly, I need to play more video games with high boss quality. I adore them but I haven't really experienced many of the greats like DMC or Bayonetta, many of which are touted for their mechanics.

I won't lie it's only here because as a kid I thought these bosses were sick af.
Yeah yeah Metal Gear Rising is a divisive game for many reasons, but I adore this game's bosses through and through. Are they perfect? Well, actually they mostly are. With the exception of, maybe, two of the main story bosses, this game doesn't know when to stop delivering bangers, and the worst ones are never hard or frustrating enough to ruin the experience for me. I think this game's boss roster exemplifies everything a good video game boss roster should have: Visually memorable and spectacular, engaging and fun, testing your knowledge of the mechanics and making great use of the game's systems, not to mention the memorable dialogue, which will probably stick with you regardless of how you feel about this game's story. This game really has it all.
The third third game on this list! I really lament how much weaker modern GoW's overall boss quality is compared to II's or III's. Gameplay is good but the freedom and weight of III's gameplay, not to mention some of the greatest spectacle I've witnessed really settles for me that III is the best in the series. Hades, Heracles, Cronos, ZEUS??? Not to mention spectacle ones like Hermes and, uh, ahem Aphrodite are not bad as well.
ALLMIND and Ayre are probably my two favorite bosses ever and if every other boss in the game were dogshit except those two, it would still make the list. Thankfully, this game also has tons of bangers. The combat system, like Sekiro's, is enjoyable enough to the point where even the AC fights are fun and frantic, if not a bit simple. Where the game truly shines are with the spectacle of the important bossfights. No need for QTEs or fight cinematics, the spectacle of a mecha battle alone puts the bosses above games like GOW3 or FF16. Even the game's weaker bosses like Juggernaut make an impression as a result of the missions that they're involved in.
The second third game on this list. I'd have to say if we were to rank this game in terms of sheer quantity, Dark Souls III might be a spot or two higher. My biggest issue with this game is that I think some of the bosses are just a little less inspired than I would've liked. Many of them are mechanically great and fun, and the game's top 6-7 or so bosses are all GOAT material, but none of what they do aside from the top 2 or 3 really wow me in the way some of the bosses in the top 5 do. It lacks the spectacle of MGR, the creative presentation and characterization of Elden Ring, or the audiovisual bliss of Sekiro or ACVI. The soundtrack is consistently amazing, though I think Xenosaga III might slightly beat it out in that regard too. If it was more consistently memorable and stood out more in my mind as opposed to only the top 6-7 or so, it'd be an easy slot in for the top 5.
The highest turn-based RPG on this list and for good reason. Like some of the games mentioned above, having a good combat system really makes all the difference in carrying some of the bosses. In addition to Xenosaga III's supreme combat are the story significance, visuals, and most of all, Yuki Kajiura's soundtrack, which is my favorite in all of gaming and really gives every important fight so much weight where they wouldn't have had it otherwise. Also, E.S. fights are cool as fuck.
The vast majority of HK's bosses, especially during the main game, don't stand out particularly much compared to some others on this list. I think Godhome is where they truly excel, with the process of mastering each one and conquering the pantheons being among the most satisfying experiences in the game.
Not quite the outstanding characters that Elden Ring's bosses are, but the presentation is every bit as prevalent. Plus, with a combat system as sublime as Sekiro's, I think it'd be very hard to miss. Folding Screen and Ape Duo are the only really bad bosses; the rest are at the very least enjoyable, and at the very best, the most fun I've ever had with a video game. Minibosses are certainly good too and definitely better than Elden Ring's, testing both your knowledge of the game's stealth and situational adaptation.
Another take that'll probably get me crucified, but I wholeheartedly stand by it. Watch Magicat's boss quality ranking video if you want an apt defense of this game's bosses that mostly reflects my own. Just stop comparing this game to DSIII just because they play similarly. Look past that and this game's bosses, at least the Remembrance ones, are damn near banger after banger. Gameplay wise, they do have their flaws, but I find the majority of them to be both mechanically satisfying and a display of the Souls formula's potential, with the series' beest presentation thus far and the character work of Martin and Miyazaki only serving to bolster their memorability.
Oh would you look at that, a fourth third game on this list? I guess devs really need three games to refine their craft to the maximum degree, but I digress. While not the most mechanically intensive or narratively memorable, I love MGS3's bosses for being perfect for this game. The way they put Snake in difficult situations that corresponds to how the player feels trying to solve them is great. Truly The Boss to End all bosses.


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