There's really no other game quite like this one. It's stressful, haunting, depressing, and somehow charming and beautiful, all at the same time.

For being developed in about a year or whatev', this sequel knocked it outta' the park and then some.

I haven't played this in years, though I remember this as one of my favorites.

It's alright. I don't really get the Minecraft comparisons, though.

Other than difficulty balancing issues, this game is a great time!

Slightly overrated, though it is still good fun for the most part.

God, this was such a breath of fresh air from the New Super series.

Run rouge-like! For $5, I'd consider it a steal!

Wario's debut game! Aside from that, yep, it's a Mario game!

Charming, fun, short 'n' sweet lil' game. Boppin' soundtrack, too.

...surprisingly okay, for a de-made horror game on GBC. I don't know why, of all games to pick from, Nintendo put this on NSO, but hey, it ain't bad.

Even if you don't understand Japanese, this game is still easy to learn. Hard to put the game down, 'cause it's so fun.

It was fun, going back to the first game I ever beat as a child.

Call of Duty, without all the sugar-coated fuck-shittery in its campaign.